英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


Chinese artwork[]


  • Kog'Maw was first spotted during the official Malzahar Malzahar announcement post. He can be seen in one of the screenshots.
  • Kog'Maw's name may be reference to the Cebuano term "kogmo" which refers to hardened mucus in the nose.
    • The 'Maw' part also means an appetite; a stomach; the receptacle into which food is taken by swallowing.
  • Ironically, even though Kog'Maw's lore and a majority of his quotes speak of his "insatiable" hunger, every ability (except his passive) involves regurgitation.
  • His /dance is a tribute to Michigan J. Frog from the classic Warner Bros. short One Froggy Evening. A side-by-side comparison can be seen here .
  • When Kog'Maw is reviving (Zilean's Zilean's Chrono Shift Chrono Shift or Guardian Angel Guardian Angel), his passive does not proc, and instead will do his dance in high speed.
  • Kog'Maw was one of the champions chosen for the Noxian pool available during the Ionia vs. Noxus match. He was not one of the selected champions however.
  • Kog'Maw is one of the four champions to have abilities which allow them to continue to attack after death. Kog'Maw's ability being Icathian Surprise Icathian Surprise and the others being Karthus' Karthus' Death Defied Death Defied, Yorick's Yorick's Omen of Death Omen of Death and Zyra's Zyra's Rise of the Thorns Rise of the Thorns.
  • Kog'maw is the only Void-related champion to not have the word "Void" in his title.
  • In his idle animation, Kog'Maw blinks one eye at a time. He will also perform a brief spin/dance that is different than his actual /dance emote sometimes.


  • According to Kog'Maw's 2nd /taunt line and the Journal of Justice Issue 2, another Void Champion may be on the way.
  • The Reindeer Kog'Maw skin does a different /joke from his others. It will sing "Fa la la la la" and, paired with SonaSquare Silent Night Sona's /joke, will sing the song Deck the Halls.
  • Kog'Maw's joke is similar to the bugle charge command.


  • Kog'Maw's champion select icon and mini-map icon have his "tongue" darkened, and almost not noticeable. The backdrop is also darker.
  • Sonoran Kog'Maw skin, while appearing orange in the preview, actually appears brown in-game.
  • His Classic skin art appears pink but is actually silver colored ingame.
  • The Lion Dance Kog'Maw skin is a reference to the traditional Chinese Lion dances, performed on the Lunar New Year.
    • As a Legendary Skin, the visuals of his abilities are altered to display fireworks instead.
  • Deep Sea Kog'Maw skin is based on the real world Anglerfish, a fish that dwells in the deep sea.
  • In the Caterpillar Kog'Maw skin he is hunting a scarab in the US version, while he is hunting a Butterfly on the Chinese one.
  • Kog'Maw and Jurassic Cho'Gath share a Jurassic skin theme.
    • In the background of the splash art, the skeleton on the wall beside Kog'Maw bears resemblance to Omen Omen, a cancelled champion.
    • Also on the left of Kog'Maw is one of the limbs of the Jurassic Cho'Gath Exhibit.

