Tahm Kench
- Notes
- 巨舌鞭笞范围与塔姆体型同比增加或减少,但不会少于初始值。
- 体型增大也会加快巨舌鞭笞弹道速度,使其总是用0.33 seconds秒到达最大距离(不计技能前摇)。
- 由此,诸如 之类可提升体型的装备会让塔姆的舌头飞得更快、更难躲避。
- 可在巨舌鞭笞 施放过程(包括前摇动画)中施放。若未命中敌方英雄, 不会进入冷却。
- 一经命中即消耗三层 ,即使被格挡。
Template:Effect at cast time start
Type | Cast time | |
Attacking | Disabled | |
Abilities | Disabled | |
Movement | Disabled | |
Items | Usable | |
Disabled | All the other item-actives are disabled | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Consumables | Usable | |
Spells | Usable | Barrier Clarity Cleanse Exhaust Ghost Heal Ignite Smite |
Disabled | Flash Teleport Recall Hexflash | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Interrupted by |
- Notes
- 0.15秒后,塔姆会消失,但不会不可选取。
- 引导时:
Type | Channel | |
Attacking | Disabled | |
Abilities | Disabled | |
Movement | Disabled | |
Items | Usable | |
Disabled | All the other item-actives are disabled | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Consumables | Usable | |
Spells | Usable | Barrier Clarity Cleanse Exhaust Ghost Heal Ignite Smite |
Disabled | Teleport Recall Hexflash | |
Interrupted by | Flash | |
Interrupted by |
- 无法行动时:
Type | Channel | |
Attacking | Disabled | |
Abilities | Disabled | |
Movement | Disabled | |
Items | Usable | N/A |
Disabled | All items are disabled | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Consumables | Disabled | |
Spells | Usable | Barrier Clarity Cleanse Exhaust Ghost Heal Ignite Smite |
Disabled | Flash Teleport Recall Hexflash | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Interrupted by |
- Notes
- 【厚实表皮】护盾值和灰色生命值治疗效果受到治疗与护盾强度影响。由此塔姆可以获得多于灰色生命值的治疗效果,也可获得多于它最大生命值的护盾。
- At level 18 Tahm Kench would need 53.8% File:Heal power.png heal power to heal for 100% of the damage he takes, reduced to 34.9% with , 23.1% with , and 6.9% with both.
- 如果塔姆通过其它途径获得治疗,灰色生命值可短暂超过塔姆已损生命值。
- Notes
- The target becomes untargetable and displacement immune on-cast, and will vanish at the end of the cast time.
- Enemy targets will become suppressed on-cast.
- If the target cleanses the suppression during the cast time they will not be swallowed at the end of the cast time.
- Enemy targets will become suppressed on-cast.
- Devour cannot be used on allies that are channeling.
- Swallowed enemy champions will receive the recast's damage regardless of how they leave Tahm Kench's belly.
- The self-slow is affected by slow resist.
- If Tahm Kench enters or leaves the , Devour will end prematurely.
- Allies can see if this spell is ready next to Tahm Kench's health bar.
- The following table refers for interactions while the target is unable to act:
Attacking | Disabled | |
Abilities | Disabled | |
Movement | Disabled | |
Items | Usable | N/A |
Disabled | All items are disabled | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Consumables | Disabled | |
Spells | Usable | N/A |
Disabled | Barrier Clarity Cleanse Exhaust Ghost Heal Ignite Smite Flash Teleport Recall Hexflash Mark Dash | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Interrupted by |