Yasuo OriginalCentered
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Way of the Wanderer

百折不挠:亚索在移动的同时会积攒剑意————移动得赶快,剑意的获取就越快。当剑意值填满后会在他受到来自英雄或野怪的伤害时触发,为他提供一个吸收115 − 525(基于等级)伤害的护盾


  • Taking into account Yasuo's 345 base movement speed and assuming he's constantly moving, it will take 17.1 / 15.22 / 13.33(基于等级) seconds to generate 100 Flow resource Flow stacks.
    • Taking into account the 45 bonus movement speed that most Tier 2 boots grant (resulting in 390 total movement speed), it will take 15.13 / 13.46 / 11.79(基于等级) seconds to generate 100 Flow resource Flow stacks.
  • Yasuo requires at least Critical strike chance icon 40% critical strike chance in order to reach 100% critical strike chance from Way of the Wanderer's multiplier.
  • Way of the Wanderer will multiply Yasuo's Critical strike chance icon critical strike chance after Guinsoo's Rageblade's Guinsoo's Rageblade's Wrath is calculated.

固定冷却: 4 − 1.33(基于bonus attack speed)
目标范围: Range model 475 / Range center 900
宽度: Range model 160 / Range model 180
施放时间: 0.4 − 0.133(基于bonus attack speed)
Steel Tempest


Steel Tempest 2


Steel Tempest 3




  • At one Gathering Storm stack, the ability is named Steel Wind Rising.
  • The whirlwind from consuming stacks of Gathering Storm can strike targets whose center is behind Yasuo, unlike most missiles.
  • The whirlwind is not released when cast during Sweeping Blade Sweeping Blade, but instead Airborne icon knocks up all enemies hit around Yasuo at the end of the dash for the same duration.
  • Steel Tempest applies Basic Attack basic damage for the first (closest) enemy hit and Death Lotus area damage for secondary enemies:
    • Steel Tempest will apply on-hit effects to the first target hit, but will not do so to the secondary ones.
    • Steel Tempest will not apply spell effects to the first target hit, but will do so to the secondary ones.
    • Spell vamp icon Spell vamp and Ravenous Hunter Ravenous Hunter will only grant File:Heal power.png healing from the damage dealt to secondary targets, and healing is reduced to 33% effectiveness, accordingly.
    • Life steal icon Life steal will heal based on the damage dealt to the first target hit.
  • Only the whirlwind can be Projectile intercepted.
  • Steel Tempest will cast from wherever Yasuo is at the end of the cast time.
  • Each parry has different interactions with this ability, whether it's the first target of Steel Tempest or the secondary one. In either case Yasuo still gains a stack of Gathering Storm and his whirlwind knock-up cannot be negated by parries:
    • Counter Strike Dodge: both first target and secondary target do not take damage.
    • Spirit's Refuge Block: first target does not take damage, secondary target does take damage.
    • Blind icon Blind: both first target and secondary target do take damage.
  • Steel Tempest's damage is calculated individually for every enemy hit when Critical strike icon critically striking.
  • If Steel Tempest is buffered during Sweeping Blade and Yasuo uses Recall Recall, Teleport Teleport or Hextech Protobelt-01 Hextech Protobelt-01, Steel Tempest will go on cooldown without casting. In Protobelt's case Yasuo will also need to cast a movement command after it, else Steel Tempest will still trigger.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield does not prevent a stack of Gathering Storm from being gained.
  • While at two stacks, a range indicator will be shown for the effective range of the whirlwind.

Tips & Tricks
  • Since buffering Steel Tempest during Sweeping Blade Sweeping Blade also triggers the ability after Last Breath's Last Breath's blink, it will not be able to reset Steel Tempest's potential Gathering Storm stack from hitting a target at the blink's location.

冷却: 30 / 27 / 24 / 21 / 18
目标范围: 400
施放时间: 0.013
Wind Wall


"Face the wind!"

  • Wind Wall starts blocking projectiles on-cast (despite not being fully formed) and grants Sight icon sight over a small area.
  • Wind Wall stops upon colliding with an enemy Wind Wall.

冷却: 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.1
目标固定冷却: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
目标范围: Range center 475
速度: 750 (+ 60% movement speed)
Sweeping Blade

亚索冲刺并穿过一名目标,造成(60/70/80/90/100 + 20%额外AD + 60%AP)魔法伤害。这个技能每次施放后都会为5秒内的下一次施放提供25%额外伤害,最多可叠加至50%。


  • Sweeping Blade's dash speed is affected by Movement speed icon movement speed.
  • Sweeping Blade will generate 7.5 Flow resource Flow stacks per cast that travels the maximum distance.
  • Yasuo can use Sweeping Blade's fixed dash distance to cross walls both before and after hitting his target (provided his proximity to the wall and/or target allows it).

冷却: 80 / 55 / 30
目标范围: 1400
效果半径: 400
施放时间: none
Last Breath

亚索传送到一名浮空的敌方英雄身边,造成(200/350/500 + 150%额外AD)物理伤害并使所有附近浮空的敌人们维持此状态至少1秒。亚索还会获得满额剑意,但会失去所有斩钢闪层数。


"Sorye ge ton!"

  • Last Breath requires the target to be affected by Airborne icon airborne from an enemy source, and simultaneously that the target is not considered Cc-immune icon cc-immune, Unstoppable icon displacement immune, or Playful untargetable during it.
    • Last Breath cannot be cast if there are no nearby enemy champions that meet the conditions.
      • Attempting to cast the ability on an enemy champion that is not airborne will indicate that they "Must Be Airborne!"
    • Self-applied or allied-applied Airborne icon displacements do not allow Last Breath to target the champion. Those applied by the neutral team (e.g. Dragon's Dragon's initial knock back) can be targeted.
    • An indicator will be placed towards enemy champions that meet the cast conditions within range of Last Breath to signify the ability can be cast.
    • The Hextech Ultimatum The Hextech Ultimatum will prevent Yasuo from casting Last Breath on an airborne enemy champion outside its borders.
      • Yasuo can only do so if the airborne enemy champion is inside the zone.
  • Yasuo does not need Sight icon sight of enemy champions near his target to affect them with the ability.
  • Even if the target is protected by Spell Shield spell shield the ability will still affect them and deal damage, but the spell shield will be consumed.
  • Last Breath's Airborne icon knock up can be fully Remove Scurvy cleansed but its damage is applied instantly after the removal.
  • Terrain displacing abilities (e.g. Weaver's Wall Weaver's Wall, Pillar of Ice Pillar of Ice, Volcanic Rupture Volcanic Rupture) that affect enemy champions are considered Airborne icon airborne, and will therefore interact with Last Breath.
  • While blinking, Yasuo creates an Playful untargetable clone of himself that cues a dashing animation (similar to Sweeping Blade's Sweeping Blade's) towards the target. This unit's rules do not follow those of a Command Hallucinate clone's. As such, it is more alike a champion, unless special cased.
  • While performing Last Breath, Yasuo is Lockout icon locked out of performing actions.
    • The lock out will end prematurely if Yasuo dies as well as by the following if all targets:
      • Remove Scurvy Cleanse the Airborne icon knock up.
      • Are too far away from Yasuo.
      • Leave Yasuo's Sight icon sight (e.g. by Nearsight icon nearsight).
      • Death Die.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Yasuo is locked out:
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Disabled
Movement Disabled
Items Usable N/A
Disabled All items are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Disabled
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by N/A
Interrupted by N/A

