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League of Legends Wiki
This page is for the deployable units. See also: Stealth Ward (Item) Stealth Ward (Item), Warding (Passive) and Ward skins.

A Ward icon ward is a deployable unit that removes the fog of war over the surrounding area.

Fog of War no ward

Fog of War

Ward revealing Fog of War

Ward revealing the Fog of War

Types of Ward[]

Totem Ward screenshot stealthed

Classic Totem Ward

Totem Ward icon Totem Ward e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 900 units.

Life Span:

90 − 120 (based on average of all champion levels) seconds for Stealth Ward Stealth Ward


3 Placed, shared with Stealth Ward icon Stealth Wards, increases by 1 with Vigilant Wardstone Vigilant Wardstone


Becomes stealthed after 2 seconds of placement.




10 Gold 10 and 38 / 49.6 Experience


Stealth Ward Stealth Ward

Control Ward screenshot

Classic Control Ward

Control Ward revealing and disabling

Reveal and Disable

Control Ward revealing


Control Ward icon Control Ward e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 900 units. Cannot have its sight Disabled Ward icon disabled. Its sight also:

It is also Exposed icon exposed to enemies while it is revealing one of the above stealthed units, or granting vision of a Tentacle Tentacle.

Life Span:



1 Placed, increases by 1 with Vigilant Wardstone Vigilant Wardstone




4, regenerates after 6 seconds of not being attacked.


30 Gold 30 and 38 / 49.6 Experience


Control Ward Control Ward

Stealth Ward screenshot stealthed

Classic Stealth Ward

Stealth Ward icon Stealth Ward e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 900 units.

Life Span:

150 seconds


3 Placed, shared with Totem Ward icon Totem Wards, increases by 1 with Vigilant Wardstone Vigilant Wardstone


Becomes stealthed after 1 second of placement.




30 Gold 30 and 38 / 49.6 Experience

Farsight Ward screenshot

Classic Farsight Ward

Farsight Ward icon Farsight Ward e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 500 units. Untargetable icon Untargetable to allies.

Life Span:



No Limit (20 in Practice Tool)






15 Gold 15 and 19 / 24.8 Experience


Farsight Alteration Farsight Alteration

Ghost Poro

Ghost Poro

Totem Ward icon Ghost Poro e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 450 units. Cannot have its sight Disabled Ward icon disabled. Is Untargetable icon untargetable and will be scared away if an enemy champion comes near it.

Life Span:

90 seconds


No Limit








Ghost Poro Ghost Poro

Zombie Ward

Classic Zombie Ward

Zombie Ward icon Zombie Ward e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 900 units. Untargetable icon Untargetable to allies.

Life Span:

120 seconds


No Limit






1 Gold 1


Zombie Ward Zombie Ward

Scarecrow Effigy trinket screenshot

Classic Effigy

Totem Ward icon Effigy e

Grants Sight icon sight over the surrounding 900 units. Cannot have its sight Disabled Ward icon disabled. Is also a Command Hallucinate clone. Reacts to nearby enemy Champion icon champions with mutual Sight icon vision.

Life Span:

130 − 280 (based on level) seconds for Scarecrow Effigy Scarecrow Effigy


No Limit






3 Gold 3 and 38 / 49.6 Experience


Scarecrow Effigy Scarecrow Effigy

Featured Game Modes


  • A ward's vision does not extend over terrain.
  • Placing a ward while at its limit will replace your earliest respective placed ward of its type.
  • The sight from wards is classified as allied vision, and will be lost while under the effects of Nearsight icon Nearsight. This includes wards that you placed.
    • Newly set wards are not visible nor audible to nearsighted units outside of their proper Sight icon sight radius.
  • Nearsight icon Nearsight prevents the unit from being able to reveal stealthed wards and traps.
  • Attacking any visible ward, or using the Enemy Vision or Generic pings near one within 10 seconds of placement, grants 5 Gold 5. This gold is removed from the ward's total bounty and cannot be regained if the ward regenerates health (such as in the case of Control Ward icon Control Wards).
  • The mutated Scryer's Bloom Scryer's Bloom on Chemtech Rift Chemtech Rift reduces the health of wards it reveals to 1.
  • As of V7.16, passively-generated one-use on-hit effects such as Kircheis Shard item Energized, Power Chord Power Chord or Headshot Headshot, will not be consumed when attacking wards. Some cases were not added until later and other missing cases should be reported as a bug.
  • Like with Minion icon minions, if more than one allied champion is nearby when a ward is killed, all champions gain an equal share of 124% of the experience bounty.
  • If more than one allied champion is involved in the kill, only the killer earns the Gold Gold Gold bounty. This is unless another ally is granting vision with a Sweeper Drone icon Sweeper Drone, Control Ward Control Ward, Scryer's Bloom Scryer's Bloom or Umbral Glaive Umbral Glaive, in which case both receive the full Gold Gold Gold bounty.
    • Effects such as Zombie Ward Zombie Ward will track assists even if no gold is earned.
  • As of V12.22, allied wards that have a set duration appear withered on the minimap, whenever their remaining duration reaches a third of its total.
  • Stealth Ward Stealth Ward trinkets reach the break-even point between Totem Ward icon Totem Ward duration and charge regeneration time at Level 18. At this level it is possible to always have another charge ready to use when the last ward placed with the trinket has expired of natural causes.
    • At level 1 Stealth Ward Stealth Ward only has an uptime of 37.5% (90s duration, 240s recharge) but this is increased to 75% with the Ghost Poro Ghost Poro rune.

Ward Timers[]

Enemy Ward time indicator

Ward Timer (full)

  • A Enemy Ward time indicator timer for the exact remaining duration of an enemy ward appears after any ally attacks it, or uses any Regular ping or the Enemy Vision ping near it within 10 seconds of an enemy placing it or an ally Sight icon revealing it.
    • If the duration of the ward is indefinite, the timer will display as always full.
  • Ward timers may last for the ward's full duration. However, the timer immediately disappears if the ward is both a) visible and b) expires, is destroyed by an ally, or is replaced by an enemy.
    • Both conditions must be met in order to acquire information about the ward's actual existence or absence.
  • Ward timers behave differently when their indicated ward is replaced (e.g. due to the enemy reaching their ward limit upon placing a new ward), depending on the ward's stealth/visibility type.
    • Timers on replaced stealthed wards will remain for their full duration, unless the ward, in its assumed location, would be otherwise Sight icon revealed through any means (e.g. Control Ward icon Control Wards, Sweeper Drone icon Sweeper Drones, Scryer's Bloom Scryer's Bloom, Umbral Glaive's Umbral Glaive's Blackout, etc.)
    • Timers on replaced non-stealthed wards will remain until your team acquires any form of Sight icon sight of their assumed location's Fog of War (including effects that would reveal the ward).
  • A ward timer hides if the ward is revealed and allies gain persistent sight of the ward itself, such as through Reveal icon standard sight, Stealth Ward icon unobstructed vision, or a placed Control Ward icon Control Ward. If sight of a ward that already had a timer is lost again, the ward timer for that specific ward will re-appear, denoting its correct duration.
  • A ward timer also temporarily hides when a visible unit's Gameplay radius gameplay radius coincides with their indicator, for game clarity reasons.

Ward Skins[]


Placing wards
  • A ward placed near the outside of a Brushmaker brush will not grant vision over the area it covers. Placing a ward inside of the brush will grant vision of the brush as well as the surrounding area.
  • Placing wards near objectives or critical pathways on the map such as Dragon pit Dragon pit, Baron pit Baron pit, and entrances to the jungle grant valuable information.
  • Targetable allied wards can be targeted by Teleport Teleport, Jax's Jax's Leap Strike Leap Strike, Lee Sin's Lee Sin's Safeguard Safeguard, and Senna's Senna's Piercing Darkness Piercing Darkness. Note that doing so will Exposed icon expose the ward for 2 seconds. Teleport's channel will continually refresh the exposure, but renders the ward invulnerable until the channel completes.
Removing and Disabling wards
  • Control Ward icon Control Wards reveal and Disabled Ward icon disable other wards within their Sight icon Sight.
  • Sweeper Drone icon Sweeper Drones will True Sight icon reveal and Disabled Ward icon disable stealthed wards within its radius, and highlight non-stealthed wards as a red silhouette. Note that the drone can see Exposed icon into brush and over terrain.
  • Umbral Glaive's Umbral Glaive's passive, Blackout, triggers when a ward or stealthed trap is nearby. While it is active, you Disabled Ward icon disable all nearby wards and Exposed icon expose nearby stealthed wards and traps. Unlike a Sweeper Drone icon Sweeper Drone, Blackout does not allow you to see over terrain or highlight other unseen units.
  • Scryer's Bloom Scryer's Bloom grants True Sight icon vision of wards hit for 12 seconds.
  • Wards take 1 damage when hit by a basic attack, regardless of the attack's damage or on-hit effects.
  • As of V6.13, attacking a ward will not classify you as entering combat. For example, you will retain the bonus movement speed from Mobility Boots Mobility Boots, Relentless Hunter Relentless Hunter, and abilities such as Taliyah's Taliyah's Rock Surfing Rock Surfing.
  • Ward Rubble
    When a ward is killed, times out or is replaced, it leaves behind Ward Rubble icon Ward rubble for 5 minutes. This can be used to gain knowledge of the enemy's warding habits.
    • The rubble's transparency increases overtime.

Attack Resets


  • When a Control Ward Control Ward has been alive for more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, it will automatically gain the following buff:
    • Homefield Advantage buff Distinguished Order of Ward Longevity and Health: Perhaps this ward has been protected. Perhaps it has merely sat in a disused lane. Whatever the case, it has persisted for eons in ward years and joins an ancient regal order of Wards that have lasted a really really really long time.


Patch History[]

  • Wards now display new, dynamic indicators when placing them. The indicators show targeted location, placement location, and whether the locations are valid or not, at all points of the map.
    • This overrides previous behavior of only a generic indicator being shown when targeting brush or not.
    • The effect of the existing targeting indicator visual for brushes is virtually unchanged, but its visual has been updated to match the new ones.
  • New Effect: Now have spawn and death animations to provide better feedback.
  • The icon above a Sight Ward is now larger and green.
  • Now displays a targeting indicator when placing a ward inside a bush.
  • Will now properly update the map icons for creep camps.
  • Using Teleport Teleport on a ward will no longer reveal the ward through Fog of War to enemies. Only Teleport's animation is visible.
  • Attack-move will now target visible wards.
  • Wards can now be targeted by Leap Strike Leap Strike and Shunpo Shunpo specifically (reverting last patch's change on these abilities only), but this will reveal the ward for 2 seconds.
  • New Effect: Teleporting Teleporting to a ward will now reveal the ward to enemies. Teleport will make the ward invulnerable, however.
  • Removed: Wards are no longer classified as minions for targeting purposes. For example, they will no longer block Rammus' Rammus' Powerball Powerball or intercept skill shots.
  • Stacks per slot increased to 5 from 3.
  • Wards can no longer be affected by Heals.
  • Wards now have 3 health and take 1 damage from basic attacks.
  • Wards now show their remaining duration in their mana bar.

