"You belong in a museum!"
Mercenary Upgrades were items that could be purchased during the Black Market Brawlers event, which upgrades the abilities of the player's personal Brawler. These upgrades are purchased using Krakens, which are earned in the course of playing the game.
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Similar items[]
Patch History[]
;V5.15 - Removed (2015-08-10 - Black Market Brawlers end)
- Removed from the game.
- V5.14 - Added (2015-07-30 - Black Market Brawlers release)
- Gives your mercenary the first level upgrade.
- Cost: 5
- +75% damage to structures
- Unique Passive: The Ironback is protected by a barrier that mitigates 100% of the physical damage from the next turret attack or basic attack from an enemy champion. This cannot happen again for 10 seconds.
- +10 magic resistance
- Unique Passive - Clairvoyance: Spawns an observer that moves to the nearby jungle. After a 4-second delay, it grants sight over the surrounding area. 30 second cooldown.
- +100 attack range
- Unique Passive: Attacks against champions grant 20% attack speed for 3 seconds, stacking up to 150%.
- Gives your mercenary the second level upgrade.
- Cost: 10
- +75% damage to structures
- Now grants 35% damage reduction from minions while the barrier is active.
- +10 magic resistance
- Innate
- Base shield increased to 250.
- Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds.
- +100 attack range
- Unique Passive: Attacks against champions deal 50% AD bonus damage (25% AD on Splitshot).
- Unique Passive: Every 3rd consecutive attack against the same champion deals 300% AD damage.
- Gives your mercenary the third level upgrade.
- Cost: 15
- +75% damage to structures
- Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds.
- Damage reduction from minions increased to 60%.
- +10 magic resistance
- Clairvoyance
- Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds.
- Set-up delay reduced to 2 seconds.
- Maximum range increased by 50%.
- Sight duration increased by 50%.
- +150 attack range
- Unique Passive: Attacks against minions deal 50% AD bonus damage.
- Splitshot now fires minor bolts at every nearby champion.
- Each wave spawns an additional Razorfin.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Mythic items
- Ornn's Mythic item upgrades
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Removed items
"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 Mercenary Upgrades 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2020-11-08 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。 |