英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Barrel Roll Barrel Roll is strong for harassing the enemy and farming minions due to its high damage.
    • However, when cast from afar, its travel time is noticeably one of the slowest in the game and it can only be detonated upon landing at the targeted location. A good way to predict the enemy's location to deal with this is in expectation of the enemy last-hitting - the animations that all champions must go through to autoattack forces them to stand still.
  • Using Barrel Roll Barrel Roll can deal lots of damage to a single target, if you cast it where you expect them to run while you are chasing them then use Body Slam Body Slam and detonate the barrel at the same time, it can deal a massive amount of damage, the barrel is also easier to land since the enemy will be running in one way most of the time.
  • The buff from Drunken Rage Drunken Rage is applied at the end of the channel, ensure that you can safely channel before entering into fight.
  • Drunken Rage Drunken Rage should be used often. It is has no cost, restores mana, and the additional attack damage helps farm minions. With at least 20% cooldown reduction, it can be active permanently, as it lasts 20 seconds with a 25 second cooldown.
  • Gragas Gragas's natural tankiness and decent physical damage allows him to stay in team fights to make use of his damage absorption and attack damage increase from Drunken Rage Drunken Rage.
  • Body Slam Body Slam is useful in slowing your target, as well as for farming minions.
  • Body Slam Body Slam doesn't require a target, so it can be used to escape ganks.
  • Body Slam Body Slam can be used to move through thin walls.
  • Body Slam Body Slam deals a lot of damage when used on a single target, similiar to Karthus' Karthus' Lay Waste Lay Waste, so try to use it when an enemy champion is isolated from his minions if you can.
  • Use Explosive Cask Explosive Cask to knock enemies into your towers or your team.
  • Explosive Cask Explosive Cask is great for disrupting the enemy during team fights, splitting the team up/allowing you to chase down one enemy.
  • Explosive Cask Explosive Cask can be used to interrupt or move enemies channeling spells such as Fiddlesticks' Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm Crowstorm. It is similar to Janna's Janna's Monsoon Monsoon and will stop suppressions such as Warwick's Warwick's Infinite Duress Infinite Duress.
  • A good conservative strategy with Gragas Gragas during laning is alternating between Barrel Roll Barrel Roll and Drunken Rage Drunken Rage to constantly regenerate mana and health.
  • Gragas Gragas is a strong solo lane champion, due to his sustain from Drunken Rage Drunken Rage and Happy Hour Happy Hour.
  • Happy Hour Happy Hour does not stack, only refresh. Try to space your abilities out to maximize the sustain from it.
  • Activating Body Slam Body Slam, followed by Drunken Rage Drunken Rage while traveling allows you to channel during the movement. This improves your efficiency.
  • With enough cooldown reduction, Barrel Roll Barrel Roll can be used almost non-stop, as the cooldown is almost as short as the casting animation and time to line up the explosion right.
  • Drunken Rage Drunken Rage gives Gragas a lot of attack damage and damage reduction. Despite usually being built with AP, this can allow him to aggressively autoattack ranged champions in lane that are vulnerable in melee by using Body Slam Body Slam to get close. Getting close to your target that way also makes Barrel Roll Barrel Roll travel to its destination faster and be an easy hit.
  • Explosive Cask Explosive Cask can be used to knock enemies into a barrel from Barrel Roll Barrel Roll, then detonating Barrel Roll Barrel Roll when they land on it, dealing heavy damage.



Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring


  • Gragas Gragas has a very powerful lane dominance during laning phase. Be careful not to get zoned by him.
  • Interupting him from completing the channel of his Drunken Rage Drunken Rage will help you take him down quickly.
  • Take cover behind a minion to avoid his Body Slam Body Slam or reduce its damage.
  • Body Slam Body Slam can be vulnerable to skillshots while traveling to its location. If you can predict when Gragas Gragas will use it, such as through a wall, you can get an easy hit with a skillshot.
  • Gragas Gragas has a naturally high health. Buying a Madred's Bloodrazor Madred's Bloodrazor can help counter him.
  • When you are near his turret range, be careful of Gragas' Gragas' Explosive Cask Explosive Cask as it may knock you back to his turret.