- 为友军提供的所有buff效果都会触发艾黎,包括
- 在释放和友军经过时都会触发艾黎。
- 不会触发艾黎。即你无法通过 命中敌人来为他们提供护盾。
- 如果携带艾黎的英雄击杀了 。只要艾黎准备完毕,他的队友在经过圣坛获得加速时会获得艾黎的护盾。
(离旗子最近的友军会获得护盾), 和 。
- 艾黎的护盾可以触发 和 ,使没有治疗和护盾效果的英雄也可以触发这些装备效果。
- 的治疗效果不会触发艾黎。
- 艾黎不会触发spell effects。
- 受到 伤害的英雄不会触发艾黎。
- 艾黎不会被视为 飞行道具.
- 艾黎非常适合 , , , , , 等辅助,可以增强它们的消耗和保护能力。
- 所有追求前期伤害的英雄都可以携带Summon Aery增加伤害。
- 与其它增加伤害的符文(如 、 )相比,艾黎是必中技能,而且可以提升你的治疗和护盾效果。不过,艾黎的基础伤害较低,成长性和加成都偏低。
- 艾黎可以极大地提升持续性伤害技能,因为技能持续期间可以多次触发艾黎。常见技能如 , 和 .
- 当艾黎从 隐身或视野之外的英雄身上派出或返回时,敌方可看到艾黎,因此有可能暴露英雄位置。
- 当英雄 回城时,艾黎也会有回城动画。
- Removed: No longer applies burn damage.
- V9.23 - November 20th Hotfix
- Bug Fix: No longer infinitely triggers .
- V9.6
- Should now trigger consistently off everything except non-ability DoTs such as , , and other items, runes, and buffs.
- V8.16
- Base damage reduced to 10 − 40(基于等级) from 15 − 40(基于等级).
- Base shield strength increased to 35 − 80(基于等级) from 30 − 80(基于等级).
- Undocumented: No longer sometimes disappears forever if hits a champion that is about to die.
- V7.23
- Base damage reduced to 15 − 40(基于等级) from 20 − 60(基于等级).
- Bug Fix: Now deals the correct adaptive damage type based on your stats.
- V7.22 Added
- Sorcery Keystone rune.
- Passive: Damaging an enemy champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 20 − 60(基于等级) (+ 10% AP) (+ 15% bonus AD) (Adaptive) Adaptive damage. Abilities targeted at allied champions signal Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 30 − 80(基于等级) (+ 25% AP) (+ 40% bonus AD) for 2 seconds.
- Aery lingers on the target for 2 second before flying back to you, and cannot be sent out again until she returns to you. Aery is initially very slow, but gradually accelerates, and can be picked up by moving near her.
- Adaptive: Deals either physical or magic depending on which would deal the least damage.