Elise OriginalCentered
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Spider Queen



  • 幼蛛拥有10/20/30/40(+0.15AP)基础攻击力,并且免疫20%的AOE伤害。最多可存在2/3/4/5只幼蛛。
  • 幼蛛的护甲:30/50/70/90
  • 幼蛛的魔法抗性:50/70/90/110

  • Elise will always begin the game and respawn with maximum available Spiderlings stored.
  • Elise's Human Form Human Form ability casts can only store one Spiderling each.
  • The Spiderlings have a leash range.
  • Spider Form's basic attacks will apply other on-hit effects and can Critical strike icon critically strike as normal (the bonus damage does not).
  • Applies Wit's End item proc damage on the bonus magic damage on-hit in spider form.
  • The Spiderlings apply Death Lotus area damage.

消耗: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
冷却: 6
目标范围: Range center 625
施放时间: 0.25

伊莉丝投掷毒素,造成相当于40/70/100/130/160加上目标当前生命的(4% + 0.03%*AP)的魔法伤害。对野怪最多造成75/100/125/150/175额外伤害。

  • No additional details.

消耗: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
冷却: 12
目标范围: 950
碰撞半径: X
效果半径: X
速度: X
施放时间: 0.125
Volatile Spiderling


  • If Volatile Spiderling dashes to a target due to Venomous Bite Venomous Bite, it will not expire before finishing its jump.
    • It can still collide with enemies while dashing, but since this proximity check is repeated only every so often, it might phase through an enemy on its way without detecting the collision if dashing quickly enough.

消耗: 50
冷却: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10
目标范围: Range center 1100
宽度: Range model 110
速度: 1600
施放时间: 0.25


  • Cocoon will always cast from the original casting position.
  • Cocoon deals no damage and thus does not trigger Turret icon turret aggro, or effects such as Elixir of Sorcery Elixir of Sorcery and Sudden Impact's Sudden Impact's activation.

冷却: 6
目标范围: 475
施放时间: 0.25
Venomous Bite


  • Venomous Bite cannot be used to cross walls or impassable terrain.
    • The target will be damaged regardless.
      • Spiderlings Spiderlings can cross walls and terrain to reach Venomous Bite's target and will attack provided Elise stays within their leash range.
  • There is a maximum range in which Spiderlings or Volatile Spiderlings can dash to the target.
  • Spiderlings Spiderlings will dash even if they are Stun icon crowd controlled.
  • Elise will not dash if the target is within basic attack range.
  • Venomous Bite will still deal its damage but not apply on-hit effects if it is Spirit's Refuge blocked or Counter Strike dodged. It cannot be missed while Elise is Blind icon blinded.

冷却: 10
施放时间: none
Skittering Frenzy



  • No additional details.

冷却: 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18
效果半径: Range model 700
施放时间: none


  • When Elise casts Rappel, a circle outlines the area in which a target can be selected to descend upon.
    • She cannot descend outside the bounds of this circle.
  • The buff granted from casting directly on an enemy is not lost if Elise switches to Human Form.
  • Rappel can be cast on any targetable enemy unit (Champion icon champions, Minion icon minions, Monster icon monsters, Ward icon wards, Noxious Trap traps, and jungle plants).
  • Elise will attempt to position behind her target if she descends closer than Rappel's max range.
  • Without additional vision, Elise cannot Rappel to Rift Herald Rift Herald from the other side of the Baron Nashor's Baron Nashor's pit, but can Rappel to Dragon Dragon by standing near the Scryer's Bloom Scryer's Bloom spawn locations. This is a result of Sight icon sight being granted in a smaller circle than the target range limit for descending and the Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift map having height variations. With sight of the target, both can be accessible with Rappel from behind the pits.
  • Elise cannot cast abilities or item actives during Rappel. She may buffer item actives if the effect was auto-targeted or quick cast is turned on for the item slot. This includes trinkets.
  • Elise has a smaller range for ground-targeting. Elise will walk into range and then perform Rappel if this ability is cast while targeting a location outside of this range.
  • If Elise enters Revival icon resurrection during Rappel, she will descend back down immediately.

冷却: 4
施放时间: none
Spider Form

Human Form 人类形态 - Active: 伊莉丝变成一只邪恶的蜘蛛,获得新的技能并召唤她的幼蛛。

蜘蛛形态下的每次攻击将额外造成10/20/30(+0.3AP)魔法伤害,同时,提升伊莉丝10点移动速度。伊莉丝蜘蛛形态下的每次普攻都会治疗自身4/6/8/10(+0.1AP)的生命值 。

蜘蛛形态 Spider Form - Active: Elise transforms into her human form, gaining Ranged role ranged basic attacks, and access to her human abilities. Additionally, Elise stores all unleashed Spiderlings.

Elise begins with one rank in Spider Form / Human Form and can increase it at levels 6, 11, and 16.

  • Transformations do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse Force Pulse.
  • If Spider Form is cast during a basic attack windup, Elise will perform a Spider Form basic attack that benefits from the bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen Spider Queen, but remain at Human Form basic attack range, despite not using a projectile. This basic attack is considered a melee attack and will trigger Tiamat Tiamat's Cleave but not Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane's Wind's Fury bolts.
    • Spider Form and Human Form have separate cooldowns.


Control type Prioritize Elise's most recently attacked target
Target type Minion icon Minion, does not count towards the minion kill tracking score
On-hit effects Attacks can be mitigated by Counter Strike Counter Strike, Spirit's Refuge Spirit's Refuge, and Blind icon blinds, as well as stopped by Disarm icon Disarm.
Spell effects Basic attacks apply Death Lotus area damage.


Vile Cluster

The Spiderling benefits from Skittering Frenzy's Skittering Frenzy's active, and will Hallucinate vanish with Elise when she activates Rappel Rappel.


The Spiderling regenerates health over time, and is instantly restored to full health if Elise switches to Human Form Human Form with maximum Spiderlings.


The Spiderling Dash dashes to enemies targeted by Venomous Bite Venomous Bite.

