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Surrounded around the Shuriman Continent are several clans of Brackern, including clans in the Shuriman desert.


The Dormun are gigantic, slow-moving creatures protected with large chitinous plates covering their body. In the harsh conditions of Shurima they have evolved to survive the perpetual drought by utilizing an unknown sense to locate hidden reservoirs of water. Incidentally, certain nomadic tribes have built themselves a permanent home upon the backs of these beasts where they clean the creature and hunt any airborne pests who venture near.


Desert goats that travel in herds.


Mwatis are goatlike creatures with large plated casques on their heads. Mwati wool and plate are prised for felting and insulation.


Gigantic scarabs that roam in swarms, looking for unfortunate travelers to feed on. They seem to be common prey for Rammus Rammus.


Beside the Xer'Sai, other creatures from the Void, referred to as 'outerbeasts', can be found in the desert.

  • Xer'Sai: Creatures from the Void that plague the southern deserts. They are the size of big dogs on average, but can be smaller or much bigger. Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, as the queen, is by far the largest and most dangerous of her species. Xer'sai burst from their small burrows and ravage anything nearby, to the detriment of desert caravans. Once dead, the Xer'sai decompose at an abnormally rapid rate and become inedible.


Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camel[]

A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation. Despite being well-suited for lengthy travels in the desert landscape, they are still prey to a many predator such as the Xer'Sai.


Shurima Sandswimmers


Sandswimmers are massive quadrupedal creatures that traverse the Shuriman desert in cyclical patterns. They got their name due to their preferred method of travel. Their narrow bodies and webbed feet are perfectly design for swimming under the sand. They feed on bugs and other small creatures most desert beasts ignore. Scavengers will often memorize the predictable paths these creatures take, and jump onto their backs to ride as far as they wish.


The Skallashi are large quadrupedal herbivores. These hardy beasts of burden are common across Shurima, ideally suited to the harsh desert environment. Their key body feature is their long legs. Notoriously bad-tempered, they are nevertheless treated with great reverence. Their brown hides are often painted with sacred symbols of protection, and their horns hung with totems and charms. While these creatures are mostly used for travel and carrying heavy loads, on some larger skallashi people are able to built miniature rooms for more comfortable travel. To own one is often considered a sign of considerable prosperity.

Warwick OriginalCentered
Warwick (Universe)Warwick (Universe)
Warwick (League of Legends)Warwick (League of Legends)
Warwick (Esports)Warwick (Esports)
Warwick (Teamfight Tactics)Warwick (Teamfight Tactics)
Warwick (Wild Rift)Warwick (Wild Rift)
Warwick (Development)Warwick (Development)
Warwick (Trivia)Warwick (Trivia)

Eternal Hunger

Eternal Hunger

Innate: Warwick's basic attacks against enemies deal Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)12 − 46 (based on level) Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 15% bonus AD) Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 10% AP) Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage On-hit icon on-hit.

While Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)below 50% maximum health, he also Champions hit with Powder Kegs (E) detonated by chain reactionHeal power icon heals for 100% of the post-mitigation damage dealt by Eternal Hunger.

  • No additional notes.

Jaws of the Beast

Jaws of the Beast

Active: Warwick Bear Stance lunges at the target enemy over 0.264 seconds and bites them, dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and Champions hit with Powder Kegs (E) detonated by chain reactionHeal power icon healing himself for a portion of the post-mitigation damage dealt, as well as applying On-hit icon on-hit and on-attack effects. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped against Monster icon monsters.

Magic Damage:
Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)6 / 7 / 8 / 9% of target's maximum health Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 120% AD) Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 100% AP)
Maximum Monster Damage:
125 / 150 / 175 / 200 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 120% AD) Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 100% AP)
Healing Percentage:
22.5 / 40 / 57.5 / 75%

While Jaws of the Beast is in effect, Warwick gains Unstoppable icon displacement immunity and follows all of the target's movements. The ability can be held for additional effects.

Hold: Warwick performs the bite and then begins to Channeling icon charge for 0.5 seconds, during which he Dash dashes behind the target.

  • It has been special cased so Warwick does not follow an enemy's Recall Recall or a Sion Sion that revives from Glory in Death Glory in Death.
  • Warwick will attempt to basic attack the target afterwards.
  • The channel is extended if the target is under effects of a Dash dash or Airborne icon WR displacement.
  • The heal does not factor on-hit and on-attack effects applied by Jaws of the Beast.
  • Jaws of the Beast deals Basic Attack basic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0 Disintegrate spell damage.
  • Jaws of the Beast has a 0.264 seconds cast delay, which is the amount of time required for the bite to occur from the start of the cast. This should not be confused with cast times.
    • If the cast started beforehand, both the damage and the heal occur even after Warwick's Death death, or during Revival icon resurrection.
  • PENDING FOR TEST: If the target dies prior to Warwick reaching them, Jaws of the Beast refunds its cooldown when tapped. The ability can be still held, to which it is no longer eligible for the refund.
  • While the bite always occurs after the same delay, the time spent lunging does not, which depends on the range Jaws of the Beast was cast away from the target, up to 0.5 seconds when cast at maximum range.
    • This does not affect the Lockout icon 2 lockout timer, which is the same as the bite's delay.
  • The lunge always places Warwick to his attack range to the center of his target, while the dash will place him up to the edge of his attack range from the target's edge.
  • Jaws of the Beast's channel cannot be initiated while Root icon grounded or Root icon WR rooted. Warwick can only use the normal cast.
    • The channel will not be interrupted by either of the two effects, despite the lock-on being a movement channel.
Interactions & Other
  • In order to hit the damage cap, the target monster needs to have at least Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)2084 / 2143 / 2188 / 2223 health.
  • Any Silence icon interrupting crowd control effect that is not resisted by the displacement immunity will prematurely stop the Dash dash.
    • The bite can still occur if cast before the crowd control application, but Warwick cannot start channeling.
  • Warwick will follow enemies that move via You and Me! attachment effects but the lock-on will not be extended.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Warwick is Channeling icon channeling:
Type Charge channel
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Primal Howl Primal Howl is usable. Blood Hunt Blood Hunt and Infinite Duress Infinite Duress are disabled.
Movement Disabled
Items Usable Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
Disabled Hextech Rocketbelt Hextech Rocketbelt
Interrupted by All item-actives not specified above interrupt
Consumables Usable
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled N/A
Interrupted by Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Cast-inhibiting effects
  • Blood Hunt

    Passive: Warwick gains Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)Attack speed icon bonus attack speed upon basic attacking an enemy who is below Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)50% of their maximum health, but loses it when not attacking them or switching to a target above the threshold.

    Bonus Attack Speed:
    70 / 80 / 90 / 100%
    Increased Attack Speed:
    105 / 120 / 135 / 150%

    Passive: Warwick senses all enemy Champion icon champions on the map who are damaged below Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)50% of their maximum health by an allied source, marking them with Blood Hunt while they remain under the threshold. He sees trails leading toward them and gains Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)Movement speed icon bonus movement speed while following a trail. This bonus is lost for 0.5 seconds upon entering champion combat, but will build up again over 3.5 seconds.

    Bonus Movement Speed:
    45 / 50 / 55 / 60%
    Increased Movement Speed:
    67.5 / 75 / 82.5 / 90%

    The Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)attack speed and Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)movement speed Passive bonuses are increased to 150% against enemies who are below Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)35% of their maximum health.

    Blood Hunt

    Active: Warwick senses the nearest enemy champion in the area, marking them with Blood Hunt for 8 seconds, gaining both passive bonuses against them regardless of their Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)Health icon current health.

    Blood Hunt is placed on a Cooldown icon 4-second static cooldown during champion combat. If it is cast with no detected targets, the Cooldown icon cooldown is reduced to 50%.

    • As mentioned by the description, Blood Hunt only marks enemy champions if they are damaged below the thresholds by an allied source. This includes Warwick himself, champions, Minion icon minions, and Turret icon turrets.
      • The only exception is the allied Nexus Obelisk Nexus Obelisk, because that deals Fear Beyond Death 2 internalraw damage, which does not trigger damage-related events such as Blood Hunt's marking.
    • Note that Monster icon monsters are neutral units.
    • Blood Hunt can detect and target decoys.
    • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.
    • Blood Hunt has an indicator that appears above the target(s) when they are being hunted. Some skins have a unique indicator.

    Primal Howl

    Primal Howl

    Active: Warwick gains damage reduction for up to 2.5 seconds. Primal Howl can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration.

    Damage Reduction:
    35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
    Primal Howl 2

    Recast: Warwick howls, ending Primal Howl's effects and Fear icon WR fearing nearby enemies for 1 second, Slow icon slowing them by 90%.

    Starting Infinite Duress Infinite Duress while Primal Howl is active will initiate the recast without ending the damage reduction buff prematurely.

    • The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse Force Pulse.
    • The recast's howling animation has a 0.5-second Lockout icon 2 lockout time.
      • This will also cancel Warwick's basic attack.
      • Warwick cannot attack or cast abilities during the animation, instead the last input will be buffered to play after it ends.
    • Warwick will automatically recast if he enters Revival icon resurrection.

    Infinite Duress

    Infinite Duress

    Active: Warwick Dash leaps in the target direction with Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity, stopping upon hitting an enemy champion. He then Knockdown icon knocks them down and Channeling icon channels for up to 1.5 seconds to Suppression icon WR suppress, True Sight icon reveal, and deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage every 0.25 seconds, Sight icon revealing himself in the process.

    Total Magic Damage:
    175 / 350 / 525 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 167% bonus AD)

    Warwick Champions hit with Powder Kegs (E) detonated by chain reactionHeal power icon heals for 100% of all post-mitigation damage he deals to the target during Infinite Duress.

    Infinite Duress applies On-hit icon on-hit and on-attack effects 3 times.

    Primal Howl Primal Howl can be cast during the dash.

    • Infinite Duress deals Basic Attack basic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0 Disintegrate spell damage.
    • The minimum range of the ability is 275 units, based on the minimum movement speed that a champion can have (110) while still being able to move. The "base" range of this ability is 837.5 because of his 335 base movement speed.
      • Considering movement speed soft caps, with Blood Hunt Blood Hunt, this range increases to 1179 / 1203.125 / 1224.0625 / 1245, further increased to 1276.40625 / 1307.8125 / 1339.21875 / 1370.625 against enemy champions Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)below 35% health.
    • Infinite Duress deals a total of 6 damage instances:
      • The 1st, 3rd, and 5th ticks deals 2/9ths of the total damage as a single instance while applying both spell and on-hit effects.
      • The 2nd, 4th, and 6th ticks deal 1/9ths of the total damage as a single instance while applying spell effects but not on-hit effects.
    • If Warwick does not collide with a champion, he will slide a fixed distance past the maximum range during which he is no longer crowd control immune and unable to declare basic attacks or cast movement abilities, including Flash Flash, but being able to cast Jaws of the Beast Jaws of the Beast and Blood Hunt Blood Hunt, with the former also interrupting the slide.
    • Activating Stasis Enchant Stasis Enchant during the dash interrupts it.
    • Each hit counts as a separate hit for effects such as Electrocute Electrocute or Conqueror Conqueror.
    • Warwick gains the Cc-immune icon cc-immunity at the start of the cast time.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Remove Scurvy Cleansing the Suppression icon WR suppression does not interrupt the Channeling icon channel and Warwick will continue to strike but not deal any damage.
    • If the target is Cc-immune icon crowd control immune or protected by Spell Shield spell shield upon collision, Warwick will not start the Channeling icon channel.
    • Infinite Duress covers Warwick's hitbox, meaning he will collide with enemy champions that are particularly close to him.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Warwick is Channeling icon channeling:
    Type Channel
    Attacking Disabled
    Abilities Disabled
    Movement Disabled
    Items Usable Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
    Disabled All the other item-actives are disabled
    Interrupted by N/A
    Consumables Usable
    Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
    Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
    Interrupted by N/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Cast-inhibiting effects
  • Type Cast time
    Attacking Disabled
    Abilities Disabled
    Movement Disabled
    Items Usable Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
    Disabled All the other item-actives are disabled
    Interrupted by N/A
    Consumables Usable
    Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
    Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
    Interrupted by N/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death, unless protected by Revival icon Resurrection
  • Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Stats
      • Base armor increased from 35 to 40.
      • Armor growth increased from 3.9 to 4.3.
    • Jaws of the Beast Jaws of the Beast
      • AD ratio increased from Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)120% AD to inherit130%.
      • Heal increased from 37.5 / 50 / 62.5 / 75% damage dealt to 42.5 / 55 / 67.5 / 80%.
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed increased from 335 to 345.
    • Jaws of the Beast Jaws of the Beast
      • Mana cost reduced from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55.
      • Maximum damage against monsters reduced from 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 to 100 / 125 / 150 / 175.
      • Damage against minions increased from 100% to 150%.
      • New effect: The cooldown is reduced by 50% upon killing the target minion.
    • Blood Hunt Blood Hunt
      • Bonus movement speed reduced from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55%.
      • Bonus attack speed reduced from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90%.
    • Primal Howl Primal Howl
      • Recast no longer ends the damage reduction.
    • Infinite Duress Infinite Duress
      • Hitbox width increased from 100 to 150.
      • Removed: Warwick now heals only from the damage dealt by Infinite Duress rather than all damage he deals in the duration.
    V3.4c - Added
    • Released November 4, 2022 (00:01 UTC).

    See also[]

