

Patch History[]

  • AP ratio reduced to 15% AP from 25% AP.
  • Health ratio reduced to 9% bonus health from 12%.
  • Base shield reduced to 70 − 150(基于等级) from 80 − 200(基于等级).
  • Trigger radius increased increased to 350 units from 175.
  • New Effect: Now triggers upon receiving 90 − 250(基于等级) post-mitigation damage in the last 2.5 seconds, or upon receiving lethal damage. Previously triggered on any amount of damage.
  • Base shield increased to 80 − 200(基于等级) from 70 − 150(基于等级).
  • Removed: No longer grants 20% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
  • Shield duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.
  • Guarded duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.
  • Bug Fix: Abilities that cannot target allies will not trigger it.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip now properly indicates an ability power ratio of 25% instead of 0.25 or 0.25%.
  • Bug Fix: No longer incorrectly activates from ally corpses.
  • Cooldown changed to 70 − 40(基于等级) seconds from 45 at all levels.
  • Base shield strength increased to 70 − 150(基于等级) from 60 − 150(基于等级).
  • AP ratio increased to 25% AP from 20% AP.
  • Bonus health ratio increased to 12% of bonus health from 10%.
V7.22 Added
  • Resolve icon Resolve Keystone rune.
    • Passive: While within 175 units of an allied champion, you raise your Guard. Allied champions you affect with unit-targeted abilities are also Guarded for 2.5 seconds, irrelevant of distance.
    • If you or a Guarded ally would take damage from an enemy champion, you both first gain a shield for 60 − 150(基于等级) (+ 20% Guardian's AP) (+ 10% Guardian's bonus health) as well as 20% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
    • Guardian only goes on cooldown when the shield is triggered.
    • The auto-targeted shield from Thresh's Thresh's Dark Passage Dark Passage has been special-cased to apply Guard, but no other auto-targeted ability will apply the effect. Other targeting types are also excluded.
    • Cooldown: 45 seconds.

