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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Twisted Treeline
Twisted Treeline (Jungler)
Howling Abyss


Playing As Yorick Yorick
  • You do not need to cast Awakening Awakening to regain the ability to cast Last Rites Last Rites.
  • The Maiden The Maiden will attempt to assist you in a fight, so choose your targets well.
  • You can send the Maiden the Maiden down a lane alone, be careful though, as she represents a large portion of your combat power. Use this tactic if you need to peel off someone from the enemy team and generate a teamfight advantage with the lane pressure.
Playing Against Yorick Yorick
  • You can cast Smite Smite on Mist Walkers Mist Walkers and the Maiden of the Mist the Maiden of the Mist to damage or kill them.
  • Try to thin out Yorick's Yorick's minions before you engage him, Mist Walkers Mist Walkers will die from a basic attack or a single target spell.
  • You can attack Dark Procession Dark Procession to break the wall down. But Champions with dashes and teleports are more easily able to escape.
  • Champions with the ability to traverse the map quickly (such as Quinn Quinn) or have some form of global mobility (Shen Shen or Twisted Fate Twisted Fate) can easily shut down attempts to split push with the Maiden the Maiden and quickly return to the team.


Ability Usage
  • During the laning phase, do not engage before level two. This is because Mist Walkers Mist Walkers will have a hard time reaching your lane opponent without Mourning Mist Mourning Mist and they also might get distracted by minions.
  • Mourning Mist Mourning Mist is a great tool to engage on an enemy, because it marks the target and allows Mist Walkers Mist Walkers to jump on them from range (the jump prioritizes champions).
  • Remember that graves will never disappear if you stay within range of them, so it is better to prepare 4 graves to engage on the enemy laner for maximum damage.
  • If you manage to land Dark Procession Dark Procession on the enemy laner, Mist Walkers Mist Walkers will deal significantly more damage because the enemy can't escape them.
  • Eulogy of the Isles Eulogy of the Isles is a great tool for split pushing, because you don't have to be close to the Maiden the Maiden to keep her alive. This means that you can be with your team during a teamfight while putting pressure on another lane.
  • Keep in mind that all units that die near the Maiden the Maiden become Mist Walkers Mist Walkers. You don't have to worry about running out of Mist Walkers Mist Walkers to push the lane.
  • When jungling, Mist Walkers Mist Walkers and the Maiden the Maiden will follow you from camp to camp. Getting an early set of graves from your first camps to spawn Mist Walkers Mist Walkers will greatly reduce your clear times. But if you fight in lane and enemy minions are still around, they will likely continue to push the lane instead of following you back into the jungle.
  • With a group of Mist Walkers Mist Walkers, Yorick Yorick is able to solo dragon easily and quickly. When facing against a jungle Yorick, try and keep vision of the dragon pit to spot when he's trying to solo dragon.
Mastery Usage
Item Usage

