"You belong in a museum!"
"You belong in a museum!"
;V9.23 - Removed
- Removed from the game since has been removed.
- V8.2
- V7.22 Added
- Obtained with
- Consume: Grants True Sight as well as the ability to detect hidden units within a 500-unit detection radius for 15 − 40 (based on level) seconds. The detection will ignore terrain and brush.
- True Sight will reveal both stealthed and invisible enemies.
- Detection highlights units, traps and wards as a red silhouette.
- Can be sold for 30 .
- Consume: Grants True Sight as well as the ability to detect hidden units within a 500-unit detection radius for 15 − 40 (based on level) seconds. The detection will ignore terrain and brush.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Mythic items
- Ornn's Mythic item upgrades
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Removed items
"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 Looted Oracle's Extract 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2020-11-05 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。 |