
Twin Shadows is a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Twin Shadows item
2400 Gold (650 Gold)
Fiendish Codex item
900 Gold (465 Gold)
Aether Wisp item
850 Gold (415 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency



Twin Shadows screenshot

A ghost summoned by Twin Shadows.

  • If there are less than two enemy champions alive, only one ghost is summoned. 
    • If no enemy champions are alive upon activation, the ghosts will wander for 3 seconds and then disappear.
  • The ghosts have a movement speed of 667.
  • The active can be used regardless of if there are no enemy champions in range and the ghosts will seek them up to the capped range despite of this.
  • The ghosts will chase champions even if they are in Guerrilla Warfare stealth.
  • If the user dies while the ghosts fail to chase an enemy champion, they will return to their user's corpse and remain idle until expiration.


  • Because the ghosts target the closest enemy champions even when you don't have sight of them, this item is an excellent scouting tool.
  • Its active can make it a useful item on mages that lack crowd control.
  • A well timed Spell Shield spell shield can negate the effect of a ghost coming into contact with a champion.
  • It is possible for both ghosts to hit the same champion, but the effect and duration is only refreshed.
    • With this is mind, when chasing or being chased, you can try to soak up both ghosts to eliminate them as a threat.
  • Ghosts may not pass over any blocked terrain, such as Jarvan IV's Jarvan IV's Cataclysm Cataclysm, you may use this to your advantage to prevent the vision or slow effects for a time.
  • This item can be combined with the rune Glacial Augment to create large fields of slow without even needing to aim.


  • The summoned ghosts look somewhat similar to the jungle wraiths.
  • The item was originally called Wraith Collar.
  • Can be found in the shop by searching for "Spooky Ghosts".
  • On Twisted Treeline, Twin Shadows Twin Shadows and Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim shared the same active and cooldown, even though the Frost Queen's Claim's Frost Queen's Claim's active wasn't named Spectral Pursuit.
  • In the Crystal Scar, the ghosts gained bonus movement speed while moving over the Speed Shrines.
  • On June 12th, 2020, the Preseason 2021 Gameplay Plans[1] revealed a Twin Shadows item 2021 redrawn version of the item icon.
Shadow Isles Crest icon


  • Ability power increased to 70 from 60.
V8.4 - Reintroduced
  • Recipe: Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + Aether Wisp Aether Wisp + 650 Gold = 2400 Gold.
  • Stats: +60 ability power, +7% movement speed, +10% cooldown reduction.
  • Unique Active - Spectral Pursuit: Summons 2 ghosts for 6 seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions (4000 range). Ghosts, on contact, Sight icon reveal and Slow icon slow enemy champion by 40% for 2 − 5 (based on distance traveled) seconds (90 second cooldown).
  • Availability: All maps.
V5.22 - Removed
  • Combine cost increased to 730 Gold from 630 Gold. Total cost unchanged.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the spooky ghosts from Twin Shadows would sometimes not path correctly into bushes to tag enemies.
  • New Unique Passive: Now detects traps.
  • Map-specific version added for Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.
  • Ability power reduced to 40 from 50.
  • Magic resistance increased to 40 from 30.
  • Movement speed increased to 6% from 5%.
V1.0.0.152 Added
  • Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick Kage's Lucky Pick + Null-Magic Mantle Null-Magic Mantle + 735 Gold = 1900 Gold.
  • Stats: +50 ability power, +30 magic resistance, +5% movement speed.
  • Unique Active - Hunt: Summons up to 2 invulnerable ghosts for 6 seconds to seek the two nearest enemy champions. If they touch an enemy champion, they slow his Movement Speed by 40% and reveal him for 2.5 seconds (120 second cooldown).


List of Items
