
Banner of Command was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Banner of Command item
2200 Gold (-200 Gold)
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Raptor Cloak item
900 Gold (450 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Value of Passive

Gold Efficiency



Banner of Command screenshot

A promoted caster minion, along with 2 normal caster minions for comparison

Casting Promote on a lane minion (excluding Super minions Super minions) grants it Turret Shield and Promoted. All gold Gold gained by the minion goes to the champion who promoted it.

  • Turret Shield:
    • Reduces damage taken from turrets by 30% (do not stack with Siege minions' Siege minions' passive).
  • Promoted
    • Reduces damage received from enemy champions by 40%.
    • Gains 100% bonus damage against turrets.
    • Grants gold Gold for its kills to the caster.
    • Increased size.
    • Bonus stats:
Map Minion Bonus health Bonus attack damage Bonus attack speed Bonus armor Bonus magic resist
Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift
Twisted Treeline icon Twisted Treeline
Melee minion Melee minion 600 50 90% 40 40
Caster minion Caster minion 400 75 25% 40 40
Siege minion Siege minion 600 100 0% 100 100


Raptor Cloak screenshot

Banner of Command's Point Runner.


  • On Summoner's Rift:
    • Promoting a melee minion melee minion will greatly increase its attack speed and attack damage, alongside other defensive stats, making it best at last hitting.
    • Promoting a caster minion caster minion will give it the least bonus stats of the three, but because it has the highest range, it is best used to offer more aggro damage if the enemy attacks its ally.
    • Promoting a siege minion siege minion will make it really tanky, and slightly increase his DPS, making it a tanky self-pushing minion. Due to the difficulty of destroying the siege minion and the heavy attack damage it brings, it can potentially net last hits without even thinking about it as well and last a long time causing it to inevitably reach the enemy turret if left unhindered.



;V8.12 - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
V8.11 - June 1st Hotfix
  • Promoted minion damage reduction reduced to 40% from 70%.
  • Removed: +10% cooldown reduction.
  • Removed: Promoted minion are no longer immune to magic damage.
  • New Effect: Promoted minion receive 70% reduced damage from champions.
  • New Effect: Promoted minion now appear as slightly larger minions on the minimap.
  • New Effect: Allies can now see floating combat numbers for the damage dealt by banner minions.
  • New Effect: Tooltip now mentions that promoted minion deal 100% bonus damage to turrets.
  • Undocumented: Now grants the same stats for all maps instead of giving 600 health, 50 attack damage, 0% attack speed, 40 armor and 40 magic resistance on any minion on Twisted Treeline icon Twisted Treeline.
  • Removed from Howling Abyss.
  • Damage multiplier against turrets no longer stacks with the identical multiplier Hand of Baron Hand of Baron grants to siege minions.
  • New Recipe: Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + Raptor Cloak Raptor Cloak + 200 Gold = 2200 Gold
  • Base health regeneration increased to 125% from 0%.
  • Mana reduced to 0 from 400.
  • New Passive: Point Runner: Builds up to 20% bonus movement speed over 2 seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.
  • New Effect: Tooltip now mentions damage dealt to turrets by empowered minions (in addition to existing gold earned stat).
  • New Recipe: Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + Glacial Shroud Glacial Shroud + 100 Gold = 2200 Gold
  • New Stats: +400 mana, +60 armor, +30 magic resistance, +10% cooldown reduction.
    • Old Stats: +200 health, +20 magic resistance, +100% base health regeneration, +60 ability power, +10% cooldown reduction. Unique Aura – Legion: Nearby allied units gain +15 magic resistance (1100 range).
  • Undocumented: Promoted buff normalized for all minions.
  • Now tracks the gold earned in the tooltip.
  • Total cost increased to 2900 Gold from 2750 Gold.
  • Cost reduced to 2750 Gold from 3000 Gold.
  • Now grants 100% health regeneration.
  • Aura magic resist reduced to 15 from 20.
  • Aura health regeneration removed.
  • Indicator showed 700 range when actually was 1000.
  • Range increased to 1200 from 1000.
  • New recipe: Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + 280 Gold = 3000 Gold
  • Stats: +60 ability power, +10% cooldown reduction, +200 health, +20 magic resistance
    • Old stats: +80 ability power, +20% cooldown reduction
  • No longer grants Valor.
  • Unique Passive – Legion: Grants nearby allies 20 magic resistance and +75% base health regeneration.
  • Legion aura applies to all types of ally units (applies to only champions previously)
  • Promote:
    • Cooldown reduced to 120 seconds from 180.
    • Caster minions and melee minions are now valid targets.
    • Promoted minion gains Black Shield: This unit is immune to magic damage.
    • Promoted minion gains significantly improved stats:
      • Caster: +75 attack damage, +30% attack speed, +40 armor, +40 magic resistance, +400 maximum health and increased size.
      • Melee: +50 attack damage, +90% attack speed, +40 armor, +40 magic resistance, +600 maximum health and increased size.
      • Siege: +100 attack damage, +100 armor, +100 magic resistance, +600 maximum health and increased size.
  • Fixed a bug where Annie's Annie's Tibbers Tibbers wasn't gaining increased damage from Banner of Command.
  • Recipe changed: Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + Blasting Wand Blasting Wand + 720 Gold = 2400 Gold
    • Total cost increased to 2400 Gold from 2360 Gold.
  • Ability power increased to 80 from 40.
  • Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%.
  • Armor removed.
  • Unique Aura - Valor no longer grants health regeneration to nearby allies.
  • Ability power reduced to 40 from 50.
  • Now grants 10% cooldown reduction.
  • Added
  • Recipe: Blasting Wand Blasting Wand + Emblem of Valor Emblem of Valor + 890 Gold = 2400 Gold
  • Stats: +50 ability power, +30 armor
  • Unique Aura – Valor: Nearby allies gain 10 Health Regen per 5 seconds and nearby allied minions deal 15% increased damage.
  • Unique Active – Promote: Transforms a nearby siege minion to a more powerful unit. You gain all the gold this unit earns - 180 second cooldown.


List of Items
