英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Miss Fortune Miss Fortune ramps up speed with her passive Strut Strut if she isn't attacked by an enemy unit. Avoid getting hit to keep her passive. This is an exceptional passive when it comes to reaching lanes quickly. Also, using this passive is a great way to close distances fast, such as crossing lanes to support or gank.
  • Use Double Up Double Up on the furthest enemy minion if enemy champions are hiding in back; it will bounce to them for lots of damage.
  • Double Up Double Up can hit enemies in bushes, even without vision. Use this is to your advantage by bouncing it off a visible minion/enemy champion, in the champion's vicinity.
  • Use Double Up Double Up on a tanky champion during teamfights and bounce it towards a squishy champion to maximize your damage output.
  • Use Impure Shots Impure Shots when facing opponents that have high health regeneration, or against anyone using a Health Potion. This will reduce their ability to heal and potentially get you an easier kill because of the effect.
    • Impure Shots Impure Shots is also extremely useful against a team or player with a healer.
  • Activate Impure Shots Impure Shots to take down turrets easily.
  • Miss Fortune Miss Fortune needs to be farmed in order to be successful. In mid to late game, your Bullet Time Bullet Time can be used to destroy unchecked waves of minions that have gathered.
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain provides sight when its activated, use it on brushes or gank spots to avoid ganking.
  • Use Make It Rain Make It Rain before using Bullet Time Bullet Time to keep your enemies in the radius of Bullet Time Bullet Time.
    • Bullet Time Bullet Time is able to go through walls, use it to surprise tower-hugging enemies.
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time is a channeling ability, a stun or a silence can interrupt the ability so be sure that you are out of range to enemy champions with Crowd Control while casting Bullet Time Bullet Time so that it can not be interrupted.



Doran's Blade Doran's Blade Prospector's Blade Prospector's Blade


Champion spotlight[]
