

卡拉曼達是位於瓦羅蘭 莫格羅關口北部的一個小村莊。村莊在正義期刊第一期便有所提及,經過探測,村莊附近被證實有儲量驚人的黃金與寶石,以及兩座能量節點(Nexus)。豐富的礦藏導致所有的城邦都在卡拉曼達設置據點來尋求利益,導致瓦羅然大陸局勢再度緊張。


卡拉曼達曾經只是個位於莫格羅關隘北部入口的默默無聞的小村莊,除開是個釣瓦羅然鱒魚的好去處外,便無其他名聲。 不過,它之後成為了諾克薩斯和蒂瑪西亞衝突的中心點。

然而,兩國之間的衝突越來越嚴重,甚至引起了完整規模的戰火。不過,因為 極靈 極靈和幾位其他英雄的魔法,這場戰爭才得以迅速平息。不過,魔力卻令這條小村在往後的日子變得不穩定。後來,它被塑造成正義之地水晶之痕



數個世紀前,存在著一個殘暴而充滿智慧的種族。The brackern是受到大地祝福的奇特生物,以水晶的形態生存著。他們掌握一種秘法祭典,把自己的生命精華與水晶連結起來 ,與嵌入其中的魔力共鳴。以這股力量, the brackern在Odyn Valley奮鬥, 保護著當地的生物和水晶。即使不時有來自敵人的攻擊,似乎沒有任何法術能穿透brackern的防禦。 的確,沒有任何法術能夠做到這點,直至符文之戰。 一場激烈的戰鬥在Odyn Valley附近展開,戰場釋放的邪惡魔法毒害了水晶。The brackern開始生命,漸漸死亡,沒有任何的防禦魔法能夠解除戰爭的傷害。為了避免被滅絕,他們只能長眠地下直至戰爭平息。當中最強大的,最睿智的brackern比其他同族棲息在較接近地面的位置,為了更早甦醒,考量地上世界的情況來為種族的回歸做好準備。


珍稀礦藏被發現  當這個小村莊登上瓦羅然大陸的舞臺之後,它的寧靜也迅速被打破。卡拉曼達的市長,安森·利德雷(Anson Ridley)和一個當地的調查小組在其勢力範圍之內發現了儲量驚人的黃金與珍稀寶石。此外,在礦脈附近還有兩座蘊含著可觀魔法能量的節點被發現。當這條新聞傳開之後,全大陸的冒險家與勘探者蜂擁而至,做著毫無邊際的名與利的美夢。城鎮議會在靠近通往莫格羅關隘與超級堡壘的山腳下設置一個臨時營地,預備給那些準備來出賣勞力的人們。 利德雷市長承認卡拉曼達本身並不具有開採和加工村莊地下蘊藏的豐富礦產的能力,他們也在尋求與外包礦務公司甚至是與某一個城邦的合作。考慮到礦產附近還發現了兩座巨大的能量節點,聯盟也產生了對卡拉曼達這筆寶藏的興趣。 蓋倫與卡特蓮娜在亂錘酒館(the hasty hammer tavern)制止了一場城際間的暴力衝突。 當這塊遍地黃金的地方還在報告不斷發現新的礦產時,這裡徹底變成了一個膨脹的野心之地,瓦羅然的城邦都在派遣新的人員來到這裡。而蒂瑪西亞和諾克薩斯當前投入了最大的精力,他們不斷擴大的勢力也導致了村莊內不斷加劇的勾心鬥角。卡拉曼達的居民擔心,他們的寶藏會因為蒂瑪西亞與諾克薩斯的你爭我奪而大打折扣。 當蒂瑪西亞與諾克薩斯的守衛在亂錘酒館酒後鬧事的時候,卡拉曼達的緊張局勢已經不言而喻了。目擊者聲稱那場糾紛“近乎於暴亂”。一場對立守衛間的爭吵演變成了暴力行為,至少有六名守衛受重傷。幾乎整個卡拉曼達的員警部隊全體出動,數位酒館的與兩位聯盟中的英雄出面才調解了這次紛爭。第二天卡拉曼達城鎮議會投票結果幾乎是壓倒性地同意早日與其中的一個城邦簽署獨家開採權,而不再是多方承包。他們解釋說這是因為他們不想再看到因為卡拉曼達的礦產利益,國家間的怒火再度被點燃。城邦的獨立開採權符合所有人的利益。 隨著城鎮議會條令的頒佈,蒂瑪西亞和諾克薩斯都加緊了對卡拉曼達的人員派駐,兩個城邦已經成了這場獨家開採權競賽的領先者。通過任命聯盟英雄來作為他們各自代表團的首領,雙方進一步擴大了自己在卡拉曼達的影響力。德瑪西亞的代表團由德瑪西亞之力蓋倫領導,而諾克薩斯的代表團則由不詳之刃卡特蓮娜領導,她是某個諾克薩斯高階將軍的大女兒。雙方的行為說明:蒂瑪西亞與諾克薩斯都不想放過這個機會。 佐恩賄賂行為被曝光  布蘭迪斯·雷耶斯,卡拉曼達城鎮議會的高階議員,在被發現收受佐恩的賄賂之後,遭到革職。數額巨大的符文、寶石與魔法科技設備被發現在雷耶斯的桌上,卡拉曼達的官員於是展開調查。這些貴重物品被發現含有極少量的污染物,而這些污染混合物使得卡拉曼達政府得以追溯這些貴重物品的源頭——佐恩。雖然雷耶斯聲稱他是被誣賴的,但後續調查顯示他曾經以金錢援助其他議員,試圖在近期即將推行的獨家開採權上讓他們的意見傾向于佐恩。由於賄賂行為,議會決定剝奪佐恩的候選資格。 儘管佐恩在卡拉曼達的勢力相對較小,但普遍認為佐恩因其氾濫的魔法科技設備,通過提煉礦石可以獲得最大的收益。佐恩發明的採礦設備不分晝夜地從營地中輸送部署。就跟村莊居民的擔憂一樣,當前部分區域已經有了衰敗的跡象,佐恩營地周圍的植物凋零、突變日益加深。居民譴責佐恩對毒性化學物質、不穩定的魔法與實驗器械的濫用。但由於卡拉曼達快速的人員流動,它並沒有對營地居民頒佈正式的規章制度,卡拉曼達對佐恩的行為作不出嚴厲制裁。  由於佐恩和諾克薩斯是堅定的盟友,很多人預計這次佐恩的所作所為會影響諾克薩斯競標獨家開採權。而對這起事件的深入調查則顯示,這其中可能涉及了其他想參與競標的城邦。卡拉曼達官員正在考慮完全禁止佐恩在它的土地上開採。

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Garen and Katarina break up an inter-city-state brawl.

City-State Tensions Flare[]

As reports of more mineral strikes in the resource-laden region lure prospective hopefuls to Kalamanda, Valoran's city-states had added to the growing population with additional personnel. Demacia and Noxus, by far, had invested the most effort; their growing presence also brought with them a rivalry that raised tensions within the village to dangerous levels. Kalamanda's citizens were worried that their good fortunes may turn for the worse if Demacia and Noxus came to blows over the future of their village.

This tension manifested itself when Demacian and Noxus guards drank at the Hasty Hammer Tavern got into a drunken brawl – a brawl that witnesses claimed was "bordering on a riot". At least six guards were seriously injured when an argument between the rival guards erupted into violence. It took what appeared to be the entire Kalamanda constabulary, several local patrons of the tavern, and two League champions to break up the fight. The next day the Kalamanda Village Council voted in favor of pushing for an exclusive mining agreement with one of the city-states, as opposed to allowing multiple contracts. They reasoned that they did not wish to see hatred between powerful nations rekindled because of Kalamanda’s mineral bounty. The presence of just a single city-state would be in everyone’s best interest.

Following the village council ruling, both Demacia and Noxus increased their presence within Kalamanda, as both city-states have emerged as the leaders in securing exclusive mining contracts with the village. Both delegations had already escalated their presence in Kalamanda by appointing League champions as the leaders of their respective missions. The Demacian delegation was led by Garen, the Might of Demacia Garen, the Might of Demacia, while the Noxus delegation was directed by Katarina, the Sinister Blade Katarina, the Sinister Blade – the eldest daughter of one of Noxus' top generals attached to the Noxian High Command. The presence of the champions in the village gave a clear indication that both Demacia and Noxus were committed to success in Kalamanda.

Zaun Bribery Exposed[]

Brandis Reyes, a senior member of the Kalamanda Village Council, was ousted after he was found to be taking bribes from the city-state of Zaun. An investigation by Kalamanda officials began after a large amount of runes, gems, and techmaturgical devices was found scattered across Reyes’ desk. The valuables were found to contain trace amounts of pollutants, and the compositions of these pollutants allowed Kalamanda authorities to trace the valuables’ origins to Zaun. Despite Reyes’ claimed that he was being framed, further investigation revealed that Reyes had been soliciting other council members in an attempt to influence them in Zaun’s favor for the exclusive mining agreement currently under consideration in Kalamanda. As a result of the attempted bribery, the council ruled to exclude Zaun from the pool of eligible candidates.

Though Zaun’s presence in Kalamanda was relatively small, it was speculated that Zaun was turning the greatest profit due to its rampant usage of techmaturgical devices to extract the precious minerals. Mining devices were being invented and deployed day and night from the Zaunite camp. Much to the concern of the village residents, the environment in the immediate area had shown signs of decay, with a circle of dying and mutated vegetation seen around the Zaunite camps. Residents blamed Zaun for its careless usage of toxic chemicals, unsafe magic, and experimental machinery. However, with no formal guidelines in place for camp inhabitants due to the rapid influx of activity within the city, the village found itself at the mercy of Zaunite operations.

Speculations ran rampant that this may harm the viability of Noxus’ bid for the exclusive contract, as Noxus and Zaun were well-known allies. The nature in which the bribery was discovered also points to possible involvement from other city-states currently vying for the exclusive contract. Kalamanda officials were in the process of considering banning Zaun from mining within its borders entirely.

The Mine Collapse[]


Rescue parties rush to save the trapped Demacian miners.

An earthquake rocked the village of Kalamanda causing the collapse of a mithril mine and trapping twelve Demacian miners underground. Rescue efforts began shortly after the mine caved in. The League offered its assistance to Demacia in its rescue efforts, as had the small contingencies of Piltover and Ionia. Help was also offered by the Noxian delegation in Kalamanda – a surprising move considering the animosity between Demacia and Noxus in recent years.


Evidence of Noxian sabotage discovered.

After nearly a month of excavation the twelve Demacian miners trapped underground had finally been rescued. Though weakened after being buried underground, all twelve miners emerged in high spirits. However, the temporary joy and peace resulting from the rescue was shattered when a troubling piece of evidence was discovered, suggesting that the cause of the mine collapse was man-made. The body of a Noxian soldier was recovered underground approximately one kilometer east of the trapped miners, where geologists had estimated the initial fault point of the collapse. The soldier was surrounded by various Noxian arcano-seismic charges, and he appeared to have been caught unexpectedly by the cave-in after the charges were detonated.

An official investigation was immediately launched, with Kalamanda and League officials working in conjunction to scrutinize this potentially cataclysmic breach in the League code. Tensions at the rescue site nearly caused a fight to break out, but the Noxian rescuers lending aid withdrew swiftly in order to avoid conflict.

Demacia Awarded Exclusive Contract[]

Although the investigation for the mining collapse were yet to reach an official conclusion, the Kalamanda Village Council made an immediate ruling to grant Demacia the highly coveted exclusive mining contract. This established a permanent partnership between Kalamanda and Demacia, bestowing the city-state with exclusive extraction rights of all minerals within Kalamanda’s lands. In return, Demacia would commit mining resources and open a direct trade route to Kalamanda, effectively making Kalamanda one of its incontiguous provinces. All independent and city-state affiliated mining parties were required to cease activity and withdraw all mining operations from the village’s boundaries. A formal ceremony was made in the courtyard of Kalamanda’s Seat of the Elders, with Mayor Anson Ridley having prepared the formal documentation for his village's partnership with Demacia.

Accusations Against Demacia[]

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Swain accuses Demacia of framing Noxus.

Kalamanda's modest population prepared themselves for the arrival of Jarvan III, King of Demacia, who was accompanied by his son Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia, and an entire phalanx of Demacian Valor Knights. The King had sent word that he would visit the village personally to sign the long-anticipated agreement granting Demacia exclusive mining rights in Kalamanda. The triumphant atmosphere became subdued, however, when Jericho Swain, the Master Tactician Jericho Swain, the Master Tactician, appeared with his own military entourage. Kalamanda officials decided to proceed with the signing, but before the Demacian King could endorse the document, Swain emerged from the crowd with a bound Demacian soldier. Swain stated that the man, Thom Garvin, had confessed to the murder of the Noxian citizen in the mines, and the attempted framing of Noxus. When the King asked the soldier on whose orders he was following, the soldier sputtered that he was following the orders of the King's son, Prince Jarvan IV.

The ceremony then dissolved into chaos. Mayor Anson Ridley requested that the signing be postponed until a proper investigation could be conducted. King Jarvan III demanded that Garvin be released into Demacian custody, but Swain argued that Garvin was a key witness and could not be entrusted to either government. He suggested instead that Garvin be held by local authorities, and only interrogated with representatives of both city-states present. Ridley agreed to the proposition and Jarvan III followed suit. Before the prisoner departed, Jarvan IV accused Swain of deception, denying any involvement in a conspiracy. Troops on both sides were called to the sides of their leaders, but King Jarvan III managed to de-escalate the situation by silencing his son and forbidding his troops to engage. He stated to Swain that he would leave peaceably, and requested that Swain honor the dictates established by the League, forbidding open combat. Swain consented, and withdrew his forces. League Adjudicators were dispatched from the Institute to help mediate the situation.

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Refugees of Kalamanda flee the village.

Reinforcements Arrive[]

The situation in Kalamanda grew dire as reinforcements poured in from both Demacia and Noxus. Spokesmen from both delegations promised that the troops were merely there to for the protection of the important city-state leaders present. Both encampments awaited the interrogation of the Demacian prisoner, which was delayed at the request of King Jarvan III of Demacia, without any public explanation. The steady influx of soldiers had transformed the Kalamanda countryside, dotting it with military tents and banners. At the same time, many Kalamanda villagers left the region in droves, abandoning their homes and possessions for fear of imminent violence.

The Prisoner Found Dead[]

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General Boram Darkwill departs from Noxus.

The Demacian soldier who publically confessed to mining conspiracy and sabotage was found dead in his cell, a victim of Nyzer poisoning. There was an investigation, yet Kalamanda officials were unable to find how the poison managed to elude the notice of the guards. Suspicious eyes were cast on the visiting delegations of Noxus and Demacia. Though representatives from both city-states denied any wrongdoing, military activity visibly increased in both camps. A carriage containing General Boram Darkwill himself departed Noxus soon after the prisoner’s fate was discovered.

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Swain holds vigil as the bodies of fallen Noxian soldiers are put to flame.

Darkwill Assassinated[]

General Boram Darkwill and his accompanying platoon of Raedsel Guardsman were found slain on the roads not far from the village. Analysis of the scene indicated that the entire troop was eliminated with terrifying efficiency. Noxian scouts were unable to find any traces of an attacking force or any signs of survivors. Swain later ordered the bodies of every slain Noxian soldier be put to fire, as is the Noxian ceremony for fallen ranking officers in wartime conditions. He then accused Demacia for the assault, as they are the only other military on this continent which was capable of it.

In a public response, King Jarvan III of Demacia decried the attack, and stated that he did not order the assassination. Swain declined Jarvan’s invitation to discuss the situation, which may indicate that the damage was already done. The last remaining natives of Kalamanda, including the mayor and his councilmen, were evacuated from the region.

War in Kalamanda[]

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Prince Jarvan IV and General Swain battle amidst the chaos.

The collective fears of Valoran were realized in Kalamanda as the standoff between Noxus and Demacia escalated to all-out war. Initial estimates placed casualties in the hundreds. It appeared that Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia struck the first blow against General Swain of Noxus. According to eyewitnesses, Swain was making his usual rounds of the Noxian camp when he was ambushed by Jarvan. The two became locked in combat, and soldiers from both camps immediately engaged each other in efforts to come to their aid.

Though battle between these embittered rivals has been heated, ambassadors from both sides pledged that their forces would refrain from the use of unsanctioned magic. Chancellor Malek Hawkmoon, spokesman for Noxus, called it a “steel and slugs” engagement, a Noxian military term for a physical-only wartime operation. Neither army gained a significant advantage over the other. The bulk of the fighting took place on the fields just outside the village’s primary dig site, though the contested area gradually expanded. Prince Jarvan was not seen on the battlefield since his initial clash with Swain, though Noxus’ Master Tactician was seen in the front lines, issuing commands and urging his troops onward.

Jarvan’s absence caused a great degree of speculation that the Prince may have been killed or captured, but the Demacian forces did not falter. Their morale was bolstered by Garen and the Dauntless Vanguard, whose efforts stymied the Noxian offensive at nearly every turn. King Jarvan III reportedly donned his own royal armor, although his exact position remained a mystery. It was likely that Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia, was with him.

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League intervention leaves warring soldiers suspended in time.

Kalamanda Pacified[]

In an unprecedented show of force, the League of Legends conjured a temporal stasis bubble over the entirety of Kalamanda, trapping the warring forces of Noxus and Demacia in a mid-battle state of suspension. The soldiers inside were to be extracted and returned to their homes, but the League pronounced the village and its immediate surroundings uninhabitable.

The League had sent four hundred summoners to the far edges of the Kalamanda conflict, transporting with them a small nexus that was, according to scholars of the Arcanum Majoris, a centerpiece of the Arcanum Vault. Utilizing ancient Urtistani techniques refined by League champion Zilean, the Chronokeeper Zilean, the Chronokeeper, these summoners undertook an enchantment the magnitude of which hadn't been seen in Valoran since the Rune Wars. A great deal of care was devoted to ensuring that Runeterra sustained the least possible destruction as a result of the spell.

Though experts believed the damage to Runeterra is minimal, they have determined that the area occupied by the bubble will be magically unstable for decades. Soldier extraction had begun, and would continue for several weeks. It was a slow and intensive process, as Zilean believed improper extraction may lead to chrono-displasia, a disease he himself endured. League surveyors were dispatched to the village to assess the true extent of the damage, as well as to determine if there would be any way to speed its restoration. The League made arrangements for the families of Kalamanda residents, accepting responsibility for restricting them from their own homes.

Ambassadors from Noxus and Demacia took residence in the Institute of War and negotiated the safe return of their soldiers, as well as terms for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The Crystal Scar[]

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The re-construction of Kalamanda to become a Field of Justice.

Days after the League’s unprecedented intervention against Noxus and Demacia’s war, a portion of the magically contaminated region had been found to be salvageable and will be re-purposed into an official Field of Justice, the Crystal Scar. High Councilor Heywan Relivash gave the announcement to a gathered group of summoners, refugees, and city-state representatives. Those gathered for the announcement responded in great favor to the initiative.

As League surveyors, masons, and artificers began construction in Kalamanda, Noxian and Demacian ambassadors continued holding negotiations at the Institute of War. King Jarvan III arrived to represent Demacia and, as no Grand General had been determined at the time, Jericho Swain represented Noxus. League Champion Kayle, the Judicator Kayle, the Judicator, presided over negotiations alongside the High Councilors.


Skarner awakens from his sleep.

The Brackern Awakens[]

After centuries of hibernation, the mining operations and violent escalation in Kalamanda were enough to awaken the first of the ancient brackerns. When Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard, burst to the surface, he lashed out in anger and confusion. Reason eventually won out over his anger when he realized that the agents of the League who found him were simply functionaries. Skarner was invited to the Institute of War to share the brackern's story. In return, the summoners told him about the history that his kind had slept through. Much had been done to curb the unchecked use of magic since the Rune Wars, but it was obvious that the world was not yet safe for his kind to reawaken. Skarner now worked to use his power to change the world into one in which his kind could eventually return.

Intruder in Kalamanda's Prison[]


A note left by the intruder.

An anonymous tip led the remaining Demacian guards in Kalamanda to the remnants of the local prison, resulting in a scuffle with an unidentified intruder. The suspect was caught searching the same ward in which the Demacian prisoner was assassinated. After a violent confrontation with Garen, the Might of Demacia, and a host of guards, the intruder escaped into the night.

Investigators searched the area and discovered that the intruder had left behind several daggers and a torn note. The contents of the note had yet to be deciphered.

Field of Justice[]

The two nexuses in Kalamanda are used for the Dominion map, the Crystal Scar.

Associated Champions[]

Champion Ties
Garen Crowngaurd, the Might of Demacia Garen Crowngaurd, the Might of Demacia Broke the inter city-state brawl
Jarvan Lightshield IV, the Exemplar of Demacia Jarvan Lightshield IV, the Exemplar of Demacia Led the Demacian army in Kalamanda
Katarina Du Couteau, the Sinister Blade Katarina Du Couteau, the Sinister Blade Broke the inter city-state brawl
Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard Site of emergence
Jericho Swain, the Master Tactician Jericho Swain, the Master Tactician Led the Noxian army in Kalamanda
Talon, the Blade's Shadow Talon, the Blade's Shadow Believed to have assassinated General Boram Darkwill
Zilean, the Chronokeeper Zilean, the Chronokeeper Developed the temporal stasis bubble