(r2.7.10) (机器人:添加en:The Great Barrier, fr:Grande Barrière, pl:Wielka Bariera
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2016年9月3日 (六) 10:04的最新版本

The Great Barrier is a mountain range stretching from east to west across Valoran, dividing the continent into two large pieces. Its most famous peak is Mount Targon, home to Pantheon Pantheon, Leona Leona, and Diana Diana, and the most well-known pass through it is Mogron Pass. It is known as the Great Barrier because it divides Valoran between north and south. North of the Great Barrier stands most of Valoran's city-states, while most of what lies south of the Great Barrier is wasteland and wild places with occasional ruins from Rune Wars past. There are many Minotaur tribes that live along the Great Barrier, including the one from which Alistar Alistar harks.


Champion Ties
Alistar, the Minotaur Alistar, the Minotaur Birthplace; Mightiest warrior of all the minotaur tribes