
Titanic Hydra is a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Titanic Hydra item
3300 Gold (800 Gold)
Tiamat item
1200 Gold (325 Gold)
Giant's Belt item
900 Gold (500 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency



Titanic Hydra Cleave screenshot

Cleave VFX

  • The damage dealt by Titanic Hydra is classified as Umbra Blades default damage.
  • Cleave is not considered a Projectile projectile.
  • Triggering Cleave on a structure will not deal its bonus damage and it will not trigger the cone damage.



Titanic Hydra screenshot

Old Active VFX

Titanic Hydra 2 screenshot

Old Crescent VFX

Noxus Crest icon




Titanic Hydra item
3500 Gold (700 Gold)
Tiamat item
1200 Gold (325 Gold)
Jaurim's Fist item
1200 Gold (450 Gold)
Long Sword item
350 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Value of Passive on a level 1 Yasuo

Gold Value of Passive on a level 18 Pyke

Gold Efficiency

  • Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra is 91.67% gold efficient without its passive and active.
  • Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra is at least 99.04% gold efficient with its passive when bought on a level 1 Yasuo Yasuo and 113.79% gold efficient with its passive when bought on a level 18 Pyke Pyke.


  • Now purchaseable on Ranged role ranged champions.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Tiamat Tiamat + Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal + Giant's Belt Giant's Belt + 800 Gold = 3300 Gold.
    • Stats: 500 health, 30 attack damage.
    • Unique Passive - Colossus: Gain bonus attack damage equal to 1% of maximum health.
    • Unique Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal (Melee role 5 / Ranged role 3.75) (+ (Melee role 1.5% / Ranged role 1.125%) bonus health) bonus physical damage on-hit to your target and (Melee role 40 / Ranged role 30) (+ (Melee role 3% / Ranged role 2.25%) bonus health) bonus physical damage to other enemies in a cone on-hit. Cleave's damage also applies to structures.
    • Limited to 1 Hydra item.
  • Cleave on-hit health ratio increased to 1.5% maximum health from 1%.
  • Cleave cone health ratio increased to 3% maximum health from 2.5%.
  • Bug Fix: Cleave's on-hit damage can no longer damage towers. Note: It can still deal damage when using Crescent.
  • Combine cost reduced to 575 Gold from 700 Gold. Total cost unchanged.
  • Attack damage increased to 40 from 35.
  • Attack damage reduced to 35 from 50.
  • Combine cost reduced to 700 Gold from 750 Gold.
    • Item cost reduced to 3500 Gold from 3600 Gold.
V5.16 - Added
  • Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra
    • Recipe: Tiamat Tiamat + Giant's Belt Giant's Belt + 400 Gold = 3300 Gold
    • Stats: +400 health, +50 attack damage, +100% base health regeneration
    • Unique Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal 5 (+ 1% of your maximum health) bonus physical damage on-hit and 40 (+ 2.5% of your maximum health) physical damage to other enemies in a cone behind the target (385 range).
    • Unique Active - Crescent: On your next basic attack, Cleave deals 40 (+ 10% of your maximum health) physical damage to all targets in a larger cone. Damage does not stack with Cleave (20 second cooldown). Crescent resets your autoattack timer.


List of Items
