For its successor, see The Golden Spatula The Golden Spatula.

Stat-Stick of Stoicism was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It was exclusive to Nexus Blitz.


Vampiric Scepter item
900 Gold (550 Gold)
Long Sword item
350 Gold
Zeal item
1050 Gold (150 Gold)
Dagger item
300 Gold
Kindlegem item
800 Gold (400 Gold)
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency


  • It uses the same icon as The Brutalizer The Brutalizer.
  • The item's name references the stat-stick gaming term as well as the stoicism school of philosophy.
  • Even though it was unavailable on every map, Stat-Stick of Stoicism could be seen in the item sets on the League Client during patch V8.21.
    • Stat-Stick of Stoicism started as a debug item, probably used by the game-developing team of Riot Games Inc.[1]

Patch History[]

;V10.15 - Renamed
  • Total cost increased to 7437 Gold from 7237 Gold.
    • Combine cost unchanged.
  • Total cost reduced to 7237 Gold from 7337 Gold.
    • Combine cost unchanged.
V9.1 - Removed
  • Removed from the game on January 21st, 2019 since Nexus Blitz is no longer available.
V8.24 - December 13th Hotfix
  • Total cost reduced to 7337 Gold from 7777 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 687 Gold from 1127 Gold.
V8.24 - Added
  • Availability: Nexus Blitz.
  • Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + Zeal Zeal + Needlessly Large Rod Needlessly Large Rod + Kindlegem Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + 1127 Gold = 7777 Gold.
  • Stats: +120 ability power, +30 armor, +70 attack damage, +50% attack speed, +20% cooldown reduction, +30% critical strike chance, +250 health, +100% base health regeneration, +10% life steal, +30 magic resistance, +10% movement speed, +250 mana, +100% base mana regeneration.
  • Caption: "What if we only bought some of the stats?" "Declined, we must have ALL of them."


List of Items
