英雄信息 | 背景故事 | 游戏技巧 | 皮肤与轶事 |
Chinese artwork[]
- 凯特琳的设计师是 Ezreal.
- 卡特琳是2011年发布的第一个英雄.
- The "Meet the long gun of the law" quote refers to the phrase "Long Arm of the Law", which Caitlyn puts in a more fitting way for her.
- Caitlyn's "Wanna see a hat trick?" quote is a sports term—a hat trick is doing a triple-feat in any sport (three touchdowns, three goals, triple-kill and so on).
- Caitlyn's "Boom. Headshot." quote is a reference to the mockumentary Pure Pwnage episode "M8's," which is also referenced by the Team Fortress 2 "Meet the Sniper" video, in which the eponymous class/character says it while tapping a bobblehead. This quote could also be derived from the classic N64 game "Conker's Bad Fur Day"
- In polish client, Caitlyn's "Bądź czujny jak pies podwójny" (Be open-eyed, as the doubledog) is a reference to stand-up of Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju - Wyrywanie Lachonów.
- The Safari Caitlyn skin is a reference to not only African Safaris, but to the web browser Safari as well. This is in relation with Explorer Ezreal, Chrome Rammus, and Foxfire Ahri.
"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 Caitlyn/SkinsTrivia 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2012-11-30 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。 |