Champion Select[]
- Pick
- Ban
- ▶️ "Fine, I'll just be over here... sharpening my feathers."
First Move[]
- ▶️ "Let's cut 'em to ribbons."
- ▶️ "Ah, silence, so golden. Like Rakan. Kind of miss him. Even if he is... noisy."
- ▶️ "The vastaya named the world. We named the trees, the wind, the mountains. We know their power."
- ▶️ "If love is feeling so deeply for another that you want to chew your way under their skin, then I love Rakan..."
- ▶️ "We pledged ourselves to each other in the middle of a tavern brawl. The whole place reeked of vomit, sweat and blood. It was so romantic!"
- ▶️ "They'll probably label me a war criminal one day, but not today."
- ▶️ "The world owes the Vastaya a great debt. I'm here to collect."
- ▶️ "I'm just an ordinary girl. An ordinary girl with an infinite supply of death quills."
- First Move with
- ▶️ Rakan: "Alright, let's go! This way or that way?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Ugh, I hate everyone today."
- ▶️ Xayah: "If things go wrong..."
- ▶️ Rakan: "Hey, I have a plan."
- ▶️ Rakan: "You sure about this?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "So, this mission... are we, uh...?"
- 15 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ "Tavern brawls just seem to find me."
- ▶️ "Nature bends towards chaos. Give in, or break."
- ▶️ "Vi-om tann va'h."
- ▶️ "Chaos is the preferred state of nature."
- ▶️ "Sometimes people die for a good cause – namely, mine. That's why I'm an optimist."
- ▶️ "I hate flowers. Tiny skulls stuffed with twigs, on the other hand..."
- ▶️ "Cloudy days are my favorite."
- ▶️ "Ionia used to be so nice... before humans tamed all that wild cataclysmic magic."
- ▶️ "Humans. They're so very blind."
- ▶️ "Spiders are my spirit animal."
- ▶️ "Once, magic was everywhere, or as the Vastaya say: om upo sa't."
- ▶️ "Ionia's meddling birthed our rebellion."
- ▶️ "I prefer to work at night, because, y'know, the sun? Bright? Yuck!"
- ▶️ "Pandemonium follows me everywhere I go. It's like a puppy I once fed..."
- ▶️ "Nature is wild and untamed, not balanced."
- ▶️ "Magic is not some river that can be easily channeled. It is a churning sea that goes where it pleases."
- ▶️ "If Rakan were here, I'd make out with him until his ears bled. He loves it when I do that."
- ▶️ "I really hate anyone who's not me... or Rakan."
- ▶️ "Ionians never learn."
- ▶️ "Talking to anybody about anything is never on my to-do list."
- ▶️ "No one will block my path."
- ▶️ "Rebellion puts the fire in my blood."
- ▶️ "We Vastaya are only half of our full glory."
- ▶️ "All women desire Rakan. Like they'd know what to do with him."
- ▶️ "They say I don't know when to quit. Like that's a weakness."
- ▶️ "I will rest when our homelands are restored."
- ▶️ "Our Vastayan essence fades with each passing day."
- ▶️ "Oh, I was born to ruffle feathers."
- ▶️ "Talking to people makes me want to stab them... so I do."
- ▶️ "If our existence is everyone else's chaos, so be it."
- ▶️ "Victors are the sole authors of history. Time to write our chapter."
- ▶️ "Compromise is so unsatisfying."
- ▶️ "Sabotage takes patience and time... and lots of feather daggers."
- ▶️ "I'll do whatever needs to be done... twice, just to be sure."
- Moving with nearby
- ▶️ Rakan: "You okay?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Where are we going?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "You remember the Aphae waterfall?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "What the hell were you thinking?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "How can humans not hear the magic?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Okay, last time, it was totally my fault."
- ▶️ Rakan: "Do you love me because I'm beautiful, or because I'm sexy?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "I am R-r-r-akan!"
- ▶️ Xayah: "If you need me, whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "If you don't want to do this..."
- ▶️ Rakan: "What are those things humans wear on their feet?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Did I tell you I love you?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Xayah? I think we got a problem..."
- ▶️ Xayah: "I'm so tired..."
- ▶️ Rakan: "What would you do if I died?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "I swear, you will be the death of me."
- ▶️ Xayah: "If we get separated, I'll find you."
- ▶️ Rakan: "You are stunning and beautiful..."
- ▶️ Xayah: "I need you to be more careful."
- ▶️ Rakan: "If anybody's gonna die first, it's gonna be me. I can't see you die. Also, black is a terrible color on me."
- Moving with far away
- ▶️ Rakan: "You can't tell me you weren't impressed!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "After this, how about we get some human food?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "I have a cunning plan."
- ▶️ Rakan: "You thinking about me?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Rakan has arrived!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Who is that gorgeous thing over there?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "How long do we fight?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Do you remember our escape route?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Caw caw, caw caw!"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Hey, I need you here! Uh, never mind, just... go that way!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Be right back!"
First Encounter[]
- First Encounter with
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Aw, poor sad little mummy! I just want to take you home."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "I don't want to hurt you, space dragon. We could be such good friends."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "I can't wait to burst your bubble."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Who does your wardrobe? Fire them. Immediately."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Wait, magic-powered sword legs? Is this a joke?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Is this another timeline where I beat you up again?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "When I'm done with Ionia, I'll come for Demacia."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Where can I get one of those delightful chthonic god-clutch purses? Does it come in purple? The god, not the bag."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "I want your happiness to evaporate."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "I want to travel the world with you."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "But is it really okay?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "I don't want to spill Vastayan blood, Rengar."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Your talking is not improving this wonderful silence."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "You're gross. Never change."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "You call that a rebellious nature?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "You call that being a vampire?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "We were not made to fight each other."
- First Encounter with a
- ▶️ "Okay. Who invited the Yordle?"
- ▶️ "Yordles. Why did it have to be Yordles?"
- ▶️ "Yordles are the reason no one takes us Vastaya seriously."
- ▶️ "I can't even— I don't know where to begin."
- ▶️ "I will punch your soul in the face."
- ▶️ "Please, don't make me tryhard. I'm not in the mood."
- ▶️ "The next one to call me 'edgy' is getting choked to death."
- ▶️ "Can I just hate you to death?"
- ▶️ "I'm gonna murder you a thousand times."
- ▶️ "Am I supposed to be intimidated right now? I'm not sure what's going on."
- ▶️ "I'm about to ruin your day."
- ▶️ "Please, for the sake of us both, go far away."
- Taunting near
- Taunting an Ally (other than
- ▶️ "You're not bad for someone who isn't Rakan."
- ▶️ "If we do this right, only one of us get shot."
- ▶️ "Get out there and take a bullet for me. Like a gentleman."
- ▶️ "Don't embarrass me."
- ▶️ "How am I supposed to work with— whatever this is?"
- ▶️ "Block the hits for me. Please?"
- ▶️ "Make me look good, and I'll make you look good, got it?"
- Taunt Response
- ▶️ "I'm insulted? I don't know."
- ▶️ "Ouch. I'm gonna need some aloe."
- ▶️ "I wasn't listening to what you said, but I sure am outraged."
- ▶️ "Watch your tongue... and your back."
- ▶️ "Say that to my feathers."
- Taunt Response near
- Xayah tries to fly, but falls to the ground.
- ▶️ "Damnit!"
- Joke Response
- ▶️ "Just... no."
- ▶️ "Hahaha... I don't know what that is."
- ▶️ "I'm not laughing. I needed to say that, just so you understand."
- ▶️ "Behold. I am depleted of cares."
- ▶️ "Next time, try using more hard 'k' sounds."
- ▶️ "Ha ha ha."
- ▶️ "Alright!"
- ▶️ "Dust it off!"
- ▶️ "Aw, yeah, let's get down!"
- ▶️ "Aw, yeah, come on!"
- ▶️ "Get down with me!"
- ▶️ "Alright, put your back in to it!"
- Dancing with
- ▶️ Xayah grunts.
- ▶️ (Xayah laughs playfully) "Alright, get down."
- ▶️ (Xayah laughs playfully) "Yeah, c'mere."
- ▶️ (Xayah laughs playfully) "Aw, yeah, come on."
- 15 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ "All out of second chances. Sorry."
- ▶️ "My last nerve is long gone."
- ▶️ "A dance with me ends in blood."
- ▶️ "Move your feet, or lose some toes."
- ▶️ "A Vastayan feather is a kingly gift."
- ▶️ "When I dance, I lead."
- ▶️ "Compromise. It's a pain."
- ▶️ "They make chaos dance."
- ▶️ "Call me cute again."
- ▶️ "I always find a weak spot."
- ▶️ "Dance like your life depends on it."
- ▶️ "Hmm, what shall I cut off?"
- ▶️ "Baasi kommu yu-teha."
- ▶️ "Keep up!"
- ▶️ "Threading the needle."
- ▶️ "I leave nasty scars."
- ▶️ "Okay, so we're doing this."
- ▶️ "A thousand cuts is only the beginning."
- ▶️ "This is how I deal with unwanted attention."
- ▶️ "This was our world first."
- ▶️ "This is a preemptive 'No'."
- ▶️ "Listening. Such a simple concept."
- ▶️ "Dance."
- ▶️ "Yay, someone to throw knives at."
- ▶️ "Hear. My. Words!"
- ▶️ "I don't speak compromise."
- ▶️ "Quit crying! It's just a feather."
- ▶️ "It's only a little prick."
- ▶️ "Ever been stabbed by a feather?"
- ▶️ "My feathers are priceless."
- ▶️ "Violence is my favorite form of negotiation."
- ▶️ "Cut by a feather? So delicate."
- ▶️ "Sul alesh!"
- Attacking near
- ▶️ Xayah: "Are you having fun over there?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "I can't hear you over all the fun I'm having!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "That was beautiful, baby!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "I have your back!"
- ▶️ Xayah: "I have your back!"
Ability Casting[]
Using []
- 50% chance
Using []
- 50% chance
Rooting an Enemy
- 75% chance
- ▶️ "Nope!"
- ▶️ "Nope!"
- ▶️ "Nuh uh!"
- ▶️ "Nope!"
- ▶️ "Sit down!"
- ▶️ "Eat it!"
- ▶️ "Didn't see that coming?"
- ▶️ "Gotcha!"
- ▶️ "Gotcha!"
- ▶️ "Gotcha."
- ▶️ "Pinned!"
- ▶️ "Oops, your bad!"
- ▶️ "Oops, your bad."
Using []
- ▶️ "Feathers fly!"
Kills and Objectives[]
- Killing a Champion
- ▶️ "I'm overcome with emotion."
- ▶️ "Anyone else want to try?"
- ▶️ "Well, that's done."
- ▶️ "That was for the Vastaya."
- ▶️ "Well, they tried to stop me."
- ▶️ "I warned you. Oh, wait, did I? Crap. My fault."
- ▶️ "Alright, who's next?"
- ▶️ "Hmm, dodging seems to be a weak spot of yours."
- ▶️ "What? They were in my way."
- ▶️ "Few can keep up with me."
- ▶️ "Thanks for the dance."
- ▶️ "Got what they deserved."
- ▶️ "Yep. Easy peasy."
- ▶️ "As far as obstacles go, that was about a... three out of ten?"
- ▶️ "And an F, for effort."
- Killing a Champion near
- ▶️ Rakan: "Did I do that?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Every time you do that, it drives me crazy."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Well. I'll have to do it more often, then."
- ▶️ Rakan: "I love watching you kill."
- ▶️ Xayah: "That was a Vastayan farewell."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Too bad those tails weren't lives."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Wasn't she just a ray of sunshine? I hate sunshine."
- Killing
- ▶️ "And that's where plucky optimism gets you."
- Killing a
- ▶️ "Taitah be tervash."
- ▶️ "Mu'takl."
- ▶️ "We asked you to join."
- ▶️ "It needed to be done."
- ▶️ "This is by your design."
- ▶️ "Shame. You could have been so useful alive."
- ▶️ "Every drop of Vastayan blood spilled is a waste."
- ▶️ "The Vastaya will sing songs of you. I promise."
- Scoring a Pentakill
- ▶️ "Maybe I overdid it."
- ▶️ "I wasn't joking when I said nothing stands in my way."
- ▶️ "It's more of a slaughter than a massacre, really."
- ▶️ "A victory for the Vastaya."
- ▶️ "Hurray, they all died."
- ▶️ "I wish they could have seen the looks on their faces."
- Destroying a
- ▶️ "Crumble! Yes!"
- ▶️ "I could dance right now. Aw, but there's more work to be done."
- ▶️ "Shoddy construction, through and through."
- ▶️ "Can you feel the magic flowing? I can."
- ▶️ "They should really get a refund from those masons."
- ▶️ "I've been known to implode a sacred obelisk or two."
- ▶️ "Another Vastayan victory."
- ▶️ "I will unblock the rivers of Vastayan essence."
- ▶️ "Sabotage looks so good on me."
- ▶️ "Untied that mystical knot."
- ▶️ "Another minor annoyance reduced to rubble."
- ▶️ "Magic is again unfettered."
- ▶️ "Each totem that falls strengthens the Vastayan cause."
- ▶️ "We rise."
- ▶️ "Hm, poor construction. No standards."
- Killing a
- ▶️ "Good henchmen are hard to find."
- ▶️ "That was too easy, but so much fun."
- ▶️ "Nothing is ever easy, but that was really easy."
- ▶️ "Next."
- ▶️ "Don't feel bad, they're just magically animated sheets of cloth."
- ▶️ "They dropped something. Their guard."
- ▶️ "They mindlessly marched right to their deaths. Like everyone in Noxus."
- Buying an Item
- 50% chance, 10 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ "What the heck? I deserve it."
- ▶️ "This is overpriced, but I must have it."
- ▶️ "Hook me up with that magical creature discount?"
- ▶️ "Do I really need this? Ah... yes."
- ▶️ "Is this ethically sourced?"
- ▶️ "I want to buy all the things!"
- ▶️ "I know I'm being price gouged, but I'll splurge."
- ▶️ "Where did you get all these wonderful things?"
- ▶️ "But how much does it cost for me?"
- ▶️ "I am totally pulling this off."
Other Gameplay[]
- Placing a
- 30% chance
- ▶️ "Rebellions thrive on intelligence."
- ▶️ "I never walk into a trap unprepared."
- ▶️ "See the enemy, know their mind."
- ▶️ "Sometimes, I have to watch my own back."
- ▶️ "I need a strategic viewpoint."
- ▶️ "Eyeball in the grass."
- ▶️ "Let's have a look-see, shall we?"
- ▶️ "I must know their every move."
- ▶️ "This is ambush territory."
- ▶️ "I hate surprises... unless I'm doing the surprising."
- Destroying a
- 50% chance
- ▶️ "Die, little inanimate spy."
- ▶️ "And they won't be needing that any more."
- ▶️ "Good thing I didn't do anything embarrassing."
- ▶️ "There's more than one way to blind an enemy."
- ▶️ "Found one! Killed it."
- ▶️ "Well, that's just an invasion of privacy."
- Receiving a Shield
- 20% chance, 30 seconds cooldown
- Receiving a Shield from
- 30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ "Aw, you're looking out for me!"
- ▶️ "Thank you, honey!"
- ▶️ "Thanks, babe!"
- ▶️ Xayah blows a kiss.
- The following voicelines are only audible for .
- Pinging a Target
- 30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
- ▶️ "You got it!"
- ▶️ "Babe, get 'em!"
- ▶️ "That one!"
- ▶️ "You want it?"
- ▶️ "Rakan, slap this fool for me!"
- ▶️ "Deal with them!"
- ▶️ "Take 'em down!"
- 'Assist Me'
- 30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
- ▶️ "Get my back!"
- ▶️ "Things are getting ugly."
- ▶️ "I need help!"
- ▶️ "Yo! Little help."
- ▶️ "I can't do this alone."
- 'Danger'
- 30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
- ▶️ "Hang back."
- ▶️ "Hang back!"
- ▶️ "Watch out!"
- ▶️ "Eyes up!"
- ▶️ "Stay sharp!"
- ▶️ "Look alive!"
- ▶️ "Bad thing."
- ▶️ "Danger!"
- ▶️ "Stay alert!"
- ▶️ "Babe, watch out."
- ▶️ "Look alive!"
- 'Enemy Missing'
- 30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
- ▶️ "I don't see 'em."
- ▶️ "They're gone."
- ▶️ "Enemy missing."
- ▶️ "Can't find them."
- ▶️ "Enemy missing."
- ▶️ "Lost visual."
- ▶️ "They vanished."
- 'On The Way'
- 30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
- ▶️ "Stay alive!"
- ▶️ "Bringing the pain!"
- ▶️ "On my way."
- ▶️ "I'm on the move."
- ▶️ "Here I come!"
- ▶️ "Headed to ya!"
- ▶️ "I'm on the move."
- ▶️ "Keep it together!"
- ▶️ "On my way."
- ▶️ "On it."
- ▶️ "En route."
- ▶️ "Here I come!"
- 75% chance
- near
- ▶️ "We gotta go."
- ▶️ "Why not?"
- ▶️ "Don't leave without me!"
- ▶️ "You going somewhere?"
- ▶️ "Xayah out."
- ▶️ "Wait for me!"
- ▶️ "Aw... crap..."
- ▶️ "Rakan..."
- ▶️ "Seriously..?"
- ▶️ "Uh, seriously..?"
- ▶️ "Ugh, lame..."
- ▶️ "Ugh, lame..."
- Respawn
- ▶️ "Oh, I wasn't finished with these fools yet."
- ▶️ "Oh, I wasn't finished with these fools yet."
- ▶️ "Death was nice and peaceful. Thanks for ruining it."
- ▶️ "Death was a nice vacation from the tedium, but nothing good can last, I suppose."
- ▶️ "I always wanted to be buried and resurrected in this outfit."
Game Start[]
- Music upon start of the game
- ▶️ A stripped-down version of "Scattered Stars" plays.
First Move[]
- ▶️ "Tell me where the First Light is and maybe I won't destroy Valoran City. Nah, I'll do it anyway."
- ▶️ "Nice world. It would be a shame if something bad happened to it."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Hey, Saki, ready to rough someone up?"
- First Move with an Ally
Star Guardian
- ▶️ Xayah: "We're teaming up with the Star Guardians?!"
- First Move with an Enemy
Star Guardian
- ▶️ "The Star Guardians. I was gonna deal with them later but... oh, well."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Great, the Star Guardians."
- First Move with
- ▶️ Rakan: "Ready to take over the universe?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Ugh, I hate the forces of good."
- ▶️ Rakan: "Hey! I have an evil plan!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "You sure this is a good idea?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Zoe's plans never go wrong!"
- 15 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ "Trouble doesn't 'follow me'. I am trouble."
- ▶️ "Every light goes dark. It's just a matter of time."
- ▶️ "I can still feel the First Star calling to me... psych!"
- ▶️ "Who's afraid of a little villainous insurrection?"
- ▶️ "Star Guardians, what a scam."
- ▶️ "Dreams are only real until you wake up."
- ▶️ "With the First Star gone, chaos will reign."
- ▶️ "Space is cold. And dead. And awesome."
- ▶️ "What has friendship ever done for anybody?"
- ▶️ "All this starlight is ruining my natural evil glow."
- ▶️ "Love conquers nothing and everything ends."
- ▶️ "Good is subjective. Evil is cool, and has spikes and stuff."
- ▶️ "Look at all this happiness and joy. Gross."
- ▶️ "Who needs love when you've got a cloak made from dark matter knives?"
- ▶️ "There's a dark side to every story."
- ▶️ "I'm only bad on the outside... and the inside."
- ▶️ "Every hero has a villain they created."
- ▶️ "Anybody wanna join the dark side? No? Eh, I tried."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Ever think about old times?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Why are we even bothering with the First Star?"
- Moving with nearby
- ▶️ Xayah: "Remember that time on the lonely planet?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Why can't the Star Guardians just embrace destruction?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "If you don't wanna go with me-"
- ▶️ Rakan: "What are those things the Star Guardians wear?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Hey, Xayah. Xayah."
- ▶️ Xayah: "I need you to be more careful."
- ▶️ Rakan: "If anybody is gonna die first, it's gonna be me. I can't see you die again."
- Moving with far away
- ▶️ Rakan: "After this, how about we get some grub?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "I think you intimidate the Star Guardians!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "How much longer are we out here?"
Long Move[]
- 15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
- ▶️ "The First Light failed us but I'm not bitter. I just wanna kill the Star Guardians and destroy everything."
- ▶️ "Why is it so bright out here? Can't we kill the sun or something? It's literally a star."
- ▶️ "I'll play the part of the 'evil Star Guardian returned from the grave'... but I don't have to be enthused about it."
- ▶️ "Enforcing order on a chaotic universe was never going to work. The First Star lied."
- ▶️ "I loved being left to die on an abandoned monster planet. Real character building experience."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Where is Rakan, anyway?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "I'll always take chaos and darkness over those stupid little star animals."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Why are all the Star Guardians going to high school together?"
First Encounter[]
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Too bad you couldn't save me, Ahri. Now, who's going to save you?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "A boy who won't stop talking. How cool and unique."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Janna. Guess they'll give mysterious backstories to anyone these days."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "That attitude won't protect you, Jinx. Trust me. I know."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "You're young, Lulu, so let me give you some advice. Ditch those losers."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "So the First Star chose you, Lux? Huh."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Must've been hard to watch me die, Sarah. Let me return the favor."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Thanks for leading us to the Star Guardians, Neeko. Now, you get to die first."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "So you're good and I'm evil. Great, Poppy. We understand each other."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Rakan, get back over here and stop trying to heroically sacrifice yourself. You look ridiculous."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Soraka. Are you really that dense or just afraid to tell them the truth?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Heh. Syndra. I was wondering when you'd show up."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "I know you turned me against my friends, Zoe. Now, you'll pay for it."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Stop trying to make Star Guardian happen. It's not gonna happen."
- First Encounter with a
Pajama Guardian
- ▶️ "Ugh, footie pajamas? You guys are the worst."
- Saki chirps simultaneously before Xayah hits her on the head.
- ▶️ "Time for you to die." — "Saki! You're making us look crazy."
- ▶️ "You're really in for it now." — "Okay. Calm down, Saki."
- Taunt Response
- ▶️ "Wow, I'm threatened. You're so threatening."
- Xayah feeds Saki until she takes on a more evil looking form and steals the treats.
- ▶️ "Yeah, yeah, I'll feed you." — "Hey! You almost took my hand off!"
- Joke Response
- ▶️ "Hey, you. Your jokes are bad."
- ▶️ Xayah laughs.
Basic Attacking[]
- 30% chance
- ▶️ "Lights out!"
- ▶️ "Why don't you hug a knife?!"
- ▶️ "I don't do 'friendship.'"
- ▶️ "Time for a little chaos."
- ▶️ "Barely worth the effort."
- ▶️ "Eat dark matter!"
- ▶️ "You're gonna fight me?"
- ▶️ "Have it your way!"
- ▶️ "Time to die, star babies."
- ▶️ "It's pandemonium out there."
- ▶️ "Consider my oath broken."
- ▶️ "This is light's last stand."
- ▶️ "Waste of my time."
- ▶️ "Choke on some space knives."
- ▶️ "Dark days ahead."
- ▶️ "Just die already."
- ▶️ "Get stabbed already."
- ▶️ "Starlight never wins."
- ▶️ "You seem alive. Let's fix that."
- ▶️ "One more falling star."
- ▶️ "All edge, all the time."
- ▶️ "You're gonna have a bad time."
- ▶️ "The heart is the biggest target."
- ▶️ "Every star fades."
- ▶️ "Give up. Now."
- ▶️ "How 'bout some cool new scars?"
- ▶️ "I fight for myself."
- ▶️ "Drop a heart, break a name."
- ▶️ "Ugh, fine."
- ▶️ "Why are you even here?!"
- ▶️ "Let me show you my dark side."
- Attacking
- ▶️ "Your turn to die, Ahri."
- Attacking
- ▶️ "Quit biting my style, Jinx!"
- Attacking
- ▶️ "You should have never taken the oath, Lux!"
- Attacking
- ▶️ "Here's a toast to our reunion, Sarah."
- Attacking
- ▶️ "You'll pay for running, Neeko!"
- Attacking
- ▶️ "Time for some couples counseling."
- Attacking
- ▶️ "Consider this my resignation, Zoe!"
Ability Casting[]
Using []
- 50% chance
Using []
Rooting an Enemy
- ▶️ "Stay mad."
- ▶️ "Huh!"
- ▶️ "Whoops."
- ▶️ "Tragic."
- ▶️ "Haha."
- ▶️ "Nailed it."
- ▶️ "Feeling stuck?"
- ▶️ "Going somewhere?"
Using []
Kills and Objectives[]
- Killing a Champion
- ▶️ "Hands down, this is the best day I can ever remember."
- ▶️ "You call that a fight? Pfft, this planet doesn't stand a chance."
- ▶️ "You expected to win? That's bleak."
- ▶️ "Oh, no! I hope the Star Guardians save me!" (laughs)
- ▶️ "In the real world, the bad guys always win."
- ▶️ "Don't ruffle your feathers over it."
- ▶️ "Wanna peck their eyes out? Lame."
- Killing a Champion near
- 20% chance
- ▶️ Xayah: "Time to say 'farewell' to those pitiful star losers."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Sorry, what was that about destiny? Didn't quite catch it."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Well, at least you stopped talking."
- Killing
- ▶️ "So many secrets, Janna, and they all die with you."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Sparkle party's over. Where's my gift bag?"
- Killing
- ▶️ "Heh. It's nothing personal, kid."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Looks like this little star burned out."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Here's something the First Star won't teach you. Revenge is an excellent motivator."
- Killing
- ▶️ "You couldn't hide from me forever, Neeko."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Guess evil wins, Poppy. I, for one, am shocked."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Sorry, love. You can't save me this time."
- Killing
- ▶️ "That's the problem with playing dumb. Sooner or later, it'll get you killed."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Zoe will reward me for this, Syndra. Apparently, you two have history."
- Killing
- ▶️ "I've been waiting to do that for a long, long time."
- Scoring a Pentakill
- ▶️ "Darkness: 5, First Light: 0."
- 10 seconds cooldown
- Respawn
- 50% chance
Game Start[]
- Music upon start of the game
- ▶️ A stripped-down version of "Scattered Stars" plays.
First Move[]
- ▶️ "Alright, so I'm on the side of the First Star again, big deal. I can still cause chaos!"
- ▶️ "Zoe tried to tear Rakan and me apart, but love conquers all. Eugh, I sound like such a loser...!"
- ▶️ "I woke up today and decided not to choose needless violence. Now when I stab people, it's justified!"
- ▶️ "I have a lot in common with stars: people look up to me—oh, and if you touch me, you're dead."
- ▶️ "The Star Guardians are people I work with and our job is to be awesome and destroy the darkness."
- ▶️ Xayah: "Ready to save the world, Saki?"
- First Move with an Ally
Star Guardian
- ▶️ "Ok, star-dweeb, a few ground rules: no inspirational speeches, no glitter, and no friendship bracelets."
- First Move with an Enemy
Star Guardian
- ▶️ Xayah: "Oh. We're fighting the Star Guardians?"
- First Move with
- ▶️ Rakan: "So, we're saving the universe?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "Ugh, I hate this stupid universe."
- ▶️ Rakan: "You, uh... think we can pull this off?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "You ready for this? I have plan and it is good!"
- ▶️ Xayah: "The Star Guardians' plans never go wrong."
- 15 seconds cooldown
- ▶️ "Something about First Star powered feathers... they just hit different."
- ▶️ "I think being a goody-goody is giving me hives..."
- ▶️ "Friendship isn't pass or fail, It's--" Xayah sighs deeply. "Complicated."
- ▶️ "Okay, I admit it. This is kind of fun."
- ▶️ "When something really matters, you fight for it."
- ▶️ "Love is beautiful—annoyingly, frustratingly—beautiful."
- ▶️ "I'll high-five you after we do something cool, Saki."
- ▶️ "Come on, Saki, let's play hooky."
- ▶️ "I don't do team-bonding."
- ▶️ "We'll be quick, Saki. My noodles are getting cold."
- ▶️ "I've forgiven my friends... but I don't forget."
- ▶️ "Rakan!" Xayah sighs in frustration. "I need to put a tracker on that man..."
- ▶️ "'It's always darkest before the dawn!' Or... something."
- ▶️ "Ughh, I feel nauseous. Is this happiness?"
- ▶️ "Guarding stars is my job. Judging people's just a hobby!"
- ▶️ "Just because I listen to the First Star, doesn't mean I have to like it."
- ▶️ "Please, the darkness is so last-season."
- ▶️ "I have a... complicated relationship with darkness"
- ▶️ "Light or dark, I'll always have my space knives!"
- ▶️ "I wasn't corrupted, I was evil. Get it right."
- ▶️ "'The darkness'? As if!"
- Moving with nearby
- ▶️ Xayah: "Remember our time on that faraway planet?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "You think those nerds in Shop class know we died?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "What are those clothes you wear on your feet?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "If you're not ready–"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Xayah, guess what?"
- ▶️ Xayah: "I need you to be more careful."
- ▶️ Rakan: "I've already died twice! What are the chances of me dying again?"
- Moving with far away
- ▶️ Rakan: "You know what I'm hankering for?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "You've got a very cavalier energy, you know?"
- ▶️ Rakan: "How long we doing this?"
Long Move[]
- 15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
- ▶️ "Rakan saved me, I saved Rakan! It's a vicious cycle. Just the way we like it."
- ▶️ "I'm a valuable member of the Star Guardians. I provide much needed sarcasm. Also, feather daggers!"
- ▶️ "Ugh, school's hard enough without all the returning from the dead and saving the world stuff..."
- ▶️ "Everything's fun and games, until you have to team up and purge the darkness from your boyfriend's soul."
- ▶️ "I can feel the light in those who have fallen, it feels all warm and tingly. ...I hate warm and tingly."
- ▶️ "Being a Star Guardian means I have to listen to my stupid conscience. Such a buzzkill!"
- ▶️ "If there's hope for me, there's hope for anyone. Even the most desperate, pathetic, monotonous star-losers."
- ▶️ Xayah: "You ever want to beat up your friends even though you swore an oath to protect them? Yeah." Xayah chuckles. "Me neither."
- ▶️
Saki chirps in a worried tone.
- ▶️
- ▶️ Xayah: "The thing I miss the least about being good? All the pep talks."
First Encounter[]
- ▶️ "I was looking to fight the darkness, but your face—it's so knifeable."
- ▶️ "That's what you're wearing into battle?" Xayah chuckles. "You made a choice!"
- ▶️ "And, you are?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Ahri!! I definitely don't have unresolved anger issues! Anyway, let's dance."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "It's Akali, right? Yeah... falling to darkness was sort of my thing first... Poser."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Hey, Kai'Sa. Try losing the whole 'sunny disposition', okay? It's exhausting."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Sarah, I'll put as much effort into pulling my punches as you did trying to save me! So... none at all."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Finally done hiding, Neeko? Or is this just one of your copies putting on a brave face?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Work on your facial expressions, Orianna. You don't look nearly surprised enough to see me!"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "What's a girl gotta do to purge the evil from her man's heart?"
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Shut that pretty mouth of yours and fight me, Rakan."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Huh... just you again, Senna. I want to meet this imaginary boyfriend you keep talking about."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "'Oh no! And we have a book report due on Monday!' That's you, Seraphine. That's what you sound like."
- First Encounter with
- ▶️ "Zoe, you turn my boyfriend evil. You'll regret it!"
- First Encounter with a
Star Guardian
- ▶️ Xayah chuckles playfully. "A cute little star baby. Still all bright-eyed? Hmph, that'll change."
- Saki chirps with Xayah. Saki then smacks Xayah on the head.-->
- ▶️ "Saki, stop acting adorable! It's gonna give me laugh lines."
- Taunt Response
- ▶️ "Maybe I'll go evil again. Just for you!"
- Xayah feeds Saki until Saki takes on a more evil form and starts hoarding all the treats.
- ▶️ "You can have a few but I'm saving the rest for Rakan-- hey! Watch it sweet-tooth!"
- Joke Response
- ▶️ "Did Rakan put you up to this? He knows I hate stupid jokes."
- ▶️ Xayah laughs.
Basic Attacking[]
- 30% chance
- ▶️ Xayah chuckles. "No, just no."
- ▶️ "Are you even trying?"
- ▶️ "The light and the dark!"
- ▶️ "Can we get this over with?"
- ▶️ "Stop fighting! You suck at it."
- ▶️ "Ugh! You're still standing?"
- ▶️ "Die, dweeb."
- ▶️ "Show 'em, Saki!"
- ▶️ "Face light, dweeb!"
- ▶️ "Should I feel bad?"
- ▶️ "Stars never fade!"
- Attacking
- ▶️ "Hey, chaos creep! I wore evil so much better."
Ability Casting[]
Using []
- 50% chance
Using []
Rooting an Enemy
Using []
- Ranking for the first time
- ▶️ "I will not use this power for evil... I will not use this power for evil..."
Kills and Objectives[]
- Killing a Champion
- ▶️ "It's called 'saving the universe', try it sometime."
- ▶️ Xayah laughs loudly and derisively. "Oh, sorry, force of habit."
- ▶️ "A moment of silence. Aaand the moment's over."
- ▶️ "That was tough to watch!"
- ▶️ "You flew too close to a star."
- ▶️ "Oh, you're dying... Been there, done that!"
- Killing a Champion near
- 20% chance
- ▶️ Xayah: "Ugh! I forgot to say something cool before they died!"
- ▶️ Rakan: "Hey, uh-- I still got it, right?"
- ▶️ Xayah: Xayah smacks her lips. "Aww babe! Have a chocolate bar."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Okay Ahri. Now we're even."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Don't let this start you down the path to evil, Akali. Again: kinda my thing."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Dying's not the end Kai'Sa! Wait, for you i--it might be."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Death isn't so bad, Sarah. It's the friends abandoning you to die that really stings."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Ya playing dead, Neeko! ...Yeah, didn't think so."
- Killing
- ▶️ Xayah imitates a flat, robotic tone. "Chances. Of. Beating. Xayah." Xayah changes her tone back to normal. "...Zero percent.
- Killing
- ▶️ "Rakan... can you please come back pure of heart next time...?"
- Killing
- ▶️ "We'll get our happy ending, baby. Just not today..."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Don't worry, Senna! Your knight in shining armor will come and save you! Aww, wait."
- Killing
- ▶️ "Tough luck, Seraphine. Hey, maybe you can write a song about it!"
- Killing
- ▶️ "Zoe. You brought me back from the dead, and now you're dead. Universe is funny that way."
- Killing a
Star Guardian
- ▶️ "We'll give you a proper Guardian burial: launch you into a star, or, something."
- Scoring First Blood
- ▶️ Xayah: "You think that's cool, Saki? We're just getting warmed up!"
- ▶️
Saki chirps in determination.
- ▶️
- Scoring a Pentakill
- ▶️ "Love will light up the dark!"
- Destroying a
- ▶️ "Some just like to watch the world burn! Not me, though."
- ▶️ "A girl doesn't have to be evil to love destruction!"
- ▶️ "Cute little turret wasn't gonna stop me, I fought giant space monsters."
- ▶️
Saki chirps playfully.
- ▶️ Xayah: "What do you mean this tower reminds you of me? Oh-- because it fell. Very funny, Saki."
- Opening the Shop
- ▶️ "Do you accept traits? I have emotional baggage I'd like to pawn off."
- ▶️ "Yay. Shopping."
- ▶️ "Have I robbed you before? Oh, don't worry—I'm mostly good now..."