Current version[]
- Stats
- Base attack speed increased to 0.658 from 0.625.
- Basic attack missile speed increased to 1500 from 1200.
- Bug Fix: Now properly triggers after being consumed at the same time that the target's
spell shield was consumed.
- Bug Fix: Now properly triggers after being consumed at the same time that the target's
- Stats
- Base mana regeneration increased to 11.35 from 11.34.
- Stats
- Base health increased to 574 from 504.
- Health growth increased to 96 from 82.
- Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.
- Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3 from 0.5.
- General
- Base voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother.
- General
- Updated visual effects.
- Now matches his aesthetics from Legends of Runeterra.
- All skins cleaned up to match the new effects on the base skin.
- New VFX; AoE stun effects are now easier to identify.
- New cast effect.
- Cleaned up; textures adjusted to match overall changes.
- Modernized to match overall changes.
- Now has a subtle sand effect.
- and
- Modernized revive effect to match base changes.
- Stats
- Base attack damage increased to 52 from 51.64.
- Stats
- Mana growth increased to 50 from 30.
- Bug Fix: Abilities with damaging auras (e.g. ) no longer continue to damage nearby enemies while the champion is in a revive state.
- General
- Recommended items updated.
- V10.5 - March 5th Hotfix
- Bug Fix: Summoner spells no longer go on cooldown while reviving.
- Bug Fix: no longer gets stuck in her ally when she casts towards him as he is reviving via Chronoshift.
- Stats
- Base mana increased to 452 from 360.8.
- Mana growth reduced to 30 from 60.
- Base mana regeneration increased to 11.335 from 8.5.
- Bug Fix: Time Bomb's expiration VFX have been restored.
- Bug Fix: Is no longer absorbed by .
- Stats
- Base health regeneration increased to 5.5 from 5.44.
- Stats
- Base armor increased to 28 from 19.134.
- Bug Fix: When he tries to walk into range to activate Time in a Bottle on an out-of-range ally, he'll no longer cast his most recently-used ability instead once he gets into range.
- Bug Fix: Cast range indicator has been reduced to match the actual range.
- Stats
- Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5 from 0.
- Bug Fix: Not damaging attached enemies if they are untargetable when the bomb explodes.
- Bug Fix: Revival not triggering on-heal effects ( )
- General
- Splash artwork for updated to the Chinese art.
- New Effect: Gives a minimum 15% bottled experience (excess amount remains for next cast)
- Stats
- Base mana regeneration increased to 8.5 from 6.
- General
- Recommended items updated.
- Renamed from .
- Removed: Granting Zilean and his allies 8% bonus experience from all sources.
- New Effect: Zilean stores 2 / 3.5 / 5 / 6 / 12 (based on level) experience every 5 seconds. When the amount is enough to level up an ally, he can right-click them to give it, with Zilean also gaining the same amount. Zilean cannot give stored experience while he or his target are in combat.
- Range reduced to 1000 from 1500.
- Cooldown: 120 seconds
- Bomb attachment range changed to edge from center.
- New Effect: Bombs have increased attachment radius for allied chapions (enemy priority unchanged)
- New bomb attachment particle effect.
- Explosion visual effects updated.
- Explosion sound effects updated.
- New Effect: Bombs interrupt an enemy champion when attaching themselves to them.
- New Effect: Cannot be cast if Zilean has neither or on cooldown.
- Bug Fix: Combo involving activation in-between casts firing slower than intended.
- AP ratio increased to (+ 90% AP) from (+ 80% AP)
- Cooldown reduced to 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 seconds from 18 / 15 / 12 / 9 / 6.
- Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.
- Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.
- Stats
- Base armor increased to 19 from 17.
- Attack range reduced to 550 from 600.
- Attack delay reduced slightly.
- New basic attacks particles.
- New ability icons.
- Targeting changed to ground (fixed travel time) from unit.
- New Effect: Bombs attach themselves to the nearest unit (explodes normally otherwise)
- New Effect: Landing two bombs on the same unit detonates the first one immediately, stunning all surrounding enemies for 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 seconds
- Bomb arm time reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
- Base damage reduced to 75 / 115 / 165 / 230 / 300 from 90 / 145 / 200 / 260 / 320.
- AP ratio reduced to (+ 80% AP) from (+ 90% AP)
- Range increased to 900 from 700.
- Cooldown changed to 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.
- Mana cost changed to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.
- Removed: Interacting with .
- Duration reduced to 2.5 seconds at all ranks from 2.5 / 3.25 / 4 / 4.75 / 5.5.
- Movement speed modifier changed to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 99% from 55% at all ranks.
- Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds from 20.
- Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 80.
- Range changed to 550 (edge to edge) from 700 (center to center)
- Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7.
- Cooldown reduced to 120 / 90 / 60 seconds from 180 at all ranks.
Release version[]
- General
- Texture update to Classic, Groovy, Old Saint, Shurima Desert, and Time Machine.
- General
- New splash artwork for .
- Range reduced to 1500 from global.
- Visual effect size increased by 50%.
- New Effect: Subtly tints the target's screen.
- Bug Fix: Consuming allied .
- Bug Fix: Explosion ignoring enemy .
- Stats
- Base armor increased to 10.75 from 6.75.
- Stats
- Movement speed increased to 335 from 310.
- New Effect: Interrupts immediately when cast on an enemy champion.
- New Effect: Zilean scores assists even if the target does not revive.
- General
- Splash artwork for updated to the Chinese art.
- Removed: Ranking up at level 1.
- Mana cost reduced to 80 from 100.
- Mana cost reduced to 125 / 150 / 175 from 200 at all ranks.
- Bug Fix: Preventing target ally's clone from expiring, allowing them to survive indefinitely until killed.
- Bug Fix: Damage type not displaying in death recap.
- General
- Idle animation loop updated.
- Bug Fix: Sometimes not displaying as available in allied ultimate HUD indicator.
- Base damage reduced to 90 / 145 / 200 / 260 / 320 from 100 / 155 / 210 / 270 / 330.
- Mana cost increased to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.
- Base health upon revival increased to 600 / 850 / 1100 from 500 / 750 / 1000.
- AP ratio reduced to (+ 200% AP) from (+ 300% AP)
- Duration reduced to 7 seconds from 10.
- New Effect: Always activates after but before and .
- Bug Fix: Particle not persisting through the movement speed modifier's full duration at later ranks.
- General
- Ability tooltips updated.
- Stats
- Base magic resistance reduced to 30 from 35.
- Duration reduced to 10 seconds from 13.
- New Effect: Removes most buffs from target ( , , ) upon activation.
- Duration reduced to 13 seconds from 15.
- Cooldown increased to 180 seconds at all ranks from 180 / 160 / 140.
- New Effect: Buff icon displays a timer.
- Bug Fix: Not detonating an enemy Zilean's bomb when landing on the same unit.
- Bug Fix: Dealing more damage than intended from Ability Power when detonating a bomb with a second one.
- Bug Fix: Explosion particle occasionally showing in fog of war.
- Bug Fix: Occasionally remaining on dead units.
- Bug Fix: Not reviving .
- Tooltip updated.
- AP ratio reduced to (+ 90% AP) from (+ 110% AP)
- New Effect: Displays '3, 2, 1' before exploding (each tick issues an 'assist me' ping)
- Bug Fix: Particle error.
- Removed: Interacting with itself.
- Cooldown reduced to 18 / 15 / 12 / 9 / 6 seconds from 30 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22
- Range increased to 650 from 600.
- Movement speed modifier reduced to 55% from 65%.
- Bonus movement speed stacking changed to multiplicative from additive.
- Duration reduced to 2.5 / 3.25 / 4 / 4.75 / 5.5 seconds from 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7.
- Range increased to 650 from 600.
- Range increased to 900 from 600.
- Base damage increased to 100 / 155 / 210 / 270 / 330 from 90 / 145 / 200 / 260 / 320.
- Mana cost reduced to 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.
- Cooldown reduced to 30 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22 seconds from 38 / 34 / 30 / 26 / 22.
- Mana cost reduced to 100 from 110.
- Slow stacking changed to multiplicative from additive.
- General
- Basic attack projectile speed increased to 1200 from 900.
- Removed: Exploding when bomb is cleansed.
- Cooldown increased to 180 / 160 / 140 seconds from 160 / 140 / 120.
- Bug Fix: Interaction with .
- Cooldown changed to 38 / 34 / 30 / 26 / 22 seconds from 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 20.
- Removed: Zilean being able to target minions and monsters.
- Base damage increased to 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 from 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320.
- Movement speed modifier increased to 65% from 60 to accommodate movement speed soft capping.
- Removed: Interaction with cooldown reduction.
- Duration reduced to 15 seconds from 45.
- Cooldown reduced to 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 20 seconds from 60 / 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 (without interacting with itself)
- Tooltip updated.
- Mana cost reduced to 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 from 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150.
- General
- Recommended items updated.
- AP ratio increased to (+ 110% AP) from (+ 75% AP)
- Bug Fix: Affected allies not being revived.
- Removed: Cleansing buffs from affected target upon activation.
- General
- Recommended items updated.
- Removed: Cast time.
- Removed: Cast time.
- Duration changed to 45 seconds at all ranks from 30 / 60 / 90.
- Cooldown reduced to 160 / 140 / 120 seconds from 180 / 150 / 120.
- Base health upon revival changed to 500 / 750 / 1000 from percentage health.
- AP ratio increased to (+ 300% AP) from (+ 20% AP)
- Added