- 进入易损状态的目标受到非英雄来源的伤害也会提升(包括防御塔。)
- 普攻在每个目标身上叠加层数相互独立,不同目标间不会互相影响。
- 多段普攻效果会叠加额外的层数(如 , , , ).
- 如果触发强攻效果的普攻附带持续伤害或者后续效果,附带的持续伤害或后续效果伤害享受强攻加成(如: , and every follow-up ).
- 增伤效果与 乘法叠加。
- 强攻效果与S6的天赋 相似。
- Bug Fix: Now correctly plays its lock-in sound when selected.
- V8.5
- Vulnerable bonus damage increased to 8% − 12%(基于等级) from 4% − 12%(基于等级).
- V8.4
- Trigger damage increased to 40 − 180(基于等级) from 30 − 120(基于等级).
- Exposed damage reduced to 4% − 12%(基于等级) from 12% at all levels.
- V7.24
- Removed: The third attack and bonus damage no longer benefit from the Exposed effect.
- Bug Fix: Champions who run Press the Attack attacking an enemy who also runs Press the Attack will no longer have their stacks malfunction.
- V7.22 Added
- Precision Keystone rune.
- Passive: Basic attacks versus champions apply stacks. At 3 stacks, the target takes 30 − 120(基于等级) bonus Adaptive damage and is Exposed, taking 12% increased damage from all sources for the next 6 seconds.
- Basic attacks against a Exposed target do not apply stacks, nor can you apply stacks to another target while one is Exposed.
- Adaptive: Deals either physical or magic depending on which would deal the most damage.
- Expired after 3 seconds not hitting thus set the stack count to 0.