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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]




15 seconds cooldown






15 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Tumble Tumble[]

Using Silver Bolts Silver Bolts[]

Levelling Up
50% chance

Using Condemn Condemn[]

Using Final Hour Final Hour[]

Recall Recall[]

Recall Recall Music


PROJECT: Vayne PROJECT: Vayne has three voice filters that change with champion level. The first filter is heard at levels 1-5, the second at levels 6-10, and the third at level 11 onward.

Some audio files are impossible to hear in-game due to this levelling system, but they exist and are listed here regardless.


First Move[]

First Move with a PROJECT
First Move with a Program


15 seconds cooldown


Taunt Response


Vayne attempts to locate her motorcycle.
Joke Response




Basic Attacking[]


15 seconds cooldown
Attacking PROJECT: Jhin PROJECT: Jhin
30 seconds cooldown
Attacking PROJECT: Vayne PROJECT: Vayne
30 seconds cooldown
30 seconds cooldown
Attacking a PROJECT
30 seconds cooldown
Attacking G/NETIC Rebellion
30 seconds cooldown
Attacking a Program
30 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Tumble Tumble[]

Using Silver Bolts Silver Bolts[]

Ranking for the First Time

Using Condemn Condemn[]

Using Final Hour Final Hour[]

Ranking for the First Time
Ranking for the Second Time
Ranking for the Third Time

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Program Camille Program Camille
Killing Program Lissandra Program Lissandra
Killing Program Soraka Program Soraka
Killing PROJECT: Vayne PROJECT: Vayne
Killing a PROJECT
Killing G/NETIC Rebellion
Scoring First Blood
Scoring a Quadrakill
Scoring a Pentakill
Scoring an Ace
Destroying a Turret icon Turret
50% chance

Other Gameplay[]

Using a Potion
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown
Using a Trinket / Deploying a Ward icon Ward
30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown
Destroying a Ward icon Ward
50% chance

Recall Recall[]

10 seconds cooldown




First Move[]

  • ▶️   "As long as they're fighting evil, I'm with the Sentinels... I guess..."
  • ▶️   "Nothing's changed since I joined the Sentinels. Well, better weapons, maybe."
  • ▶️   "Upgrading to a better class of monster. Feels good. Feels right."
First Move with Ally Sentinel Graves Sentinel Graves
  • ▶️   "When we're done here, you wanna help me fight a couple monsters?"
  • ▶️   "Gods, if you're gonna lug it around, at least point that thing away from me."


15 seconds cooldown
  • ▶️   "So, now everyone wants to fight monsters."
  • ▶️   "I won't shy from darkness when there's evil to fight."
  • ▶️   "Where was this bow when... doesn't matter. Got it now"
  • ▶️   "So, I get a cool bow, but people talk to me... win some, lose some."
  • ▶️   "Was prepared for the horrors to get bigger. Could've done without so many of them."
  • ▶️   "Did not see the Harrowed hordes coming. Not impressed."
  • ▶️   "I can handle shades of grey, if I'm wielding relic-stone."
  • ▶️   "Shadow apocalypse. Who saw this coming? Other than me."
  • ▶️   "Wraiths, I expected. Allies, though..."
  • ▶️   "New look, same priorities. Same perfect aim."
  • ▶️   "Better gear makes me a better hunter."
  • ▶️   "Darkness won't take the world. Not while I'm breathing."
  • ▶️   "The Sentinels think too much. It's simple—see a fiend, kill a fiend."
  • ▶️   "The stone is an extension of my will."
  • ▶️   "The bow has a new weight... or, maybe that's my responsibilities."
  • ▶️   "Not enjoying the end of the world, but at least I know what to do."
  • ▶️   "I'm fine without allies... usually."
  • ▶️   "'Which weapon?' is a tactical question. But it's also a fun one."
  • ▶️   "Stone is just as cold and deadly in my hand as silver is."
  • ▶️   "I still hunt monsters. But now I prioritize."
  • ▶️   "From silver to stone. Feels different. 'Good' different though."
  • ▶️   "Just give me a bolt and tell me where to aim."
  • ▶️   "Enemies, I outmaneuver. Friends, I tolerate."
  • ▶️   "Any other Sentinels around? Good, I can have some fun."
  • ▶️   "Evil keeps growing. But it's not just me fighting anymore."
  • ▶️   "I've always hunted evil. Thought I'd be facing it alone, though."
  • ▶️   "A chance to wipe out a great evil? Of course I signed up."

Long Move[]

15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
  • ▶️   "Demon hunting can wait while I hold back the Harrowing. Well... maybe a little demon-hunting on the side."
  • ▶️   "The Sentinels have given me a higher purpose. Even if I can't do everything I want."
  • ▶️   "Surprised at how much I like having the company. Even Graves. Not like I'd tell him that."
  • ▶️   "I've grown as a person. See a monster, kill it. But now, sometimes, I wait a second first."
  • ▶️   "I've gotten too used to the sound of my own voice. Now I have to talk... normal."
  • ▶️   "I don't need to be the Sentinels' best. I'm already the best."
  • ▶️   "The good guys think some creatures can be redeemed? We'll see."
  • ▶️   "Never had tools like this. Guess the Sentinels are good for something."
  • ▶️   "Been training for this my whole life. Though I didn't expect the mopey guy with the shadow army."
  • ▶️   "No greater darkness than the Black Mist... but Viego? He was once a man. We can defeat him."

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Sentinel Diana Sentinel Diana
First Encounter with Ruined Draven Ruined Draven
  • ▶️   "Only a fool succumbs to power, Draven. And you are a weak fool."
First Encounter with Evelynn Evelynn
  • ▶️   "You took everything from me, demon. Now I take vengeance."
First Encounter with Graves Graves
First Encounter with Sentinel Graves Sentinel Graves
First Encounter with Gwen Gwen
First Encounter with Sentinel Irelia Sentinel Irelia
  • ▶️   "Come back to our side, Irelia. We'll defeat the evil together."
First Encounter with Ruined Karma Ruined Karma
First Encounter with Lucian Lucian
First Encounter with Ruined Miss Fortune Ruined Miss Fortune
  • ▶️   "You've chosen darkness, Fortune. There is no pity for your kind."
First Encounter with Sentinel Olaf Sentinel Olaf
First Encounter with Ruined Pantheon Ruined Pantheon
  • ▶️   "You were human once, Atreus. But now you are my enemy."
First Encounter with Poppy Poppy
First Encounter with Sentinel Pyke Sentinel Pyke
First Encounter with Sentinel Riven Sentinel Riven
  • ▶️   "Thought you were done being on the wrong side, Riven."
First Encounter with Senna Senna
First Encounter with Ruined Shyvana Ruined Shyvana
  • ▶️   "Your kind shouldn't be allowed to roam Runeterra, Shyvana."
First Encounter with Viego Viego
  • ▶️   "You're everything I despise, Viego: a monster and a disappointment."


Vayne aims her relic-stone crossbow threateningly.
  • ▶️   "Now, which weapon should I end you with? Decisions, decisions..."
Taunt Response


Vayne pulls out her original original outfit and holds it in front of her.
Joke Response
  • ▶️   "I don't have time for... 'humor.' That's what that was, right?"



Basic Attacking[]

25% chance


15 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Tumble Tumble[]

Using Condemn Condemn[]

50% chance
Upon successfully stunning an Enemy

Using Final Hour Final Hour[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Evelynn Evelynn
  • ▶️   "That felt pretty good, demon. So why am I still angry?"
Killing Graves Graves
Killing Sentinel Graves Sentinel Graves
  • ▶️   "After all this time, I can still knock you down, Graves? Come on."
Killing Gwen Gwen
  • ▶️   "I don't care how nice you are, Gwen. You're still not human."
Killing Lucian Lucian
  • ▶️   "All that fancy training, Lucian, and I'm still a better draw."
Killing Poppy Poppy
Killing Senna Senna
  • ▶️   "Now who's the best shot, Senna? Hope she didn't hear that."
Killing Ruined Shyvana Ruined Shyvana
  • ▶️   "Shyvana. Already so monstrous, the corruption barely made a difference."
Killing Viego Viego
Scoring an Assist for Graves Graves
Scoring a Pentakill

Recall Recall[]

75% chance, 10 seconds cooldown
  • ▶️   "Less gold, more gear. Stalking prey is less effective when I'm jingling."
  • ▶️   "...be nice to see the base again. Even nicer to see all those weapons."
  • ▶️   "I don't need another weapon from HQ. But... it would be fun."




Vayne, the Night Hunter Vayne, the Night Hunter

