Offense Mastery Tree
Defense Mastery Tree
Utility Mastery Tree
The Mastery is the way that a summoner is able to focus their intense magical training into three specific categories, which collectively are known as masteries. Some of the more advanced masteries require not only a working knowledge of previous masteries within a single category, but also the knowledge of a specific mastery. As a summoner gains levels of power within the League of Legends, they are able to select which specific areas of interest to focus on.
Summoner masteries are not set in stone; based on the type of champion you wish to control in a battle arena, masteries can be changed to better suit a summoner's needs, simply by pressing the "Return Points" button to completely reset your masteries and allow yourself to choose others in which to spend your points ("re-spec").
With each level that a Summoner gets, the Summoner also gains one mastery point. Thus, with the current maximum level of 30, one is able to use 30 mastery points at their best. Each mastery takes one point to increase its level and each tree contains at least 37 points worth of masteries, so even at top level the Summoner is not able to completely fill any one tree, let alone all trees. This adds a strategic element to your selection of Summoner masteries, as you can choose masteries that synergize with your champion, spells, and teammates.
It is important to note that most masteries require points in the tree. When moving to higher levels in the tree (higher "tiers"), one will encounter an increasing prerequisite of a 4 points spent in that tree. For example, in order to put points into Alacrity (a tier-2 offense mastery), one must first put a total of 4 points into any of the tier-1 offense masteries, and to put a point into Juggernaut (the tier-6 defense skill), one must have 20 points in other defense masteries. A summoner must have at least 21 points (so level 21) to acquire the last mastery in a tree. The last mastery is usually the most useful and vital to that particular mastery tree.
Some masteries require another mastery to be earned before a higher tier mastery is available. This more direct type of prerequisite is shown by the grey lines that sometimes lead from one mastery to another higher-tiered mastery. These connected masteries usually correlate in some way. The lines denote the fact that all ranks of the lower tier mastery must fully acquired ("maxed out") before the higher tier mastery will become available.
There are three types of trees that your summoner can develop in:
- Offense Mastery
- Defense Mastery
- Utility Mastery
Mastery page[]
Mastery pages were released in patch V1.0.0.118b. Mastery pages can be stored and, later, chosen similar to Rune pages during champion selection. The 10 Mastery Page limit has been removed.
A level 9 account on the US servers with all the masteries.
- In-client, the Chinese artwork of , and are used as backgrounds for the Offense, Defense and Utility trees respectively.
- There is currently a possible bug related to masteries, where it is possible to have all 3 trees maxed out at any level. Changing the preferances file (default location is C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\X.X.X.XXX\deploy\preferences\ will cosmetically show the pages filled. The .properties file is encrypted so it is not easy to change; but if any mastery page such as this is used to get in-game, no mastery bonuses are added (essentially a blank page)
Season Two[]
The new masteries of Season two
V1.0.0.129 introduced entirely new masteries, and revamped the old ones; as well as removing some of the outdated ones.
Patch history[]
- Improved Recall Improved Recall no longer causes the
Recall sound to keep playing after the player cancels the spell.
- Mastery Pages will now be stored server-side so they can be accessed from any computer.
Deadliness: Changed to 0.5 attack damage per level (9 attack damage at champion level 18) at 4 points from 4% critical strike chance.
- Alacrity Alacrity attack speed reduced to 1/2/3/4% from 1.5/3/4.5/6%.
- Summoner's Resolve Summoner's Resolve - Improved Heal reduced to 10% from 15%.
Perseverance removed, replaced with Strength of Spirit Strength of Spirit - increases health regen per 5 seconds by 0.4/0.7/1% of maximum mana.
- Masteries have been remade.
- Improved Summoner Spells are now condensed into 3 masteries, each at the first tier of their respective trees.
- Summoner's Wrath Summoner's Wrath improves Offense tree Summoner Spells.
- Summoner's Resolve Summoner's Resolve improves Defense tree Summoner Spells.
- Summoner's Insight Summoner's Insight improves Utility tree Summoner Spells.
- Havoc Havoc mastery changed to increase total physical and magic damage dealt by 4% from increasing base physical and magic damage by 5%.
- Fixed a bug where Strength of Spirit Strength of Spirit didn't include mana gained from buffs (for example bonus mana from or ).
- Strength of Spirit Strength of Spirit: Mana to health regeneration conversion reduced by about 33% and clarified the tooltip to show that it was regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Meditation Meditation: Mana regeneration per 5 seconds reduced to 1/2/3 from 1.66/3.33/5.
- Veteran's Scars Veteran's Scars: Health reduced to 12/24/36/48 from 15/30/45/60.
- Ardor Ardor:
- Now provides all of its benefit at rank 1 rather than half at rank 1 and the other half scaling up to level 18.
- Fixed bugs where Ardor Ardor was not counting ability power and attack speed from many sources; essentially anything that wasn't an item.
- Fixed a bug where Ardor Ardor and were double multiplicative.
- Clarified the tooltip.
- Fixed a bug with Rank 2 of Utility Mastery Utility Mastery where it was not working properly.
- Burning Embers Burning Embers: No longer gives a placeholder buff while active.
- Cripple Cripple: Armor and magic penetration lowered to 10 from 25.
- Improved Rally Improved Rally: Now gives 20-70 ability power, depending on level, instead of a 20% increase to base magic damage dealt.
- Fixed a bug that caused Utility Mastery Utility Mastery to not work properly.
- REMOVED: Demolisher Demolisher
- Willpower Willpower: Cooldown reduction on
Cleanse reduced to 20 from 30.
- Mystical Vision Mystical Vision: Now properly adjusts
Clairvoyance's cooldown.
- Willpower Willpower: No longer affects
Cleanse's cooldown.
- Mender's Faith Mender's Faith: Changed to 30 second cooldown reduction on
Heal from +10 × level bonus healed HP.
- Mender's Faith Mender's Faith: Now provides 10 × level bonus health on
Heal from a flat bonus 75 health. Additionally reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds.
- Preservation Preservation:
- Cooldown reduction on
Revive increased to 30 from 20.
- Bonus health duration increased to 120 from 90.
- Cooldown reduction on
- Mystical Vision Mystical Vision: Vision duration bonus on
Clairvoyance increased to 4 from 3.
- NEW Mastery: Burning Embers Burning Embers - While
Ignite is on cooldown, your champion gains an additional 10 ability power.
- NEW Mastery: Insight Insight -
Clarity restores 100% of mana to allies.
- Mystical Vision Mystical Vision:
Clairvoyance duration bonus increased to 3 seconds from 2.
- Mystical Vision Mystical Vision: Now increases
Clairvoyance duration by 2 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 5.
- Willpower Willpower: Now correctly refers to
Cleanse instead of
- Harden Skin Harden Skin: Damage reduction now calculated before armor.
- Nimbleness Nimbleness: Fixed a missing buff.
- Offense Tree
- Deadliness Deadliness - Increases critical strike chance by 0.66% per rank.
- Cripple Cripple - Reduces armor and magic resistance by 25 on targets affected by your
Exhaustm and increases its duration by 5 seconds.
- Plentiful Bounty Plentiful Bounty - Increases the gold granted by
Smite by 5, and reduces the cooldown by 5 seconds.
- Archmage's Savvy Archmage's Savvy - Increases the caster's ability power by 0.2/0.4/0.6 per level.
- Sorcery Sorcery - Reduces ability cooldowns by 0.75% per rank.
- Alacrity Alacrity - Increases attack speed by 1% per rank.
- Archaic Knowledge Archaic Knowledge - Grants 15% magic penetration.
- Sunder Sunder - Physical attacks ignore 2 armor per rank.
- Offensive Mastery Offensive Mastery - Increases damage to minions and monsters by 2 per rank.
- Brute Force Brute Force - Increases physical damage dealt by 1 per rank.
- Master Taunter (Demolisher Demolisher) - Increases the armor of a promoted minion by 20, and reduces
Promote's cooldown by 15 seconds.
- Lethality Lethality - Increases critical strike damage by 3.33% per rank.
- Improved Rally Improved Rally - Increases
Rally's duration by 5 seconds. Improved Rally also increases armor and magic damage of affected allies.
- Havoc Havoc - Increases damage dealt by 5%.
- Defense Tree
- Mender's Faith Mender's Faith - Increases the amount healed from
Heal by 75, and reduces its cooldown by 10 seconds.
- Resistance Resistance - Increases magic resistance by 2 per rank.
- Preservation Preservation - Reduces
Revive's cooldown by 20 seconds, and upon resurrection, the revived player has their health increased by 400 temporarily.
- Hardiness Hardiness - Increases armor by 2 per rank.
- Strength of Spirit Strength of Spirit - Increases health regeneration by 0.1/0.2/0.3% of your maximum mana.
- Evasion Evasion - Increases dodge chance by 0.5% per rank.
- Defensive Mastery Defensive Mastery - Reduces damage from minions and monsters by 1 per rank.
- Nimbleness Nimbleness - On a successful dodge, your movement speed is increased by 10% for 5 seconds.
- Harden Skin Harden Skin - Reduces damage received by 1 per rank.
- Veteran's Scars Veteran's Scars - Increases health by 15 per rank.
- Willpower Willpower - Increases the duration of
Boost by 2 seconds, and reduces its cooldown by 30 second.
- Ardor Ardor - Increases attack speed and ability power by 0.66% per rank, and an additional 0.66% at level 18. which increases as your champion levels, per rank. (i.e. 2%->4% with 3 ranks)
- Reinforce Reinforce - While
Fortify is off cooldown, increases damage to minions and monsters by 6. In addition, increases the armor of turrets by 10 seconds after the invulnerability fades.
- Tenacity Tenacity - Reduces damage received by 5%.
- Mender's Faith Mender's Faith - Increases the amount healed from
- Utility Tree
- Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy - Reduces
Teleport's cast time by 0.5 seconds, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds.
- Good Hands Good Hands - Reduces time spent dead by 3.33% per rank.
- Perseverance Perseverance - Increases health and mana regeneration by 2% per rank.
- Haste Haste - Increases
Ghost's movement speed bonus by 8%, and increases the duration by 1.5 seconds.
- Awareness Awareness - Increases experience gained by 1.25% per rank.
- Expanded Mind Expanded Mind - Increases your maximum mana pool by 1.25% per rank.
- Greed Greed - Grants 1 gold every 10 seconds for the game.
- Meditation Meditation - Grants .33/.66/1 mana regeneration per second.
- Utility Mastery Utility Mastery - Increases the duration of buffs from monsters by 15% per rank.
- Quickness Quickness - Increases movement speed by 1% per rank.
- Blink of an Eye Blink of an Eye - Reduces
Flash's cooldown by 15 seconds.
- Intelligence Intelligence - Reduces cooldowns by 2% per rank.
- Mystical Vision Mystical Vision - Increases the duration of
Clairvoyance by 15 seconds. In addition, the first 15 seconds of Clairvoyance grant stealth detection.
- Presence of the Master Presence of the Master - Reduces summoner ability cooldowns by 15%.
- Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy - Reduces
- Other
- Expanded Mind Expanded Mind and Intelligence Intelligence are no longer linked.
- Hardiness Hardiness, Brute Force Brute Force, and Meditation Meditation have one less rank.
- Perseverance Perseverance: Health/mana regeneration reduced to 4/8/12% from 5/10/15%.
- Good Hands Good Hands: Death duration reduction reduced to 5/10/15% from 7/14/21%
- Awareness Awareness: Bonus experience awarded reduced to +4/6/8/10% from +4/8/12/16%.
- Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy: Cast time reduction on
Teleport reduced to 0.5 from 1.
- Plentiful Bounty Plentiful Bounty: Bonus gold from
Smite reduced to 5 from 10.
- Mender's Faith Mender's Faith: Increases
Heal by 75 instead of 100.
- Preservation Preservation: Duration of health bonus increased to 2 minutes from 90 seconds.
- Summoner talents now work.
- Fixed an issue where it appeared that you could edit the talents of other summoners when viewing their talent trees.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to lose talent points.
- Fixed a bug where Summoner Tree backgrounds were in the incorrect places.