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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]



First Move[]


First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Annie Annie
  • ▶️   "They say I was once your age, though I can't quite recall."
First Encounter with Azir Azir
First Encounter with Ekko Ekko
First Encounter with Hecarim Hecarim
First Encounter with Kalista Kalista
  • ▶️   "You and I share a common goal. The similarities end there."
First Encounter with Karthus Karthus
  • ▶️   "Enjoy this limbo while you can, for I will soon end it."
First Encounter with Kindred Kindred
First Encounter with Lucian Lucian
First Encounter with Lux Lux
  • ▶️   "You remind me that the world is sometimes good... and very naive."
First Encounter with Maokai Maokai
  • ▶️   "I fight to free you as well, though a hatchet would suffice."
First Encounter with Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
First Encounter with Ryze Ryze
  • ▶️   "Yours is a fool's errand. The world must be allowed to die."
First Encounter with Singed Singed
  • ▶️   "You think you want immortality. I'll gladly give you mine."
First Encounter with Thresh Thresh
First Encounter with Warwick Warwick
  • ▶️   "I pity what you have become. Shall I end your suffering?"
First Encounter with a Yordle


Taunt Response


  • ▶️   "Ah, missed it. There it goes! Where is it at— Ah! Yes!"
Joking near Amumu Amumu
  • ▶️   "Ah, would you like some friends? Nope, can't have 'em."
Joke Response


Laugh Response



Attacking the Dragon Dragon
Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor

Ability Casting[]

Using Last Rites Last Rites[]

Using empowered attack
Killing a Unit
Using Awakening Awakening

Using Dark Procession Dark Procession[]

Using Mourning Mist Mourning Mist[]

Hitting a Champion

Using Eulogy of the Isles Eulogy of the Isles[]

Ranking Up

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing a Shadow Isles Crest icon Shadow Isles Champion
Scoring a Triplekill
Destroying a Turret icon Turret


Buying an Item
Buying Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
  • ▶️   Yorick Eulogy of the Isles "The sword of a great man."
    • Yorick OriginalCircle "The sword of a fool."
  • ▶️   Yorick Eulogy of the Isles "The king will return for it."
    • Yorick OriginalCircle "Then I will strike him down."
  • ▶️   Yorick Eulogy of the Isles "The blade of the father."
    • Yorick OriginalCircle "A tyrant who will pay for his crimes."
  • ▶️   Yorick Eulogy of the Isles "This blade has performed great feats."
    • Yorick OriginalCircle "And I will use it to undo them."
Buying Cloth Armor Cloth Armor
Buying Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's Plate
Buying Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet
Buying Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal
Buying Spirit Visage Spirit Visage
Buying Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage
Buying Sunfire Aegis Sunfire Aegis

Other Gameplay[]

Using a Potion

Recall Recall[]



Sound Effects[]


Ability Casting[]

Using Eulogy of the Isles Eulogy of the Isles[]

While Active (Background Music)

Recall Recall[]

Co-op vs. AI Responses[]

Match Start
  • "We shall rise to this challenge."
Player Team Victory
  • "GG!"
Player Team Defeat
  • "Victory... slips away."


Yorick, Shepherd of Souls Yorick, Shepherd of Souls

