A magical cat from Bandle City, was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, . When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra's sentient , traveling through portals in its pages to search for her. Yearning for affection, Yuumi seeks friendly companions to partner with on her journey, protecting them with luminous shields and fierce resolve. While Book strives to keep her on task, Yuumi is often drawn to worldly comforts, such as naps and fish. In the end, however, she always returns to her quest to find her friend.
"Cats are made of twilight and tricks, dogs are made of barks and sticks! Book's just old trees." — Yuumi | |
Early life[]
She was born in the realm of the Yordles, and blessed with magical powers of protection but she spent most of her days pouncing at sunbeams, and napping near mouse trees, but she joined Nora on her adventures in material and spirit realms should it spark her interest.
Norra spent her time collecting strange objects like broken cups, shards of colored glass, and fabric with funny stitching. She examined each artifact with deep reverence, though Yuumi never understood their purpose. Nevertheless, Yuumi would use her magic to protect Norra from harm, and would warm her feet when they returned home.
The doorways between realms are finicky and seldom open, even to creatures as dexterous as cats. Yuumi watched as other yordles waited for days for the eastern star to align with a particular stone archway, or waded impatiently between marsh-lilies, seeking a silver blossom blooming from the mud—only then would a pathway appear. But Yuumi’s yordle, Norra, possessed the powerful Book of Thresholds, which allowed her to instantly travel anywhere depicted in its pages. When Norra opened a portal, she and Yuumi would gleefully dive into its glowing paper and arrive at their destination, joined a moment later by the book.
Yuumi never paid the book much attention until one starless night, when she returned home from luring moon-moths with her shinylight to find Norra missing. She saw the book on her master’s desk and flipped through its pages in a panic, noticing that some were torn out entirely. Unable to read its title, Yuumi cried out to it in distress, calling it, simply, “Book”. In response, the book wiggled, and Yuumi was surprised to learn she could understand thoughts amidst the rustling paper. Despite not having a voice, Book made itself loud and clear. Yuumi learned that Norra had gone somewhere so perilous, she had destroyed the portal as she traveled.
Yuumi knew she had to rescue Norra, and turned to Book for help. Each of its thousand pages led to a different location along the lines of magic that crossed the material and spirit realms. The page Norra had used to travel was lost, but Book might be able to get them close. Yuumi and Book would have to explore every possible threshold. She became Book’s unlikely Keeper, vowing to protect it with the courage of a lion—if it fell into the wrong hands, the doorways to Bandle City could open to all kinds of unsavory and ravenous intruders.
Yuumi and Book began their arduous journey, visiting dangerous and unfamiliar lands.
Contemporary history[]
Yuumi sought Norra’s scent on the wind, to little avail. While Yuumi would sometimes break from their search to follow the scent of a mouse or restore her strength with a quick catnap, Book was frustratingly cautious, grumpy over lost time and nervous about threats they might encounter. Nevertheless, Yuumi and Book were both determined to find their master and bring her home.
Recent events[]
When Yuumi especially missed Norra, she often sought out other companions. One of her favorites was a door-carrying shepherd with thick whiskers and a deep laugh like a babbling brook. Yuumi rested on his shoulders for a time, protecting him from angry snow-spirits stirring up flurries in a hailstorm, while he brought her wriggling fish.
Eventually, Yuumi uncovered the scent of her master lingering in a vast Shuriman ruin. Digging deep into the sand, she unearthed a broken shard of blue pottery that looked like a piece from one of Norra’s teapots. Before she could burrow further, a ferocious beast surfaced from the sand, and Yuumi and Book barely escaped. She could only imagine the chaos if a creature like that ripped its claws into Book’s pages.
Yummi is a cat with blue fur, a gold pattern on her tail and golden eyebrows and whiskers.
Yummi is a playful, and curious feline with catlike instincts like chasing mice or red dots, and taking cat naps, plus she dislikes dogs like Warwick or Nasus. While she can be easily distracted, she can be focused on finding her master Norra along with Book. She does miss Norra, but that doesn't mean she can't find new companions like Braum for example.
and have become fast friends, united by their love for .
During their travels, Yuumi and Book have encountered
. Yuumi rested on his shoulders for a time, protecting him from angry snow-spirits stirring up flurries in a hailstorm, while he brought her wriggling fish.[]
Yuumi and Book are friends with Spirit Realm.
sister, , periodically visiting her in the[]
Yuumi and Book were attacked by Shurima.
while they were investigating ruins inRead More
Starring Champion
Alternate Universes
- Yuumi is a magical cat familiar to a Yordle Enchantress named Norra.
- Yuumi's name came from when she heard Norra say “you” and “me” and thought that was her name.[1]
- The Bandle City.[2] was originally written by a Yordle anthropologist in order to study how Yordle magic works and how Yordles traverse the spirit realm. It has been added over the years by generations of Yordle mages who explored the various gateways to and from
- The Book of Thresholds was given sentience by one of its previous owners in order to protect itself from those who would use its powers for evil.[3][4] The Book of Thresholds essentially works to allow its keeper to traverse the spirit and physical realms using portals, and bypass the normal requirements for these portals. For example, most portals can only be seen and used by yordles, and only open at certain times of the year or in certain whether or when other characteristics are met. The portals contained in the Book of Thresholds can be used anytime by anyone (who is its Keeper). Every page contains a different portal to a different place. Book will always try to retrieve and repair the pages that were lost so that it can be whole again someday! Norra tore out the page that led to the place where she is trapped because she didn't want Book to follow her—she knew it would be too dangerous for Book, that it might fall into the wrong hands.[5]
- Yuumi and Book have been looking for Norra for around 4 years.[6]
- Yuumi is a literal cat so she doesn't understand many human concepts, though she may sense certain things better.[7]
- Book is much more rational and risk-adverse than Yuumi, and prefers to stay on the path so it can keep itself and its keeper safe. Yuumi is much more playful with an element of unpredictable spontaneity. She is highly distractible, especially by worldly comforts such as food or naps. Plus she's a literal cat, so rational thought doesn't come to her easily. She can't even read.[8]
Change log[]
Character blurb | |
26 April 2019 (During V9.9) | Added. |