For the trinket, see: Arcane Sweeper Arcane Sweeper

Arcane Sweeper (Item) was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Item item
2150 Gold (450 Gold)
Glacial Shroud item
900 Gold (250 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Kindlegem item
800 Gold (400 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

Similar Items[]


  • While the item got removed the game, it is still available while playing Featured Game Mode icon Featured Game Modes on the Dominated Dominion profileicon Crystal Scar map, such as Shuriman Ascendant profileicon Ascension or Dominated Dominion profileicon Definitely Not Dominion.
    • It is still available there because when the item was removed from the Crystal Scar, it was due to the Dominion game mode being removed from the game, not because the item was actually removed.

Patch History[]

  • Renamed to Arcane Sweeper from Hextech Sweeper.
V6.3 February 22nd 2016
  • Removed from the Dominion game mode due to it being removed from the game.
  • The item is still available on featured game modes on the Crystal Scar.
  • Total cost increased to 2150 Gold from 2130 Gold.
    • Combine cost increased to 350 Gold from 330 Gold.
  • Total cost reduced to 2080 Gold from 2130 Gold.
  • New Recipe: Glacial Shroud Glacial Shroud + Kindlegem Kindlegem + 330 Gold = 2130 Gold.
  • Health reduced to 225 from 250.
  • New Effect: Now grants 25 armor.
  • New Effect: Now grants 250 mana.
  • Removed: +40 ability power.
  • Total cost reduced to 2000 Gold from 2200 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 330 Gold from 530 Gold.
  • New Recipe: Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + Kindlegem Kindlegem + 530 Gold = 2200 Gold.
  • Health reduced to 250 from 300.
  • Ability power reduced to 40 from 50.
  • Removed Unique Passive: +10% movement speed.
  • Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%.
  • Removed: Cooldown reduction being unique.
  • Revealing mist duration reduced to 5 seconds from 10.
  • Lingering reveal duration reduced to 3 seconds from 6.
  • Active cast range decreased to 800 from 1200.
  • New Unique Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
  • New Recipe: Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + Kindlegem Kindlegem + 200 Gold = 1920 Gold.
  • Ability power increased to 50 from 25.
  • New Effect: Now grants 300 health.
  • Unique Passive: +10% cooldown reduction.
  • Unique Passive: +10% movement speed.
  • Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • New Recipe: Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + Kindlegem Kindlegem + 150 Gold = 1435 Gold.
    • Old Recipe: ?
  • Ability power reduced to 25 from 40.
  • Active duration increased to 10 seconds from 6.
  • Tooltip updated to be clearer its passive grants true sight.
  • Targeting cursor, particle, and vision debuff updated.
V1.0.0.125 - Added
  • Hextech Sweeper Hextech Sweeper
    • Recipe: ?
    • Stats: +40 ability power.
    • Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 6 seconds (60 second cooldown).


List of Items
