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Monkey's Agility


乌迪尔所在团队每获得一层云霄亚龙增益,乌迪尔转换姿态的冷却时间就减少5% (乌迪尔转换姿态的基础时间间隔)。

  • Cloud Dragon Soul's Cloud Dragon Soul's bonus movement speed is special cased to activate on all of Udyr's spell casts due to not having a traditional ultimate.
  • Cloudbringer's Grace Cloudbringer's Grace does not grant ultimate cooldown reduction, instead it grants 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%(基于stacks) reduced cooldowns on all abilities.
  • Further stance activations at maximum stacks of Monkey's Agility will refresh the timer.
  • Despite having 4 abilities each with 6 ranks, Udyr is not able to level beyond the usual limit under normal circumstances - meaning he must choose how to allocate his points and will not be able to reach maximum rank on each of his abilities, except in ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Ultra Rapid Fire.

消耗: 45 − 28(基于等级) 法力
冷却: 6
施放时间: none
Tiger Stance

持续效果: 乌迪尔的首次攻击和每第三次攻击将会进行猛虎一击,在2秒内持续造成额外的30/60/90/120/150/180 (+1.1/1.25/1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85AD)点物理伤害。

激活效果: 乌迪尔的攻击速度提升30/40/50/60/70%,持续5秒。

  • The name of the buff granted by entering Tiger Stance is Tiger Speed.
  • The triggering attack will generate the first stack toward the next, meaning the effect will always trigger on every 3rd attack. Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade will reduce this number to every 2nd attack, with Udyr's attack animations coded to "look ahead" and trigger the empowered-attack animation if he attacks a target while at 1 stack while Guinsoo's Rage is active.
  • Tiger Stance's primed Blaze damage over time does not persist through stance changes.
  • Unlike most on-hit physical damage, the bonus damage from Tiger Stance will not apply Life steal icon life steal.
  • The on-hit application of the DoT cannot be dodged dodged nor blocked blocked, but it can Blind icon miss.

消耗: 45 − 28(基于等级) 法力
冷却: 6
施放时间: none
Turtle Stance

持续效果: 乌迪尔的首次攻击和每第三次攻击将会治疗自己,治疗量为最大生命值的2.5%,根据乌迪尔当前损失的生命值提高至最高5%。

激活效果: 乌迪尔获得一个临时的,可以吸收60/95/130/165/200/235(+0.5AP)点伤害的护盾。

  • The name of the buff granted by entering Turtle Stance is Spiritual Shell.
  • The triggering attack will generate the first stack toward the next, meaning the effect will always trigger on every 3rd attack. Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade will reduce this number to every 2nd attack, with Udyr's attack animations coded to "look ahead" and trigger the empowered-attack animation if he attacks a target while at 1 stack while Guinsoo's Rage is active.

消耗: 45 − 28(基于等级) 法力
冷却: 6
施放时间: none
On-Target Cooldown: 5
Bear Stance

持续效果: 乌迪尔抨击他的目标,造成1秒晕眩。该效果无法在5秒内同时作用于同一个目标。

激活效果: 乌迪尔获得15/20/25/30/35/40%移动速度提升,持续2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3/3.25秒。

  • The name of the buff granted by entering Bear Stance is Primal Charge.
  • Bear Stance's self-displacement does not count as a Dash dash for the purposes of Sudden Impact Sudden Impact.
  • The triggering attack will apply other on-hit effects and can critically strike as normal.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield and Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity will consume the attack, meaning the on-target stun immunity is also incurred in the process.

消耗: 45 − 28(基于等级) 法力
冷却: 6
效果半径: 625 / 250
施放时间: none
Phoenix Stance

持续效果: 乌迪尔的第一次攻击和之后的每第3次攻击,将会灼烧面前的敌人,造成(60/110/160/210/260/310 + 70%AP)魔法伤害。

激活效果: 乌迪尔喷射烈焰波,在4秒里对附近敌人总共造成(40/80/120/160/200/240 + 100%AP)伤害。

  • The name of the buff granted by entering Phoenix Stance is Phoenix Flame.
  • The triggering attack will generate the first stack toward the next, meaning the effect will always trigger on every 3rd attack. Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade will reduce this number to every 2nd attack, with Udyr's attack animations coded to "look ahead" and trigger the empowered-attack animation if he attacks a target while at 1 stack while Guinsoo's Rage is active.

