Woad Tribe is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in an alternate Freljord, it features champions as members of the Woad Tribe.
- Few can survive a journey through the frozen tundra of the north. If the cold doesn't kill you... the Woad surely will.
- Woad Tribe
A legendary wilderness archer, Ashe is the first and last member of the Woad Tribe many a wayward traveler will ever meet. Nothing is known of her past, save for frozen corpses littering the northern trails.
For a Woad tribesman to be named king, they must venture alone into the den of a glacial hydra and return with one of its heads. Darius, it is said, came back with all nine.
Pity those poor souls lost in the northern mountains—Quinn, scout of the Woad Tribe, will always find them. And those who cross her path are said never to return.
- Battle Spirits
Kayle is a benevolent goddess in times of peace, and a terrifying battle spirit in times of war. She wears the traditional warpaint of her people as a living record of their victories and power.
A battle spirit exiled from her tribe in a past age, Morgana has silently plotted revenge on her betrayers and their descendants for hundreds of years. Each passing winter she comes closer to her goal—a climactic battle in which the tribe falls, and Kayle with it.
- These skins thematic highly resembles the Winter's Claw of the Freljord.
- This skin line is a reference to the Celts, an ancient European people-group.