英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Nasus Nasus can jungle due to his free lifesteal from Soul Eater Soul Eater. However, it is much better to take a solo lane due to more minions to farm Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike and low jungle power.
  • Constantly last hitting with Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike will have an enormous impact at the end of a game, and will be your primary source of damage.
    • If you are are having difficulty last hitting minions with Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike (against strong zoners), request a lane change or a gank.
  • The damage from Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike will proc on turrets. Use it to quickly take turrets down.
  • Using Wither Wither on your targets will make it easier to land Spirit Fire Spirit Fire before using Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike, as Spirit Fire Spirit Fire greatly reduces the target's armor, making you hit much harder than normal.
  • Be careful when using Spirit Fire Spirit Fire near your tower, as it will push the lane and you will lose last-hits.
  • During the laning phase, Spirit Fire Spirit Fire will discourage your enemies from farming, but it has a relatively high mana cost.
  • Nasus Nasus's ultimate can be used at the start of team fights as you will be doing constant AoE damage to enemies while gaining attack damage for big hits. It can also be saved for the end of a fight to bait enemies with the health boost (stronger in small fights).
  • Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands can be used offensively or defensiviely, use it to catch or escape enemies, as it also gives a massive health boost.
  • A team with Nasus Nasus can kill Baron Nashor Baron Nashor earlier because his Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands and passive life steal from Soul Eater Soul Eater lets him tank and kill it much more easily.





Doran's Shield Doran's Shield Philosopher's Stone Philosopher's Stone Prospector's Blade Prospector's Blade Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal


Runes and Masteries[]

