Winter's Approach is an upgraded item in Wild Rift.
Builds Into
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 15 ability haste = 450
- 350 health = 1166.67
- 500 mana = 1750
- Total Gold Value = 3366.67
- 15 mana = 52.5
- 700 mana = 2450
Gold efficiency
- 129.49% gold efficient. base stats are
- 2.02% per mana expenditure. gold efficiency is increased by
- becomes 100% gold efficient at -219 bonus mana.
- 223.72% gold efficient when fully stacked. is
Similar items
- Mana Charge bonus mana is also displayed in the scoreboard.
Old icons
Patch History
- Ability haste increased from 10 to 15.
- Unique Passive - Awe
- New passive: Grants bonus health equal to 8% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
- Old passive: Grants ability haste equal to 1% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
- Unique passive - Mana Charge
- Mana granted per charge increased from 8 to 12.
- New:
- Recipe: + + 700 = 2600.
- Stats: 350 health, 10 ability haste, 500 mana.
- Unique Passive - Awe: Grants ability haste equal to 1% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
- Unique Passive - Mana Charge: Grants a charge every 4 seconds, up to 3 charges. Each basic attack on-hit, mana expenditure or taking damage from champions, epic monsters, or turrets consumes a charge and grants +8 mana, up to a maximum of 700 mana. Mana stacks are maintained upon upgrading to this item.
- Passive: Transforms into at +700 mana.
- Limited to 1 Mana Charge item.
- Builds into: .
- Old:
- Recipe: + + 700 = 2600.
- Stats: 10 ability haste, 40 armor, 450 mana.
- Unique Passive - Awe: Grants bonus armor equal to 1% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
- Unique Passive - Mana Charge: Grants a charge every 4 seconds, up to 3 charges. Each basic attack on-hit or mana expenditure consumes a charge and grants +15 mana, up to a maximum of 700 mana.
- Passive: Transforms into at +700 mana.
- Limited to 1 Awe item.
- Builds into: .
- Removed: No longer grants 10% cooldown reduction.
- New effect: Now grants 10 ability haste.
- Unique passive - Mana Charge
- Mana per stack increased from 8 to 15.
- Alpha (China) - Added
- Recipe: + + 700 = 2600.
- Stats: 10% cooldown reduction, 40 armor, 450 mana.
- Unique Passive - Awe: Grants bonus armor equal to 1% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
- Unique Passive - Mana Charge: Grants a charge every 4 seconds, up to 3 charges. Each basic attack on-hit or mana expenditure consumes a charge and grants +8 mana, up to a maximum of 700 mana.
- Passive: Transforms into at +700 mana.
- Limited to 1 Awe item.
- Builds into: .
List of Items
- Basic items
- Mid tier items
- Upgraded items
- Trinkets
- Boots
- Enchantments
- Removed items