英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Karma's Karma's Inner Flame Inner Flame grants ability power corresponding to her percentage of missing health. This makes her deceptively powerful when baiting enemies, as your abilities will be much stronger than anticipated when near death.
  • Karma Karma is an assault support, similar to Lux Lux or Kayle Kayle , and requires feed. She needs to stay near the front line to use her abilities and harvest gold, rather than holding back like Sona Sona or Janna Janna and allowing her laning partner to take all the minion kills and do most of the damage.
  • In order to play Karma effectively, you must know when to use a Mantra Mantra charge.
    • Using Mantra Mantra on Heavenly Wave Heavenly Wave should be mainly be used during large teamfights. Because it is an AoE heal, it is more effective on multiple targets than self-healing.
    • Using Mantra Mantra on Spirit Bond Spirit Bond can be used to help an ally escape enemies or cripple a fleeing enemy.
      • A risky, but effective, strategy is to use Spirit Bond Spirit Bond on a champion that can rush into the enemy team and cause them to hit the tether (e.g. Rammus Rammus).
    • Using Mantra Mantra on Soul Shield Soul Shield is useful when going 1v1 or shielding an ally surrounded by enemies. It is the most damaging of her abilities. Use it on minions if a teammate is not present to deny last hits and provide ranged damage. Do not neglect the shield portion of this ability, as this is not a reliable harrass method due to requiring two cooldowns to clear.
  • Karma Karma can act as a pusher by constantly healing herself, her allies and her minions by using Mantra Mantra in conjunction with Heavenly Wave Heavenly Wave.
    • When attacking a turret, placing Soul Shield Soul Shield on a siege minion will greatly increase the amount of attacks you can get in due to the reduced damage they take from turrets increasing the effectiveness of the shield.
  • Making the proper decision on which champion to Spirit Bond Spirit Bond in a team fight or chase can be difficult.
    • When possible, it's normally a good idea to bond your initiator, unless he's not going to stay within the leash range for very long. In any case, is easier to cast Spirit Bond Spirit Bond on the portrait on the left.
    • Aiming for a distant enemy makes it possible to catch multiple other enemies in Spirit Bond's Spirit Bond's beam, but will also make the bond easier to break with distance. Aiming for a nearby enemy should keep the bond intact and slow the pursuer most likely to catch you, but will likely not hit any other enemies.
    • Spirit Bond Spirit Bond deals no damage to the bonded enemy, only enemies which intersect the beam. Consider this fact when under an enemy turret as it can be useful when pushing against their turret, since it doesn't draw aggro, and gives you time to run if the bonded enemy approaches you.
    • Because of the damage component of Spirit Bond's Spirit Bond's beam, it can be used to farm minions or kill neutral monster camps when you are outside of battle.
    • If your team has champions that can blink to the enemies like Xin Zhao Xin Zhao or Irelia Irelia. Ask them to wait for your Spirit Bond Spirit Bond before blink, since blinking with Spirit Bond Spirit Bond instantly deals damage to the targetted enemy champion and also slow them. Twice the effectiveness while Mantra Mantra is on.
  • Soul Shield's Soul Shield's long range and its Mantra Mantra-activated large AoE damage make it a great skill to max out first. Using it on yourself or an ally / minion (especially a melee ally or siege minion) can help absorb large amounts of damage and allow you to safely deal damage if used with a Mantra Mantra.
    • In the chaos of a team battle, aiming a specific ally can be difficult, so it would be a good idea to cast Soul Shield's Soul Shield's on the portraits on the left
  • When fighting the Ancient Golem Ancient Golem to acquire Crest of the Ancient Golem Crest of the Ancient Golem, be sure to save your Mantras Mantras for Soul Shield Soul Shield so that you will be able to deal damage with two abilities rather than Heavenly Wave Heavenly Wave alone. You can also use Spirit Bond Spirit Bond on the small creeps next to Ancient Golem Ancient Golem in order to deal additional damage.
  • Karma Karma can perform a incredibly powerful escape combo for one of her allies , using a Mantra Mantra for Spirit Bond Spirit Bond and another one for Heavenly Wave Heavenly Wave and a final Soul Shield Soul Shield to absorb other incomming damage.
    • However this combo will leave Karma Karma with no Mantra Mantras and with her damage output killed.
    • To instead chase an opponent switch the Spirit Bond Spirit Bond to your enemy (charged with Mantra Mantra) , a Soul Shield Soul Shield with Mantra Mantra to damage and a Heavenly Wave Heavenly Wave a damage even further. Once again this will leave Karma Karma in an awkward if her opponent survives
  • Karma Karma always respawns with both of her Mantra Mantra charges, so using one with Spirit Bond Spirit Bond on an ally or spawning minion will help get you back to the action quickly. With some cooldown reduction, the time it takes to get there may be long enough to get your second Mantra Mantra back.
  • By pressing the Mantra Mantra hotkey twice, Mantra Mantra will queue up on your next two spells cast.
  • The cooldown on Mantra Mantra starts when you press the activate it, not when the enhanced spell is cast. Activate Mantra Mantra well in advance of an imminent fight to get your Mantra Mantra back a few seconds after the fight starts.
  • At present, Karma Karma is a relatively underplayed Champion, so it is not uncommon for both opponents and allies to be unaware of how her abilities work. Use this to your advantage.
    • However, even if the enemy team has no idea how Karma works, you won't be as good without a good team that knows how Karma works and take advantage of what you can offer. Such as run over the enemies while Spirit Bond Spirit Bond to slow them down when chasing, or stick together so you can mantra heal your whole team.
  • Having defensive summoner spells and points in the Defense Mastery Tree is a good way to make the enemy underestimate your survival skills.


Any Glass cannon build is more viable on Karma Karma due to the fact that it makes her shield very strong and her aoe heal very strong. This makes her amazing in team fights and surprisingly tanky and allows her to bait people with Mantra Mantras + Soul Shield Soul Shield and Heavenly Wave Heavenly Wave much more succesfully.


Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal

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