Vampiric Scepter is an advanced item in League of Legends.
Cost Analysis[]
- 15 attack damage = 525
- 10% life steal = 375
- Although not a basic item, life steal gold value is derived. From this item derives a value of 37.5 per percentage of life steal. is the item from which the
- As life steal items, it is useful for any stage of the game. is a necessary component for almost all of the
- Melee champions, such as or , are in more danger to be damaged if an enemy champion is nearby. increases the sustain of any champion, but it is best used with basic attacking champions as life steal only works with basic attacks. Ranged champions, such as or , are able to restore health while being relatively safe.
- is often used with , allowing champions to stay in lanes for extended periods of time without needing to go back to base to heal. is often the preferred item as it also adds health, but its drawbacks are not building into other items.
- If you're having trouble sustaining in top or mid as AD, do not rush
- For most ADCs, this advice does not apply. Rushing / is usually the most efficient way to sustain.
- at 900 gold and only 10% lifesteal, given low (sub 150) total AD values, you usually won't be able to sustain enough from trading and lane minions. Note that 900 gold is 18 Health Potions - or 2700 total health from regen. Consider either or .
Old Icon[]
Patch History[]
- Now builds into .
- V9.1 - January 21, 2019
- No longer builds into Nexus Blitz being no longer available for play-testing. , due to the
- V8.24
- No longer builds into , due to the item being removed from the game.
- Added to the recipe for .
- V8.16 - Start of the experimental game mode Nexus Blitz
- Re-added back to the recipe for
- V5.22
- Combine cost increased to 550 from 440 .
- Attack damage increased to 15 from 10.
- Life steal increased to 10% from 8%.
- Added to item recipe for .
- Removed from item recipe for .
- V5.14
- Added to recipes for Black Market Brawlers. and in
- V4.10
- Life steal reduced to 8% from 10%.
- Added to recipe for .
- V3.14
- V3.10
- New icon.
- is now an advanced item:
- Attack damage increased to 10 from 0.
- Removed from recipe for .
- Added to recipes for and .
- Life steal reduced to 10% from 12%.
- Fixed a bug where improperly showed it could build into .
- Updated the 'builds into' information to include .
- Life steal increased to 12% from 10%.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Mythic items
- Ornn's Mythic item upgrades
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Removed items
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