- 持续期间携带者的攻速上限为90.0。
- 丛刃效果可以突破 攻击限制,但 和 不能。
- 以下技能可以
- ( )
- 如果触发丛刃的那次普攻前摇被取消,不会获得丛刃的收益,重置冷却时间。同时会有丛刃正常冷却完毕时的动画效果。
- 如果在丛刃效果生效状态中,普攻被取消,buff持续时间会提前刷新,但下一次成功的普攻不会使持续时间再次刷新。
- 丛刃非常适合那些前3次普攻可以造成更多伤害或附带攻击特效的英雄,如: , , , )。
- 丛刃同样适合需要叠加普攻层数的英雄,例如 叠加 , 叠加 以及 叠加 。
- 丛刃可以使 获得高额的爆发伤害,因为其 可以将攻速转化为攻击力。如果烬的此次普攻暴击,还可以获得更快的移速加成。
- 因为重置后的普攻不会消耗丛刃层数,可以延长效果持续时间。这有利于那些可以从攻速获得收益的英雄(如 )
- 丛刃的效果与 非常相似。
- Time elapsed between hits increased to 3 seconds from 2.
- Cooldown increased to 8 seconds from 4.
- New Effect: Cooldown now triggers in any cases instead of triggering when being out-of-combat.
- V9.2
- Bug Fix: Now properly procs when the first basic attack causes a champion to exit
- Bug Fix: Fixed an edge case where its cooldown would become unable to reset after selling or refunding a fully charged .
- V9.1
- Bonus attack speed changed to 110% at all levels from 75% − 125%(基于等级).
- New Effect: Attack resets no longer consume a Hail of Blades stack.
- V8.20
- New Effect: The triggering attack or ability no longer benefits from the bonus attack speed.
- V8.15
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the first attack would sometimes cancel.
- V8.13
- Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds out-of-combat for 5.
- Time between attacks increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.
- V8.12
- Bonus attack speed increased to 75% − 125%(基于等级) from 50% − 100%(基于等级).
- V8.11 - Added
Domination Keystone rune.
- Passive: Basic attacking an enemy champion grants 50% − 100%(基于等级) bonus attack speed for your next 3 basic attacks. While active, Hails of Blade removes the attack speed cap.
- Hail of Blades lasts 1.5 seconds, and each basic attack refreshes the duration to 1.5 seconds.
- Cooldown: 5 seconds out-of-combat.