
Ohmwrecker was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Ohmwrecker item
2650 Gold (950 Gold)
Raptor Cloak item
900 Gold (450 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Kindlegem item
800 Gold (400 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Value of Passive

Gold Efficiency

  • Ohmwrecker Ohmwrecker is 94.97% gold efficient without the active and passive.
  • Ohmwrecker Ohmwrecker becomes 124.78% gold efficient when near turrets.
Raptor Cloak screenshot

Ohmwrecker's Point Runner.



Ohmwrecker screenshot

A turret disabled by Ohmwrecker's active.

  • Ohmwrecker's ability to disable turrets enabled aggressive turret dives that would have simply been unviable.
  • Support icon Supports often delegate to invest in the item to allow their team's assassins and other divers to focus on more offensive and defensive stats.
  • Champions who are powerful turret divers and benefit from high tankiness (i.e. Vi Vi or Malphite Malphite) may take Ohmwrecker to set up their own dives.
  • Champions that have passives and abilities that allow them to excel in turret diving such as Fizz Fizz, Poppy Poppy, Pantheon Pantheon, Tryndamere Tryndamere, Fiora Fiora, and Zac Zac can greatly benefit from this item in addition to their turret diving ability (particularly Zac Zac} as he also scales well depending on how much health he has).
  • Ohmwrecker simply wipes the turret targeting through the duration, resetting its damage increase.


  • Ohmwrecker is named after a League of Legends player, Ohmwrecker (aka the Masked Gamer), as a reward for gaining over 1000 referrals. Up until it closed in June 2012, Ohmwrecker served as the Editor-in-Chief of Voodoo Extreme, a popular gaming site that covered League of Legends extensively when most other sites disregarded it as an insignificant free-to-play game.
    • Ohmwrecker (the Masked Gamer) was also recognized as a winner in the "Minnows to Sharks[1]" program that Riot ran shortly after League of Legends launched. He provided consultation to Riot's executive management that helped lead to the Summoner Showcase and Tribunal. He also served for a short time as an original Test Realm tester. Ohmwrecker now focuses on building his Youtube channel[2] as a partner of the Polaris Network, formerly known as The Game Station.
  • Ohmwrecker is phonetically similar to "homewrecker", which was likely the inspiration for the effect given to the item. Incidentally, an 'ohm' is a unit of electrical resistance, and so the name may also be understood as "resistance wrecker".
  • The active effect is internally called FaithShaker.
  • Pentakill's first volume, Smite and Ignite, named its third track after this item. True to the spirit of Ohmwrecker, the track features dark, aggressive tones and an upset rhythm scheme.
  • After the item's removal from the game due to balancing issues, Riot renamed the turret item Penetrating Bullets Penetrating Bullets to Ohmwrecker Ohmwrecker in order to preserve the legacy of Ohmwrecker's contributions to the game.
    • The ability to disable turrets was later re-added in V10.11 with Volibear's Volibear's rework.


;V9.23 - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
  • Undocumented: Updated visual effects.
  • Combine cost increased to 950 Gold from 650 Gold. Total cost is still 2650 Gold.
  • Total cost increased to 2650 Gold from 2600 Gold
  • Base health regeneration increased to 150% from 100%.
  • Point Runner maximum speed reduced to 20% from 30%.
  • Point Runner movement speed now decays over 2 seconds instead of dropping off instantly.
  • Point Runner
    • Now works with fallen turrets and Sun Disc Sun Disc.
  • Passive effect – Point Runner do not include Void Gates.
  • Recipe changed: Raptor Cloak Raptor Cloak + Kindlegem Kindlegem + 750 Gold = 2600 Gold
    • Total cost increased to 2600 Gold from 2000 Gold.
  • Stats: +300 health, +50 armor, +100% base health regeneration, +10% cooldown reduction
  • New passive effect - Point Runner: Grants 30% MS that builds up while nearby towers and Zz'rot Gates.
  • Active duration increased to 3 seconds.
  • Time before active can be used again on a turret increased to 8 seconds.
  • Combine cost increased to 740 Gold from 665 Gold (total cost remains the same due to Ruby Crystal's Ruby Crystal's price being reduced).
  • Recipe changed: Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal + Blasting Wand Blasting Wand + 665 Gold = 2000 Gold
    • Total cost reduced to 2000 Gold from 2835 Gold.
  • Health regeneration removed.
  • Mana regeneration removed.
  • Added
  • Recipe: Catalyst the Protector Catalyst the Protector + Chain Vest Chain Vest + 930 Gold = 2850 Gold
  • Stats: +350 health, +300 mana, +55 armor
  • Unique Active: Prevents the closest enemy tower from attacking for 2.5 seconds - 120 second cooldown. This effect cannot be used against the same tower more than once every 7.5 seconds.


List of Items
