英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Due to Wild Cards Wild Cards having one of the highest non-global non-ultimate range in-game, he can harass very well. This makes him a good pick for mid lane. While the projectiles are slow moving, the long range of the cards often catch enemies by surprise. Additionally, the projectiles, unlike many skillshots and pokes, will pass through minions, and even do damage as multiple targets are passed. This disallows opponents from blocking with their waves.
  • With some ability power, using Red Card Red Card and Wild Cards Wild Cards on a wave of minions makes Twisted Fate Twisted Fate nearly unrivaled in pushing and clearing quickly.
    • Use this to gank other lanes with Destiny Destiny, as your minions will be pushed up to ensure your turret will be safe until you walk back to it.
    • You may also attempt to Red Card Red Card a minion nearby an enemy champion to slow the champion and set yourself up for harassing them with Wild Cards Wild Cards.
  • Pick a Card Pick a Card has multiple utilities. Blue Card Blue Card can help Twisted Fate Twisted Fate stay in lane longer as he regains mana back more quickly. Gold Card Gold Card is very useful when chasing down an enemy or when ganking since it stuns the enemy it hits. Red Card Red Card can help Twisted Fate Twisted Fate push, farm, gank, or chase down an enemy because it deals splash damage and slows the targets hit. The area of effect of Red Card Red Card may also be a more useful effect for peeling allies and kiting enemies than Red Card Red Card if it can hit multiple targets, especially when teams are fighting in the tight spaces of the jungle or at lower levels when the duration of Gold Card Gold Card will be much lower than the duration of Red Card Red Card
  • The three different cards in Pick a Card Pick a Card are in a set rotation. Blue Card Blue Card, then Red Card Red Card, then Gold Card Gold Card, and it repeats; the starting card may differ each time you use Pick a Card Pick a Card, but it will always follow that rotation. This rotation is very important to allow you to predict the time it will take for you to lock in a card and throw it.
    • The card last chosen can be the first card available when Pick a Card Pick a Card is available again. Despite locking a specific card, the ability will still cycle the card rotation every time the card above Twisted Fate Twisted Fate pulsates. Thus, if you throw the desired card immediately after locking it before it has a chance to pulsate again, or every three pulses after locking it, the next card will be the one you last locked.
      • Even if you will not manage to immediately grab the exact same card, counting the beats after the card you chose can still tip you off toward grabbing the same card again from the current card for the next time you activate the ability.
  • Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is relatively fragile (squishy) so make sure you keep your distance. Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is capable of repeatedly stunning one opponent (with Gold Card Gold Card) or slowing multiple opponents (with Red Card Red Card) every few seconds, even more often with cooldown reduction from Stacked Deck Stacked Deck. Abuse this while chasing, ganking and escaping pursuers.
  • Stacked Deck Stacked Deck provides a lot of cooldown reduction. Combined with Crest of the Ancient Golem Crest of the Ancient Golem and masteries it is very easy to get max cooldown reduction.
  • The abilities of Twisted Fate Twisted Fate may have low cooldowns, but an ability power-focused Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is nonetheless highly vulnerable while his abilities cooldown. Avoid committed fights against enemies with a current health count that you can't easily burst down with Pick a Card Pick a Card and Wild Cards Wild Cards, as AP Twisted Fate Twisted Fate will almost certainly lose to them.
  • Destiny Destiny and Gate Gate can be used to quickly backdoor enemy structures. Used in conjuction with another great backdoor ability, Pick a Card Pick a Card, as the bonus damage is applied to turrets, it's pretty difficult for enemies to defend.
  • Picking Stacked Deck Stacked Deck as your first ability can lead to a large amount of single target damage, combined with attack speed runes, it is a very good way to get first blood. However, Gold Card Gold Card helps greatly, and so waiting until you are level 2 can give you better chances of a kill.
  • Map awareness is key to proper use of Destiny Destiny. Look around the map carefully while farming or traveling for potential foes.
    • Be sure to ping onto targets just in case your allies don't have the same map awareness as you do when you plan to use it! Twisted Fate Twisted Fate using Gate Gate against a sole target is unlikely to work well while the cooldown of Destiny Destiny is fairly long for a lot of the game.
  • It is generally a good plan to have a card already chosen by Pick a Card Pick a Card before using Destiny Destiny, especially if you're going to land close to your enemy. You should lock onto Gold Card Gold Card and then activate Destiny Destiny and its secondary effect, Gate Gate, to gank an enemy. You can also use Pick a Card Pick a Card while channeling Gate Gate, allowing for a faster Gate Gate due to not having to spend time locking onto Gold Card Gold Card.
    • Make sure not to use Pick a Card Pick a Card too early either, as having your Gold Card Gold Card run out as you Gate Gate will lead to embarrassment and likely a fruitless death.
  • Keep in mind that Destiny Destiny will pop your enemy's Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil but this will also prevent him/her from being revealed by your ultimate (you can still use Gate Gate though). Meaning that against a team with multiple Veils, you can use Destiny Destiny to pop their shields before a big teamfight. Be warned that fleeing low-health enemies will likely be guarded by their allies that remain invisible to your ultimate (and you will only know it after teleporting to kill them and be ganked yourself). Coordinate with your allies for the best time to use Destiny Destiny to ambush enemies.
  • In a pinch, try to either juke your enemy and then run into a bush, or stun them with Gold Card Gold Card. If successful, pop your ultimate and start teleporting away with Gate Gate. By the time the enemy has a chance to attack you again, you should be a safe distance away. This technique can even work out in the open without Gold Card Gold Card if you wait for the enemy to pop all their crowd control first.
  • Twisted Fate Twisted Fate's primary combo to harass is to activate Gold Card Gold Card, walk into attack range and stun the enemy, then follow it up with Wild Cards Wild Cards and walk away while the enemy tries to dodge the attack. Twisted Fate Twisted Fate can then use Blue Card Blue Card to last hit while regenerating mana and do the combo all over again. This combo is not foolproof because enemies will realize when Twisted Fate Twisted Fate activates Pick a Card Pick a Card and be prepared to fall back, or even use Twisted Fate Twisted Fate's short autoattack-range for applying the effects of Pick a Card Pick a Card to easily predict where he will have to walk to use it to set up skillshots.



Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring


  • Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is relatively fragile at early game, putting an aggressive pressure on the lane can make him underleveled or underfarmed.
  • Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has fairly poor sustained damage with an AP build - if you can get movement-affecting crowd control on him before he stuns you as a champion with a greater sustained damage potential, you may be able to turn the trade in your favour.
  • As Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has no escapes (besides Gate Gate) and relies on either Red Card Red Card or Gold Card Gold Card to keep enemies away from him, focusing him as a team is very difficult for Twisted Fate Twisted Fate to personally deal with.
  • While Wild Cards Wild Cards has a nearly unmatched range that makes stopping Twisted Fate Twisted Fate from farming while he has mana to cast it impossible, you can harass him when he uses Blue Card Blue Card as it's limited to the range of his basic attacks.
  • The Wild Cards Wild Cards can be tricky to dodge as it travels in 3 lines and moves a long distance. Instead of going back, try to sidestep the spell.
  • Take care when Twisted Fate Twisted Fate uses his Pick a Card Pick a Card.
    • When he uses a Red Card Red Card, move away from your allies to avoid getting slowed by it.
    • When he uses a Gold Card Gold Card, try to dodge from him until the spell wears off.
    • It's better to save your channeled abilities until Twisted Fate Twisted Fate uses his Gold Card Gold Card or Pick a Card Pick a Card.
  • When you are under the effect of Destiny Destiny, be prepared for a gank as his Gate Gate allows him to teleport to a huge range in the map.
    • Gate Gate has a noticeable channeling with a marked location - this can leave him an easy target for skillshots. If the skillshots apply crowd control, this can stop Twisted Fate Twisted Fate from getting you killed - or maybe even turn the gank onto him!
    • Dashes and blinks, if saved, may allow you to avoid Gold Card Gold Card if used while Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is teleporting to a location on top of you.

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