- Notes
- Kalista shares having an unusual basic attack windup modifier with a few other champions.
- See List of champions/Basic attacks for a list.
- Kalista also has the longest relative basic attack windup time of all champions, however this is offset by her high base attack speed and attack speed scaling.
- The dash speed depends on Kalista's bonus attack speed.
- The dash speed is affected by multiplicative movement speed modifiers such as slows.
- There are a total of 24 different dash ranges based on direction, Boots and being cast
- Kalista will attempt to attack her target again at the end of the dash, allowing the player to kite with only movement commands as long as they remain in attack range.
- Attack move click checks for targets in brief intervals, but only while Kalista is not in a dash, resulting in lost DPS if it is used to automatically dash.
- Notes
- Soul-Marked's bonus damage is credited to Kalista and will benefit from both her magic penetration and spell effects.
- If her ally scores a kill using Soul-Marked's bonus damage they will get a message stating 'Kill Secured' in place of the usual gold pop-up (the gold itself is credited to Kalista).
- The Sentinel's sight reveal on enemy champions is accredited for assists and potentially kills (if they die shortly after being spotted).
- It does not reveal stealthed targets.
- Sentinel will cast from wherever Kalista is at the end of the cast time.
- If Pierce kills the target by Soul-Mark's additional damage, it will/will not continue.
- Notes
- Rend at maximum stacks will deal a total of 2550 / 3572 / 4847 / 6375 / 8156 (+ 5069.4 / 6068.244 / 7016.994 / 7965.744 / 8914.494% AD) physical damage.
- Rend cannot activate on untargetable enemies.
- Rend applies its effects instantly on cast.
- The cooldown will not reset if the target is protected by resurrection effects.
- If Rend is used against under the effects of , the cooldown will reset even if it does not kill him.
- A stack is not applied if the attack is dodged, blocked or missed while Kalista is blinded.
- spell shield. does not apply a stack of Rend if blocked by
- Notes
- The following will defer Fate's Call's effects at the time of cast to the end of their duration if the Oathsworn is:
- In a cast time.
- Channeling.
- Displacement immune.
- Performing * , , , or .
- Fate's Call will not pull the Oathsworn if they are dashing but they will be retrieved after 1 second regardless.
- Fate's Call will pull the Oathsworn even if they are untargetable.
- Fate's Call is disabled if the Oathsworn is resurrecting.
- Fate's Call can be used even if the Oathsworn is in a zombie state.
- The Oathsworn being held is represented by a light over Kalista's head.
- Kalista's death does not cancel Fate's Call.