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Skill usage

  • Viktor's Viktor's early laning phase is perhaps the largest stumbling block to new players.
    • Power Transfer Power Transfer can be used to last-hit minions, as it has a short cooldown and a low mana cost.
    • Take any opportunity to hit your opponent with Power Transfer Power Transfer, although bear in mind its mediocre range may put you in a dangerous position.
    • Keep in mind that offensive use of Gravity Field Gravity Field in a lane is very limited, as it costs a lot of mana and has a too short range to be used safely in this manner. Try to use it for zone denial and as a defensive measure versus ganks, rather than relying on it to set up combos.
    • Death Ray Death Ray can be used to quickly clear waves when returning to base, or preparing to roam and gank another lane.
    • Death Ray Death Ray is also a useful long-range poke/harassment tool, although its manacost is fairly high and should thus be used sparingly.
    • Viktor's Viktor's lane presence increases significantly when he gets his ultimate Chaos Storm Chaos Storm; combined with his other nukes and an Ignite Ignite he can easily burst down most other mages.
  • Viktor Viktor players should also put thought into which of their basic nukes (Power Transfer Power Transfer and Death Ray Death Ray) should be maxed out first, as both are viable but more suited to different situations.
    • Ranks into Power Transfer Power Transfer will increase damage and make its cooldown trivial, and the mana cost increase is negligible. The shield strength boost is small but welcome. However, its short casting range will force Viktor Viktor to take risks during skirmishes. Max out Power Transfer Power Transfer when Viktor's Viktor's opponents have little to no long-range option, or if you are confident you can skirt battles without dying. Less practiced Viktor Viktor players who have trouble landing Death Ray Death Ray regularly should also take Power Transfer Power Transfer to keep their damage output up.
    • Points into Death Ray Death Ray will also increase Viktor's Viktor's DPS with higher damage and reduced cooldowns. However the main differences are the casting range and AoE; from max range Death Ray Death Ray can allow Viktor Viktor to damage multiple enemies without any chance of retaliation. A well aimed cast (with some ability power boosts) will also clear creep waves with ease. However, the mana cost increase and skillshot requirement are notable downsides to maxing Death Ray Death Ray.
    • In higher level play, you will want to max Death Ray Death Ray for the majority of your games as it is Viktor's Viktor's wave-clearing ability, allowing you to quickly farm a wave of minions then move out to take map objectives or gank.
    • Your choice of upgrade for The Hex Core The Hex Core is a major factor as well, since ranks in the Augmented ability will increase the item's effectiveness drastically.
  • Smart-casting Death Ray Death Ray is very different from most other abilities, and will take practice to perfect. One method is to place your mouse at the starting point, then "flick" your cursor in the direction you wish the laser to travel.
  • Try to wait for people to fully commit to a fight or get trapped in your Gravity Field Gravity Field before using Chaos Storm Chaos Storm, as it deals deceptively strong damage-over-time if enemies stay near it.
  • Don't forget Chaos Storm Chaos Storm has a silence on cast, which can be just as useful as the damage.
  • Death Ray Death Ray provides sight along its path. Use it to safely check the brush or other areas.
  • By using Gravity Field Gravity Field first, you can often ensure hitting an enemy with Death Ray Death Ray.
    • Keep in mind when the enemy notices the Gravity Field Gravity Field, they will most likely run away (or to you depending on the closest exit). Place your Death Ray Death Ray appropriately.
  • Viktor Viktor holds an advantage over most casters due to Death Ray Death Ray not being blockable by minions or a point-and-click cast spell. Use it to punish a brazen opponent using creep to try and shield themselves as they advance onto you.
  • Gravity Field Gravity Field can be very powerful for escaping melee attackers. By placing Gravity Field Gravity Field in your path, enemies will be either forced to go around or through it, slowing them down either way.
  • When escaping remember that the shield from Power Transfer Power Transfer is based on the damage it does before reductions, so it would make no difference in shield value if you aim at a minion rather than a pursing champion.

Build usage

  • Like most mages, Viktor Viktor benefits greatly from ability power purchases. A Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap as your first item is almost never a bad choice.
  • Due to Viktor's Viktor's relatively short spellcasting range, items that grant him some survivability through health, armor and magic resistance will aid him greatly.
  • Athene's Unholy Grail Athene's Unholy Grail is a well-rounded option for Viktor Viktor; it solves his mana issues (noticeable when Death Ray Death Ray is maxed), grants a decent chunk of AP and MR, and perhaps most importantly grants valuable cooldown reduction to increase the uptime of his devasting Chaos Storm Chaos Storm.
  • A Will of the Ancients Will of the Ancients grants Viktor Viktor a lot of sustain, especially due to the low cooldown and mana cost of Power Transfer Power Transfer. Chaos Storm's Chaos Storm's damage over time will also help to keep you alive in teamfights.
  • Try to coordinate The Hex Core The Hex Core with your build:
    • Augment: Power's Augment: Power's upgrade for additional health can help Viktor Viktor survive in team fights or the lane. It also gives a bonus movement speed when Power Transfer Power Transfer is activated, which is great for kiting and chasing purposes.
    • The Augment: Gravity Augment: Gravity upgrade allows Viktor to use his spells more frequently thanks to the bonus mana and cooldown reduction. It also increases the cast range of Gravity Field Gravity Field, making it a better defensive tool and a more viable initiation aid.
    • An Augment: Death Augment: Death upgrade grants you flat Ability Power, and even more damage on Death Ray Death Ray. This is generally considered to be the best choice due to Viktor's Viktor's burst-damage role in team fights.
    • Remember that The Hex Core The Hex Core will still grant him +3 Ability Power per level, regardless of the Augment he is using.
    • It is generally ideal to upgrade The Hex Core The Hex Core as soon as possible, as the ability enhancement is substantial even if the statistics are not.

Recommended builds

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  • Invest in a magic resistance item to help mitigate Viktor's Viktor's damage.
  • Viktor Viktor gains a Hex Core at the start of the game from his Evolving Technology Evolving Technology. It is wise to know the Hex Core's Augments to counter him.
    • Also, remember that Hex Core can only be upgraded once.
    • Remember that augmented Power Transfer Power Transfer will give him movement speed to help him escape from or catch up to you.
  • Death Ray Death Ray has a very long range, especially once Augmented, as it deals 30% more damage.
  • Viktor Viktor is a vunerable champion early-game in general; he is fairly squishy, has low escapability, and low base movement speed. Harass him if you are particularly good at doing it, and try to starve him of farm by freezing the lane. Most importantly, due to his vunerablility, take any opportunity you can to make ganks happen.
  • Death Ray Death Ray travels in a straight line (start to end), so by side stepping immediately you can dodge the ability.
  • Quickly move away from the AoE of Gravity Field Gravity Field to deny Viktor Viktor the chance to stun you.
    • Champions who can remove disables (such as Olaf Olaf or Gangplank Gangplank) are safe from Viktor's Viktor's only defense mechanism, and should exploit this.
  • Chaos Storm Chaos Storm will damage you continously if you stay too close to the storm. By moving away from the storm, you can negate the storm's damage.
  • Viktor Viktor only has his Gravity Field Gravity Field to escape pursuers, and is relatively fragile once focused. Exploit his low mobility if he ever uses Gravity Field Gravity Field in a sub-optimal manner.

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