

Patch History[]

  • Bug Fix: Omnistone-granted Predator Predator now has a proper cooldown regardless of when the user upgrades its boots.
  • Cooldown for Melee role melee champions reduced to 5 − 3(基于等级) seconds from 7 − 3(基于等级).
  • Cooldown for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 9 − 7(基于等级) seconds from 11 − 7(基于等级).
V9.23 - November 21st Hotfix
  • Cooldown for Melee role melee champions reduced to 7 − 3(基于等级) seconds from 8 − 4(基于等级).
  • Cooldown for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 11 − 7(基于等级) seconds from 12 − 8(基于等级).
V9.23 - Added
  • Replaces Kleptomancy Kleptomancy.
  • Inspiration icon Inspiration Keystone rune.
    • Periodically gain a single use of another random keystone. Once a keystone is rolled, it can't be rolled again until only three options are left, at which point the table resets (you won't get the keystone you just used, though).
    • Gain a new keystone 8 − 4(基于等级) seconds after using the last. (Increased to 12 − 8(基于等级) seconds for Ranged role ranged champions).
    • Gain a new keystone while out of combat after 40 seconds of not using a keystone.
    • Your current keystone shows up to the right of your health bar. All ten players can see it.
    • Dark Harvest Dark Harvest souls persist after you get a different keystone and affect all your other keystones. Grasp of the Undying's Grasp of the Undying's health persists after you get a different keystone, too.
    • Available Keystones: Press the Attack Press the Attack, Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo, Fleet Footwork Fleet Footwork, Conqueror Conqueror, Summon Aery Summon Aery, Arcane Comet Arcane Comet, Phase Rush Phase Rush, Electrocute Electrocute, Predator Predator, Dark Harvest Dark Harvest, Hail of Blades Hail of Blades, Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying, Aftershock Aftershock, and Glacial Augment Glacial Augment.
    • Predator Predator is only available to champions who have already purchased boots. Dark Harvest Dark Harvest souls amplify the effects of all keystones. Aftershock Aftershock is only available to champions who have learned a basic spell that can trigger it.
    • Does not re-roll if in-combat.
    • Keystones cycle pseudo randomly - you cannot repeat a keystone for 5 rolls after it has been used.
    • Entering the fountain will reroll your current keystone.

