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League of Legends Wiki
(Updated "Malady" to "Nashor's Tooth" per changes in patch 3.8)
(Changed a rec. item template to say The Howling Abyss)
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|map= pg
|map= The Howling Abyss
|s1 = Boots of Speed
|s1 = Boots of Speed
|s2 = Doran's Ring
|s2 = Doran's Ring
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|d3 = Randuin's Omen
|d3 = Randuin's Omen
|c1 = Health Potion
|c1 = Health Potion
|c2 = Mana Potion
|c2 = Mana Potion}}
|map= cs
|map= cs

Revision as of 14:26, 17 June 2013


Skill usage

  • Though Warwick's Warwick's strategy may vary from one summoner to another, he is an excellent jungler and a powerful solo laner.
  • Due to the sustain granted by Eternal Thirst Eternal Thirst and Hungering Strike Hungering Strike, Warwick Warwick can easily remain at full health in the jungle, allowing him to take many jungle routes and making him difficult to counter-jungle.
    • In the jungle, Warwick Warwick benefits most from armor and attack speed runes as it increases the effectiveness of Eternal Thirst Eternal Thirst while making it easier to kill jungler monsters.
  • Hunter's Call Hunter's Call can help a lot when pushing a lane since it will increase the attack speed of both you and your allies.
  • Turn Blood Scent Blood Scent off to fool weakened enemies into thinking that you are not nearby, but don't forget to turn it on again later.
  • Warwick Warwick excels at hunting down fleeing or weakened enemy champions after teamfights. At max level, Blood Scent Blood Scent reveals the location of enemy champs with less then 50% health from great distances and gives him a large boost in speed for chasing, it also reveals their locations for all friendly champs, making escapes very difficult while also preventing bush jukes.
  • Once Warwick Warwick hits level 6, his ganking ability becomes vastly greater as his Infinite Duress Infinite Duress can almost ensure at least one enemy will die in a gank.
  • Warwick Warwick is also very useful in killing his pursuers. While running, cast Infinite Duress Infinite Duress to regain most of the health you have lost, then spam the rest of your skills. This should shut down your pursuer's hope in killing you.
  • Take care when initiating a teamfight with Infinite Duress Infinite Duress, as the enemy team will likely focus you quickly.
  • To maximize your ganking pressure you should try to force enemies to use their escape abilities such as Flash Flash or Ghost Ghost before casting Infinite Duress Infinite Duress.
  • When ganking, try saving Infinite Duress Infinite Duress for later in the fight when enemies are trying to run away. This way you have a higher chance of getting a kill, however it is sometimes better to use Infinite Duress Infinite Duress to suppress your target until your team catches up to them.
  • Only initiate the fight when your team can focus down an opponent to ensure they won't escape.
  • When choosing a target for Infinite Duress Infinite Duress, be careful of targets who have spell-blocking abilities or Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil, as it will completely negate the suppression on your ultimate.
  • Casting Infinite Duress Infinite Duress on the enemy carry is the priority for Warwick in any team fight. The cooldown on the skill is relatively short, so don't be afraid to use it if you think it will grant your team a kill.
  • Warwick's Warwick's Infinite Duress Infinite Duress suppresses an enemy, so using it on an enemy that is targeted by a friendly turret will ensure at least three turret hits. It can also be used to disrupt channeled abilities like Master Yi's Master Yi's Meditate Meditate or Nunu's Nunu's Absolute Zero Absolute Zero.
  • Infinite Duress Infinite Duress is easily disrupted by a stun, knock-up or suppression, so wait for the enemy disables to be used before using this ability.
  • Due to the health regeneration from Eternal Thirst Eternal Thirst and Hungering Strike Hungering Strike, Warwick Warwick excels at 1v1 fights. Use this knowledge to your advantage.

Build usage


Recommended builds

Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder


  • Buying a Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil can force Warwick Warwick to get closer to you in order to use Hungering Strike Hungering Strike to break your spell shield before using his ultimate.
  • Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash is also effective for removing Infinite Duress Infinite Duress if you are a high priority target.
  • Before Warwick Warwick has a few ranks in Hungering Strike Hungering Strike he can't trade damage well. Use this to your advantage to deny Warwick Warwick early on.
  • Pre-6 Warwick Warwick lacks powerful crowd control, so escaping his early ganks will be relatively easy if you're not overly pushed.
  • Warwick Warwick is a very resilient opponent at all stages in the game, and is fairly tanky along with his sustain from his passive and Q, so you should avoid focusing him.
  • Always try to disrupt his Infinite Duress Infinite Duress with a stun, silence, knockup, knockback, blind, or even Exhaust Exhaust if you have one.
    • This reduces Warwick's Warwick's overall damage while freeing one of your teammates for the fight.
  • An opponent who can match his sustain and continuously poke him like Vladimir Vladimir, Irelia Irelia orRenekton Renekton can handle him in a lane.
    • Forcing Warwick Warwick to switch targets during the laning phase with continuous pokes will prevent him from getting stacks in his passive leading to a much weak heal for Warwick Warwick.
  • Much like Dr Dr. Mundo, Warwick Warwick is very tanky with sustain, so while he can be bursted down, allowing him to heal back to full health will waste all your efforts.
  • Build magic resistance to lower the damage from Hungering Strike Hungering Strike and his ultimate, as those are his main sources of damage.
  • Since his DPS comes from attack speed and on-hit effect items (typically Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King and/or Wit's End Wit's End), the counter is attack speed debuffs: Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen and Frozen Heart Frozen Heart along with champions like Malphite Malphite, Darius Darius, Nasus Nasus and Gragas Gragas or any other tank/offtank with an attack speed debuff such as Ground Slam Ground Slam or Ice Blast Ice Blast.
  • Getting health regeneration early on can be an effective counter against a laning Warwick Warwick, as his harassment is limited to using Hungering Strike Hungering Strike.
  • Try to use Executioner's Calling Executioner's Calling or Ignite Ignite on him in every teamfight to counter his high sustain.
