
詳情[ | ]

  • 摧毀一個【殭屍守衛】將提供1金幣。
  • 守衛不可用的模式,殭屍守衛會被替換為Eyeball Collection Eyeball Collection
  • 最多可獲得30適應之力
  • 當【殭屍守衛】的使用者通過【清除者透視鏡】,【控制守衛】或【占卜花朵】揭示了一個守衛,他們不再需要確實擊中守衛來將之復活為【殭屍守衛】(如果那個守衛隨後被摧毀)。

改動歷史[ | ]

  • New Effect:
    • Scoring a Damage rating takedown on an enemy ward summons a friendly Zombie Ward icon Zombie Ward in its place (10 second assist timer).
    • Gain 1.2 bonus Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power (Adaptive) for every Zombie Ward spawned, up to 10, for a maximum of 12 bonus Attack Damage or 20 Ability Power (Adaptive).
    • After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, gain an additional 6 bonus Attack Damage or 10 Ability Power (Adaptive).
    • Zombie Wards grant Sight icon sight over 1100 units, are visible to the enemy team, have 1 health, last for 120 seconds and don't count towards your ward limit.
    • Killing a Zombie Ward will grant Gold.
  • Old Effect:
    • Scoring a Damage rating takedown on an enemy ward summons a friendly Zombie Ward icon Zombie Ward in its place (10 second assist timer), and your next damage against an enemy champion deals 30 − 90 (based on level) bonus magic damage.
    • Zombie Wards grant Sight icon sight over 1100 units, are visible to the enemy team, have 1 health, last for 120 seconds and don't count towards your ward limit.
    • Killing a Zombie Ward will grant Gold.
  • Removed: Zombie Wards no longer spawn from friendly wards which time out.
  • Undocumented: No longer replaces your trinket with a Zombie Ward for up to 30 seconds if you already had a ward in the brush where the Zombie Ward would spawn.
  • New Effect: After taking down an enemy ward, your next damage against an enemy champion deals 30 − 90 (based on level) bonus magic damage.
  • Duration increased to 120 seconds from 30 − 120 (based on level).
  • Duration reduced to 30 − 120 (based on level) seconds from 60 − 180 (based on level).
  • Bug Fix: No longer incorrectly creates Zombie Wards when killing a player-summoned trap.
  • Ward duration reduced to 60 − 180 (based on level) seconds from 180 at all levels.
  • When a Zombie Ward user reveals a ward via sweeper, control ward, or scrying bloom, they no longer have to actually hit the ward to spawn a Zombie Ward (if the ward then dies).
  • New Effect: Killing a Zombie Ward now grants Gold.
V7.22 Added
  • Domination icon Domination Slot 2 rune.
    • Passive: Scoring a takedown on an enemy ward summons a friendly Zombie Ward icon Zombie Ward in its place (10 second assist timer). If the brush where you killed the enemy ward already contains an allied ward, you instead gain a Zombie Ward in your Trinket Slot that can be placed at any location within the next 30 seconds.
    • Zombie Wards grant Sight icon sight over 1100 units, are visible to the enemy team, have 1 health, last for 180 seconds and don't count towards your ward limit.
    • Additionally, your own wards will summon a Zombie Ward when they time-out. This does not occur if they are replaced due to the ward limit.

