
Blue Pill

Recall is an ability that every summoner has, regardless of champion chosen. The spell allows its champion to hard channel for 8 seconds (or 4.5 seconds in Dominion) and teleport back to their respawn pool after the channel is completed (provided the channel is not interrupted).

Development history[]


Recall artwork


The Recall button in game

The Recall function was originally tied to Blue Pill Blue Pill, which was a purchasable item that could be activated to return to base. The function was then made into an optional summoner spell, and eventually into a feature inherent in all champions.


Recall is activated either by clicking the Recall button on the ability panel or by pressing the key to which the function is bound ("B" by default). After activating Recall, the champion will enter a hard channel state for 8 seconds. The channel will cancel if the champion is hit by any attack or spell, or by moving or performing any action. If the channel is successfully completed, the champion will be teleported to the team's respawn point.


  • While beginning to fade away to stealth, you can begin casting Recall or Improved Recall. This does not work with instant stealth spells, such as Talon's Talon's Shadow Assault Shadow Assault or Teemo's Teemo's Camouflage Camouflage.

Enhanced Recall[]

Enhanced Recall

Enhanced Recall

When Dominion was released, Recall was remade to fit in to the game mode's fast-paced style, creating Enhanced Recall which takes 4.5 seconds to channel.

Improved Recall[]

As of Season Two, the Utility mastery tree includes a tier 1 mastery Improved Recall Improved Recall to reduce the cast time of Recall by 1 second and Enhanced Recall by 0.5 seconds.

Recall Animation[]

Since V1.0.0.140 patch, new champions and certain skins of some champions have recieved a special recall animation and few have recieved a special quote. Below is a list of champions and skins released:

Champion Quote Skins
Brand, the Burning Vengeance Brand, the Burning Vengeance  Yes check  Zombie Brand Zombie Brand
Cho'Gath, the Terror of the Void Cho'Gath, the Terror of the Void  Yes check  ChoGathSquare Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
Darius, the Hand of Noxus Darius, the Hand of Noxus  X mark  All Skins
Diana, Scorn of the Moon Diana, Scorn of the Moon  X mark  All Skins
Draven, the Glorious Executioner Draven, the Glorious Executioner  Yes check  All Skins
Elise, the Spider Queen Elise, the Spider Queen  X mark  All Skins
Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer  Yes check  EzrealSquare Pulsefire Ezreal
Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge  X mark  GangplankSquare Special Forces Gangplank
Gragas, the Rabble Rouser Gragas, the Rabble Rouser  X mark  GragasSquare Oktoberfest Gragas
Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow  X mark  All Skins
Katarina, the Sinister Blade Katarina, the Sinister Blade  X mark  All Skins
KhaZixSquare Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver  X mark  All skins
Lee Sin, the Blind Monk Lee Sin, the Blind Monk  X mark  LeeSinSquare Muay Thai Lee Sin
Rengar, the Pridestalker Rengar, the Pridestalker  X mark  All Skins
Riven, the Exile Riven, the Exile  X mark  RivenSquare Championship Riven
Soraka, the Starchild Soraka, the Starchild  X mark  All Skins
Syndra, the Dark Sovereign Syndra, the Dark Sovereign  X mark  All Skins
Twisted Fate, the Card Master Twisted Fate, the Card Master  X mark  All Skins
Zed, the Master of Shadows Zed, the Master of Shadows  X mark  All Skins
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns Zyra, Rise of the Thorns  X mark  All Skins

Player disconnection[]

When a player leaves the game their champion will automatically attempt to walk back to base. Soon after arriving at the base, the champion gains a huge bonus to their magic resistance and armor; this is to prevent enemies from using global abilities (like Karthus' Karthus' Requiem Requiem and Draven's Draven's Whirling Death Whirling Death) to instantly kill champions that have disconnected early in the game. This stats buff is not applied to champions who have disconnected prior to the game starting.


  • The old Blue Pill Blue Pill is possibly a reference to the film The Matrix. In the film Neo is offered the chance to take a red or a blue pill, signifying his choice of whether to continue living in the world he knows or to wake up.
  • It was previously possible for champions with abilities that make them dash to an enemy champion to follow an enemy that has just finished recalling and teleported to base, making the champion fly all the way to the enemy base.
    • Projectiles will still do so.
  • If you recall while the Nexus is destroyed, the camera will attempt to center your champion rather than the exploding Nexus.
  • When he was first remade, an oversight allowed Ryze Ryze to be able to use Recall to trigger his Arcane Mastery Arcane Mastery passive, so he could refresh the cooldowns of all of his abilities by simply rapidly pressing the recall key.

Patch history[]



  • Champions will now attempt to run home immediately when disconnecting, rather than attempting to Recall Recall.


  • Disconnected players will now run home if their Recall Recall is interrupted.


  • Recall Recall now has a buff icon and sound.


  • Fixed a bug where for some machines the Blue Pill Blue Pill image covers the first summoner spell slot.

June 19, 2009 Patch:

  • Blue Pill Blue Pill particle now correctly disappears upon being canceled or broken.

April 11, 2009 Patch:

  • Removed buff icon for Teleport Home.

Alpha Week 7:

Alpha Week 6:

  • Teleport Home skill now has a new particle that matches its duration.

Alpha Week 5:

  • Blue Pill Blue Pill cast time increased to 8 seconds from 4 seconds.
  • Teleport Home is now also bound to "b" and added as a button in the HUD.

Alpha Week 4:

  • Cast time on Teleport Home (Hotkey 7) increased to 8 seconds from 4 seconds.