- 即使你没有获得敌方英雄的视野,你仍能看到彗星从敌方英雄位置处飞出。因此会暴露携带者的位置。
- 当携带者死亡后,尸体周围看不到彗星。但如果其技能命中英雄,依旧可以减少彗星的冷却时间。
- 奥术彗星效果可以被
Patch History[]
- Undocumented: No longer triggers spell effects.
- V8.1
- Bug Fix: Now has ally/enemy color differentiation.
- Bug Fix: Tooltip now properly lists its base damage.
- V7.24
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it had a minimap icon.
- V7.23
- Bug Fix: Can now properly proc off the empowered attack of .
- V7.22 Added
Sorcery Keystone rune.
- Passive: Damaging an enemy champion with an ability hurls an Arcane Comet at their current location, dealing 30 − 100(基于等级) (+ 20% AP) (+ 35% bonus AD)
Adaptive damage after a brief delay.
- Damaging enemy champions with an ability reduces the remaining cooldown.
Single target: 20%
Area of effect /
Multi-hit : 10% per enemy hit
Damage over time: 5%
- Adaptive: Deals either physical or magic depending on which would deal the most damage.
- Cooldown: 20 − 8(基于等级) seconds.
- Passive: Damaging an enemy champion with an ability hurls an Arcane Comet at their current location, dealing 30 − 100(基于等级) (+ 20% AP) (+ 35% bonus AD)