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- During the laning phase, you can harass enemy champions with zoned out. However, the mana cost of this playstyle is extremely high, due to small mana pool.
- This makes laning with
- Additionally,
- also reaches a little farther than what the hit-box shows.
returns to her after reaching the max range, so you can move your own position to hit enemies who would otherwise have evaded it.
- can be used to check for enemy champions in the brush, due to its slicing sound when it hits an enemy unit/champion.
- As
- A good strategy is to wait until a wave clears, or when they are running in a straight line.
deals less damage with each enemy hit, try to hit champions without hitting minions.
- However, it is still useful for picking off enemies after a team fight.
tends to fall off somewhat later in the game compared to autoattacks.
more viable, as she can replenish mana.
- Additionally,
to put pressure on them. Successful hits will force them to play safer and get - This makes laning with
- also resets your attack timer, which means you can use it immediately after you auto-attack to get a "free attack."
is a cheap tool for harassment. Try to hit enemy champions with it directly after an auto attack, or last hit creeps with a when there are less then 5 minions and the enemy is close to the wave.
- Getting at least one rank of mana in the process.
- is especially strong when laning against mage champions, particularly ones with delayed damage spells, as it allows you to regenerate mana fairly often. It can also heavily mess up combo-reliant mages.
- has a long cooldown when it's still rank 1, so use it wisely during early game. Because when using to regain mana, you are vulnerable to crowd control effect.
- enables to lane mid as it can counter most spells while also regenerating mana.
early is very helpful, as with a bit of practice you will be able to use to negate spells. With experience you can avoid damage/crowd control/death and recover - The attack speed and movement speed bonuses of work very well on autoattacking-reliant champions - try to put such allies on your team while playing .
- combined with can be used for escaping in a pinch.
- Given enough attack damage, and can quickly kill a whole wave of minions.
- Using , or together with keeps your targets from escaping. These items are also effective because has no natural form of crowd control. Getting a early gives you some much needed CC and gets you started on the more expensive or
- Since the bounces are affected by armor penetration, items like will increase your DPS.
- Getting a will allow you to block 2 consecutive spells thanks to .
- Be aware however that activating while is up will cause both shields to pop when hit by an ability.
- Consider buying a on since has a very low cooldown and applies proc on the first target hit.
- in tandem with will grant massive movement speed, attack speed, and crit. Coupled with a , the damage from just autoattacking while hitting can put out massive single target damage.
- stacks can be gained easily, thanks to high farming capabilities.
- Most ranged AD carry champions tend to rush , but due to short range, buying first instead is probably better.
- An early can help you with mana problems. Building it will lower your dps though.
- Keep in mind that she is very resilient to zone because of her , and being too aggressive might make it easier for her to land .
is fairly squishy in the lane. Putting a pressure on her can make her underfarmed or underleveled.
- deals entirely physical damage, and much of that damage is dealt through autoattacks. Consider buying armor if she begins to deal too much damage.
- Avoid taking free damage from her
- If you can't dodge it, staying behind your minion wave will mitigate the spell's damage.
- Also, keep in mind that will return to after reaching its max range. Being at it's max range could be advantageous in that it's a slow projectile, making it easier to dodge, but could also be a disadvantage due to the projectile hitting both the throw and return strike very quickly.
, by moving out of its path.
- Wait until is on cooldown before activating your high-damaging spell. Bait her into using it by acting as if you're going to cast on her, but don't cast. This will cause her to use up a huge chunk of mana, and put the shield on cooldown. Doing this 2 or 3 times can leave her manaless and unable to cast her spells, which is a great advantage to you as she's very ability reliant.
- is often very attack speed oriented. As a tank, grabbing a or can be a very effective counter her, and champions like and , who can slow attack speed, are also nice counter-picks to her.
- Although is a carry, she is still fairly powerful early game. Her hits hard if she lands both portions on you exclusively, and her and are specialized for one-on-one skirmishing.
Champion spotlight[]
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