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  • Use Null Sphere Null Sphere at early levels to harass the opponent. Because of the silence that comes with the ability, enemies will have a hard time counter-attacking in time.
  • Nether Blade Nether Blade synergizes well with attack speed items and allows him to cast more spells from the mana gained. It also farms minions well if the minions in question are softened up by Riftwalk Riftwalk.
  • While out of combat use Nether Blade Nether Blade to charge up your Force Pulse Force Pulse and his passive to regain mana.
  • A risky way to deal a lot of burst damage to enemies is to constantly cast Riftwalk Riftwalk at the summoner pool. This will stack the damage on Riftwalk Riftwalk while the summoner pool regenerates your mana. Using this method with summoner spell Teleport Teleport can inflict devastating damage.
  • Kassadin Kassadin is fairly easy to kill if he can't Riftwalk Riftwalk away. When engaging the enemy, consider whether it'd be better to Riftwalk Riftwalk in, cast your spells, and walk out, or to walk in, cast your spells, and Riftwalk Riftwalk out.
    • You shouldn't Riftwalk Riftwalk in unless you are certain you can either kill your opponent or that they won't retaliate much. Casters will usually not be able to react quickly enough before the Null Sphere Null Sphere lands, but AD dps are normally unaffected by your silence.
  • Riftwalking Riftwalking into a team fight will probably draw attention to you, something you want to avoid. As such, walking into a team fight and teleporting out can help you avoid retaliation.
  • Unless it is urgent, when traveling with Riftwalk Riftwalk wait until your last Riftwalk Riftwalk counter has expired before using it again as Riftwalk Riftwalk can deplete your mana very quickly.
  • Kassadin Kassadin is great for laning with or against champions with spammable spells such as Karthus Karthus and Cassiopeia Cassiopeia as it ensures that Force Pulse Force Pulse is always charged.
  • Kassadin Kassadin lanes extremely well with Soraka Soraka for multiple reasons:
  • Kassadin's Kassadin's abilities have high ability power ratios and low cooldowns, so a high amount of AP enables him to deal immense damage in short time intervals.
  • The Riftwalk Riftwalk, Null Sphere Null Sphere, and Force Pulse Force Pulse combo is especially powerful against casters, as it silences and heavily damages them before they can react to it. Make sure you have at least 4 charges in Force Pulse Force Pulse before doing this combo, as Riftwalk Riftwalk and Null Sphere Null Sphere will let you gain the remaining 2 charges needed to cast it.
  • Riftwalk Riftwalk can be used to jump over walls, and essentially acts like the summoner spell Flash.
  • As an assassin, Kassadin Kassadin excels at ganking. Also, he is best at focusing alone or weak targets, or even targets like casters or low-MR enemies. With all of this in mind, Kassadin Kassadin performs best entering in-progress team fights, once a carry has been slain and the enemy team is beginning to disperse or retreat, to pick off injured champions.

Build Usage[]


Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Sapphire Crystal Sapphire Crystal


  • Kassadin Kassadin is a fearsome anti-mage due to his passive, Void Stone Void Stone and his Null Sphere Null Sphere. Since he specializes in counter AP-champions, an AD carry (especially Sivir Sivir due to her Spell Shield Spell Shield) will shut Kassadin down extremely hard.
  • Kassadin Kassadin mostly deals magic damage; therefore, stacking magic resistance will mitigate his damage.
  • Buying magic penetration to face Kassadin Kassadin is not recommended, as his passive doesn't give him magic resistance.
  • Kassadin Kassadin has very great mobility because of his Riftwalk Riftwalk. Take care when chasing him as he may outrun you.
  • Force Pulse Force Pulse can only be activated if he has enough stacks. Engaging him when he has no stacks can help kill him faster.
  • In the laning phase, especially on a solo lane, it can be very hard for Kassadin Kassadin to keep stacks on his Force Pulse Force Pulse, so casting spells sparingly can greatly reduce his damage output. Manually detonating a two-part spell such as Lucent Singularity Lucent Singularity or Death's Caress Death's Caress adds an extra charge to Force Pulse Force Pulse, so it may be beneficial to let these spells expire on their own.
  • Kassadin Kassadin has trouble killing minions waves quickly in the early game, as Force Pulse Force Pulse is not always available, leaving him with only melee attacks and the long-cooldown Null Sphere Null Sphere. Playing a champion with strong AoE spells can allow you to push your minions to Kassadin Kassadin's turret, which will force him to either lose gold income when the turret kills your minions, or stay in melee range of your minions, leaving him vulnerable to your ranged spells and attacks from outside the turret's range.
  • Predicting Kassadin's Kassadin's Riftwalk Riftwalk movement can be greatly effective in countering him, as his harass combo involves mostly Riftwalk Riftwalk into range, and dropping a Null Sphere Null Sphere.
    • Such example could be Brand Brand, by casting Pillar of Flame Pillar of Flame and Sear Sear at the correct position and timing, you can instead damage and stun Kassadin Kassadin during his attempt to harass you.
    • The travel time of Null Sphere Null Sphere is noticeably slow - if you have your own crowd control that can be cast onto Kassadin before it lands and after he uses Riftwalk Riftwalk to approach you, you can punish him and favourably trade.
    • As a melee assassin, Kassadin Kassadin must close the gap to begin fighting, and, more importantly, must initiate the fight to do all of his practical damage. With this in mind, being able to close in before he can Riftwalk Riftwalk or even applying your crowd control first will considerably buff your chances of slaying or at least defeating him.
  • Do not use Flash Flash to get away from Kassadin Kassadin because of his Riftwalk Riftwalk can still be used to teleport to a new area.
  • Warwick Warwick is a good counter for multiple reasons. Firstly, his basic magic resistance makes him suitably less squishy than other fighters versing Kassadin Kassadin. Secondly, his life steal assures that his health is buffed throughout the fight. Finally, his ult, Infinite Duress Infinite Duress, prevents Kassadin Kassadin from using Riftwalk Riftwalk to initiate the fight, as it suppresses him and places Warwick Warwick right on top of him.
  • Mordekaiser Mordekaiser is another excellent counter, for having even higher base magic resistance than Warwick Warwick, and that the shield he gains from ability use is very capable of soaking damage from Kassadin Kassadin's spells.