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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]

  • ▶️   "Fine, I'll just be over here... sharpening my feathers."


First Move[]

  • ▶️   "Let's cut 'em to ribbons."
  • ▶️   "Ah, silence, so golden. Like Rakan. Kind of miss him. Even if he is... noisy."
  • ▶️   "The vastaya named the world. We named the trees, the wind, the mountains. We know their power."
  • ▶️   "If love is feeling so deeply for another that you want to chew your way under their skin, then I love Rakan..."
  • ▶️   "We pledged ourselves to each other in the middle of a tavern brawl. The whole place reeked of vomit, sweat and blood. It was so romantic!"
  • ▶️   "They'll probably label me a war criminal one day, but not today."
  • ▶️   "The world owes the Vastaya a great debt. I'm here to collect."
  • ▶️   "I'm just an ordinary girl. An ordinary girl with an infinite supply of death quills."
First Move with Rakan Rakan


15 seconds cooldown
Moving with Rakan Rakan nearby
  • ▶️   Rakan: "What would you do if I died?"
    • ▶️   Xayah: "I would... burn this world to the ground and build a castle from the ashes, where I would live alone forever."
  • ▶️   Xayah: "I need you to be more careful."
    • ▶️   Rakan: "If anybody's gonna die first, it's gonna be me. I can't see you die. Also, black is a terrible color on me."
Moving with Rakan Rakan far away

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Ahri Ahri
First Encounter with Amumu Amumu
  • ▶️   "Aw, poor sad little mummy! I just want to take you home."
First Encounter with Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol
  • ▶️   "I don't want to hurt you, space dragon. We could be such good friends."
First Encounter with Bard Bard
First Encounter with Caitlyn Caitlyn
First Encounter with Camille Camille
First Encounter with Ekko Ekko
First Encounter with Garen Garen
First Encounter with Illaoi Illaoi
  • ▶️   "Where can I get one of those delightful chthonic god-clutch purses? Does it come in purple? The god, not the bag."
First Encounter with Ivern Ivern
First Encounter with Kled Kled
First Encounter with Rammus Rammus
First Encounter with Rengar Rengar
First Encounter with Tahm Kench Tahm Kench
  • ▶️   "Your talking is not improving this wonderful silence."
First Encounter with Urgot Urgot
First Encounter with Vi Vi
First Encounter with Vladimir Vladimir
First Encounter with Wukong Wukong
First Encounter with a Runeterra Crest icon Yordle


Taunting near Rakan Rakan
Taunting an Ally (other than Rakan Rakan
Taunt Response
Taunt Response near Rakan Rakan


Xayah tries to fly, but falls to the ground.
Joke Response



Dancing with Rakan Rakan



15 seconds cooldown
Attacking near Rakan Rakan

Ability Casting[]

Using Double Daggers Double Daggers[]

50% chance

Using Bladecaller Bladecaller[]

50% chance
Root icon Rooting an Enemy
75% chance

Using Featherstorm Featherstorm[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing a Champion near Rakan Rakan
Killing Ahri Ahri
Killing Lux Lux
Killing Taliyah Taliyah
Killing a Runeterra Crest icon Vastaya
Scoring a Pentakill
Destroying a Turret icon Turret
Killing a Minion icon Minion


Buying an Item
50% chance, 10 seconds cooldown

Other Gameplay[]

Placing a Ward icon Ward
30% chance
Destroying a Ward icon Ward
50% chance
Receiving a Shield
20% chance, 30 seconds cooldown
Receiving a Shield from Rakan Rakan
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown


The following voicelines are only audible for Rakan Rakan.
Pinging a Target
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
'Assist Me'
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
'Enemy Missing'
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units
'On The Way'
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown, 1000 units

Recall Recall[]

75% chance
Recall Recall near Rakan Rakan


  • ▶️   "Oh, I wasn't finished with these fools yet."
  • ▶️   "Oh, I wasn't finished with these fools yet."
  • ▶️   "Death was nice and peaceful. Thanks for ruining it."
  • ▶️   "Death was a nice vacation from the tedium, but nothing good can last, I suppose."
  • ▶️   "I always wanted to be buried and resurrected in this outfit."

The skin re-uses many interactions from the classic VO. Some of them play when ally Rakan Rakan wears a skin other than Star Guardian Star Guardian.

Game Start[]

Music upon start of the game


First Move[]

  • ▶️   "Tell me where the First Light is and maybe I won't destroy Valoran City. Nah, I'll do it anyway."
  • ▶️   "Nice world. It would be a shame if something bad happened to it."
First Move with an Ally New Horizon profileicon Star Guardian
First Move with an Enemy New Horizon profileicon Star Guardian
  • ▶️   "The Star Guardians. I was gonna deal with them later but... oh, well."
First Move with Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan


15 seconds cooldown
Moving with Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan nearby
  • ▶️   Xayah: "I need you to be more careful."
    • ▶️   Rakan: "If anybody is gonna die first, it's gonna be me. I can't see you die again."
Moving with Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan far away

Long Move[]

15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
  • ▶️   "The First Light failed us but I'm not bitter. I just wanna kill the Star Guardians and destroy everything."
  • ▶️   "Why is it so bright out here? Can't we kill the sun or something? It's literally a star."
  • ▶️   "I'll play the part of the 'evil Star Guardian returned from the grave'... but I don't have to be enthused about it."
  • ▶️   "Enforcing order on a chaotic universe was never going to work. The First Star lied."
  • ▶️   "I loved being left to die on an abandoned monster planet. Real character building experience."

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
  • ▶️   "Too bad you couldn't save me, Ahri. Now, who's going to save you?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Ezreal Star Guardian Ezreal
First Encounter with Star Guardian Janna Star Guardian Janna
  • ▶️   "Janna. Guess they'll give mysterious backstories to anyone these days."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Jinx Star Guardian Jinx
  • ▶️   "That attitude won't protect you, Jinx. Trust me. I know."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Lulu Star Guardian Lulu
  • ▶️   "You're young, Lulu, so let me give you some advice. Ditch those losers."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
First Encounter with Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • ▶️   "Must've been hard to watch me die, Sarah. Let me return the favor."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Neeko Star Guardian Neeko
  • ▶️   "Thanks for leading us to the Star Guardians, Neeko. Now, you get to die first."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Poppy Star Guardian Poppy
  • ▶️   "So you're good and I'm evil. Great, Poppy. We understand each other."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
  • ▶️   "Rakan, get back over here and stop trying to heroically sacrifice yourself. You look ridiculous."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Soraka Star Guardian Soraka
  • ▶️   "Soraka. Are you really that dense or just afraid to tell them the truth?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Syndra Star Guardian Syndra
First Encounter with Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe
  • ▶️   "I know you turned me against my friends, Zoe. Now, you'll pay for it."
First Encounter with Urgot Urgot
  • ▶️   "Stop trying to make Star Guardian happen. It's not gonna happen."
First Encounter with a New Horizon profileicon Pajama Guardian


Saki chirps simultaneously before Xayah hits her on the head.
  • ▶️   "Time for you to die." — "Saki! You're making us look crazy."
  • ▶️   "You're really in for it now." — "Okay. Calm down, Saki."
Taunt Response


Xayah feeds Saki until she takes on a more evil looking form and steals the treats.
  • ▶️   "Yeah, yeah, I'll feed you." — "Hey! You almost took my hand off!"
Joke Response



Basic Attacking[]

30% chance


Attacking Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
Attacking Star Guardian Jinx Star Guardian Jinx
Attacking Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
Attacking Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Miss Fortune
Attacking Star Guardian Neeko Star Guardian Neeko
Attacking Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
Attacking Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe

Ability Casting[]

Using Double Daggers Double Daggers[]

50% chance

Using Bladecaller Bladecaller[]

Root icon Rooting an Enemy

Using Featherstorm Featherstorm[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing a Champion near Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
20% chance
Killing Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
  • ▶️   "Sorry, what was that about destiny? Didn't quite catch it."
Killing Star Guardian Ezreal Star Guardian Ezreal
Killing Star Guardian Janna Star Guardian Janna
Killing Star Guardian Jinx Star Guardian Jinx
Killing Star Guardian Lulu Star Guardian Lulu
Killing Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
Killing Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • ▶️   "Here's something the First Star won't teach you. Revenge is an excellent motivator."
Killing Star Guardian Neeko Star Guardian Neeko
Killing Star Guardian Poppy Star Guardian Poppy
Killing Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
Killing Star Guardian Soraka Star Guardian Soraka
  • ▶️   "That's the problem with playing dumb. Sooner or later, it'll get you killed."
Killing Star Guardian Syndra Star Guardian Syndra
  • ▶️   "Zoe will reward me for this, Syndra. Apparently, you two have history."
Killing Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe
Scoring a Pentakill

Recall Recall[]

10 seconds cooldown


50% chance
  • ▶️   "Surprise, surprise. I didn't stay dead and now I'm angry."
  • ▶️   "Ugh, get me out of there. I hate being cooped up in the gem."
  • ▶️   "Hey, I was taking a nap! Oh, we are so fighting later."

The skin re-uses many interactions from the classic VO. Some of them play when ally Rakan Rakan wears a skin other than Redeemed Star Guardian Redeemed Star Guardian.

Game Start[]

Music upon start of the game


First Move[]

  • ▶️   "Alright, so I'm on the side of the First Star again, big deal. I can still cause chaos!"
  • ▶️   "Zoe tried to tear Rakan and me apart, but love conquers all. Eugh, I sound like such a loser...!"
  • ▶️   "I woke up today and decided not to choose needless violence. Now when I stab people, it's justified!"
  • ▶️   "I have a lot in common with stars: people look up to me—oh, and if you touch me, you're dead."
  • ▶️   "The Star Guardians are people I work with and our job is to be awesome and destroy the darkness."
First Move with an Ally New Horizon profileicon Star Guardian
  • ▶️   "Ok, star-dweeb, a few ground rules: no inspirational speeches, no glitter, and no friendship bracelets."
First Move with an Enemy New Horizon profileicon Star Guardian
First Move with Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan


15 seconds cooldown
Moving with Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan nearby
  • ▶️   Xayah: "I need you to be more careful."
    • ▶️   Rakan: "I've already died twice! What are the chances of me dying again?"
Moving with Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan far away

Long Move[]

15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
  • ▶️   "Rakan saved me, I saved Rakan! It's a vicious cycle. Just the way we like it."
  • ▶️   "I'm a valuable member of the Star Guardians. I provide much needed sarcasm. Also, feather daggers!"
  • ▶️   "Ugh, school's hard enough without all the returning from the dead and saving the world stuff..."
  • ▶️   "Everything's fun and games, until you have to team up and purge the darkness from your boyfriend's soul."
  • ▶️   "I can feel the light in those who have fallen, it feels all warm and tingly. ...I hate warm and tingly."
  • ▶️   "Being a Star Guardian means I have to listen to my stupid conscience. Such a buzzkill!"
  • ▶️   "If there's hope for me, there's hope for anyone. Even the most desperate, pathetic, monotonous star-losers."
  • ▶️   Xayah: "You ever want to beat up your friends even though you swore an oath to protect them? Yeah." Xayah chuckles. "Me neither."

First Encounter[]

  • ▶️   "I was looking to fight the darkness, but your face—it's so knifeable."
  • ▶️   "That's what you're wearing into battle?" Xayah chuckles. "You made a choice!"
  • ▶️   "And, you are?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
  • ▶️   "Ahri!! I definitely don't have unresolved anger issues! Anyway, let's dance."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Akali Star Guardian Akali
  • ▶️   "It's Akali, right? Yeah... falling to darkness was sort of my thing first... Poser."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Kai'Sa Star Guardian Kai'Sa
  • ▶️   "Hey, Kai'Sa. Try losing the whole 'sunny disposition', okay? It's exhausting."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • ▶️   "Sarah, I'll put as much effort into pulling my punches as you did trying to save me! So... none at all."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Neeko Star Guardian Neeko
  • ▶️   "Finally done hiding, Neeko? Or is this just one of your copies putting on a brave face?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Orianna Star Guardian Orianna
  • ▶️   "Work on your facial expressions, Orianna. You don't look nearly surprised enough to see me!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
  • ▶️   "What's a girl gotta do to purge the evil from her man's heart?"
First Encounter with Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan
First Encounter with Star Guardian Senna Star Guardian Senna
  • ▶️   "Huh... just you again, Senna. I want to meet this imaginary boyfriend you keep talking about."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Seraphine Star Guardian Seraphine
  • ▶️   "'Oh no! And we have a book report due on Monday!' That's you, Seraphine. That's what you sound like."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe
First Encounter with a New Horizon profileicon Star Guardian
  • ▶️   Xayah chuckles playfully. "A cute little star baby. Still all bright-eyed? Hmph, that'll change."


Saki chirps with Xayah. Saki then smacks Xayah on the head.-->
  • ▶️   "Saki, stop acting adorable! It's gonna give me laugh lines."
Taunt Response


Xayah feeds Saki until Saki takes on a more evil form and starts hoarding all the treats.
  • ▶️   "You can have a few but I'm saving the rest for Rakan-- hey! Watch it sweet-tooth!"
Joke Response
  • ▶️   "Did Rakan put you up to this? He knows I hate stupid jokes."



Basic Attacking[]

30% chance


Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor

Ability Casting[]

Using Double Daggers Double Daggers[]

50% chance

Using Bladecaller Bladecaller[]

Root icon Rooting an Enemy

Using Featherstorm Featherstorm[]

Ranking for the first time
  • ▶️   "I will not use this power for evil... I will not use this power for evil..."

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing a Champion near Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan
20% chance
Killing Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
Killing Star Guardian Akali Star Guardian Akali
  • ▶️   "Don't let this start you down the path to evil, Akali. Again: kinda my thing."
Killing Star Guardian Kai'Sa Star Guardian Kai'Sa
  • ▶️   "Dying's not the end Kai'Sa! Wait, for you i--it might be."
Killing Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • ▶️   "Death isn't so bad, Sarah. It's the friends abandoning you to die that really stings."
Killing Star Guardian Neeko Star Guardian Neeko
Killing Star Guardian Orianna Star Guardian Orianna
  • ▶️   Xayah imitates a flat, robotic tone. "Chances. Of. Beating. Xayah." Xayah changes her tone back to normal. "...Zero percent.
Killing Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
  • ▶️   "Rakan... can you please come back pure of heart next time...?"
Killing Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan
Killing Star Guardian Senna Star Guardian Senna
  • ▶️   "Don't worry, Senna! Your knight in shining armor will come and save you! Aww, wait."
Killing Star Guardian Seraphine Star Guardian Seraphine
  • ▶️   "Tough luck, Seraphine. Hey, maybe you can write a song about it!"
Killing Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe
  • ▶️   "Zoe. You brought me back from the dead, and now you're dead. Universe is funny that way."
Killing a New Horizon profileicon Star Guardian
  • ▶️   "We'll give you a proper Guardian burial: launch you into a star, or, something."
Scoring First Blood
Scoring a Pentakill
Destroying a Turret icon Turret
  • ▶️   "Some just like to watch the world burn! Not me, though."
  • ▶️   "A girl doesn't have to be evil to love destruction!"
  • ▶️   "Cute little turret wasn't gonna stop me, I fought giant space monsters."
  • ▶️   Saki profileicon Saki chirps playfully.
    • ▶️   Xayah: "What do you mean this tower reminds you of me? Oh-- because it fell. Very funny, Saki."


Opening the Shop

Other Gameplay[]

Leveling Up
  • ▶️   "Getting stronger means getting revenge. Uh-- not in an evil way!"
  • ▶️   "This power... guess the darkness is overrated."
  • ▶️   "Is this what graduating high school feels like?"