New Cosmetics[]
The following Champion skins have been added to the store:
- ( )
The following Champions and Skins have received a new splash art:
The following Summoner icons have been added to store:
The following Emotes have been added to the store:
- Season 2018 Ranked season begins on January 16th, 2018.
- This resets all players' ranked league.
- This resets Hextech Chest drop on every champion.
- In ranked Solo/Duo, Challenger players can now duo queue.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a severe client load time issue for players using macOS version 10.8 or earlier. To get the fix, you'll have to completely reinstall League.
- Honor
- Each honor level now has 3 checkpoints.
- Honor reset:
- Previous level 5 are now level 2, checkpoint 3.
- Previous level 4 are now level 2, checkpoint 2.
- Previous level 3 are now level 2, checkpoint 1.
- Previous level 2 are now level 2, no checkpoints.
- Previous level 1 and below do not reset.
- New rewards:
- Level 1
- Level up: one key.
- Level 2
- Level up: one key
- Checkpoint: two key fragments
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 1
League of Legends V8.1[]
- End-of-game runes stats that report duration (i.e. "Total Active Time") now use 00:00 formatting instead of number of seconds active.
- Cleaned up Runes VFX in Spectator VFX to remove overlapping particles.
- If you close the item shop within 0.25 seconds of selling an item, the sale is cancelled.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where many hard crowd controls would interrupt several charged/channeled abilities even when they had been blocked by a spell shield.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the healthbar fade and shake animations were displayed even if "Show Health Bar Shake" option was disabled.
- Bug Fix: Clicking on an enemy tower will now consistently show its item inventory.
- Champion health bars
- Higher contrast red health.
- Darker background (to pop health even more).
- Bigger, brighter level text.
- Slightly slimmer border.
- Smaller name text (creates contrast with CC states and room for club tags).
- and
- Bug Fix: Now have appropriately themed bolts when using .
- Damage per stack increased to 4% of target's maximum health from 2%.
- Bug Fix: Overlay is no longer overwritten by .
- Bug Fix: Empowered attacks no longer interrupt the basic attacks of enemy champions they hit.
- Bug fix: No longer goes on cooldown if it fizzles due to her losing vision of her target during its cast time.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where his shield would expire, rather than refresh 12 seconds after taking damage.
- Bug Fix: Now correctly goes on cooldown on cast start instead of cast end.
- Bug Fix: Cooldown will no longer reset when buying the upgrade.
- Bug Fix: Transformation to and from Mega Gnar has been visually changed to remove a seizure risk.
- Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 90 / 90 / 100.
- Cooldown reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.
- Slow increased to 50% at all ranks from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.
- Slow duration reduced to 0.5 seconds from 1.5.
- Beam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.
- General
- Bug Fix: Hair no longer stretches unnaturally during several animations.
- Bug Fix: Trail no longer appears in front of the candy projectile.
- General
- Stats
- Attack damage growth reduced to 2.2 from 2.8.
- Bonus attack speed at level 1 reduced to 10% from 15%.
- Cooldown changed to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds from 16 at all ranks.
- Bug Fix: VFX around the spit blob projectile no longer disappear beneath elevated terrain.
- Bug Fix: Ground VFX no longer slowly pulse on low and very low settings.
- Bug Fix: Water form VFX have been restored.
- Bug Fix: Fire form VFX have been restored.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where chaining certain dashes together would cause the second dash to last for the same duration as the first. This is why Twisted Advance took so long to reach a target after exiting .
- Bug Fix: Orbs are no longer offset during rotation.
- Bug Fix: No longer damages enemies if its empowered attack is dodged.
- Bug Fix: Bat VFX have been restored when jumping towards hunted targets.
- Bug Fix: Arms are no longer missing electric VFX.
- Bug Fix: Brittle proc no longer apply its effect if the attack that would apply it is blocked.
- Stats
- Base mana increased to 320 from 272.2.
- Bonus physical damage increased to 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 from 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65.
- Stun duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.
- All now consistently fly at Unleashed Power's target, even if the target dies or goes invulnerable.
- The three spheres orbiting her now properly materialize even if Unleashed Power's target dies as the ability is cast.
- Syndra's movement no longer becomes funky for a few seconds if Unleashed Power's target dies before all spheres have fired.
- that didn't damage Unleashed Power's target now properly interact with her other abilities.
- that didn't damage Unleashed Power's target no longer move erratically when affected by her other abilities.
- created shortly after Unleashed Power ends no longer move erratically when affected by her other abilities.
- Bug Fix: Animal VFX dance have been restored when he's in rank five Turtle Stance.
- Bug Fix: Her first Tumble attack out of stealth can now correctly be heard/seen.
- Bug Fix: Zac will no longer get stuck in his Let's Bounce! animation continuously if he revives with after during the cast animation.
- Now takes longer to register her new position (for purposes of calculating damage) when casting .
- Minions can no longer drop shards for .
- Trap arm time increased to 0.8 seconds from 0.6.
- Portal delay reduced to 0 seconds from 0.1.
- Bug Fix: Fixed very rare instances where canceling an auto attack could also cause an in-flight projectile to disappear.
- Mana Charge tooltip updated to "for each mana expenditure" from "for each spell cast or mana expenditure".
- Mana Charge no longer trigger on abilities without a mana cost.
- Mana Charge tooltip updated to "for each basic attack or mana expenditure" from "for each basic attack, spell cast or mana expenditure".
- Mana Charge no longer trigger on abilities without a mana cost.
- Mana Charge no longer triggers on abilities without a mana cost.
- Mana Charge tooltip updated to "for each mana expenditure" from "for each spell cast or mana expenditure".
- Bug Fix: Now has ally/enemy color differentiation.
- Bug Fix: Tooltip now properly lists its base damage.
- Bug Fix: Ally hits will no longer count towards Electrocute if both allies have the Keystone equipped.
- Bug Fix: Now has ally/enemy color differentiation.
- Bug Fix: No longer apply its effect if the attack that would apply it is blocked.
- Bug Fix: Fixed interactions between the lockout on and ults and the Hextech Flashtraption and runes, which could cause them to lose access to and .
- Bug Fix: can no longer extend his leap range from brush via Hextech Flashtraption.
- Bug Fix: Level-up UI no longer persists when using at level 18.
- New Effect: If the channel is interrupted, 50% of the cooldown is now refunded.
- New Effect: If Predator's bonus damage is triggered via an area-of-effect ability, it will now prioritize the lowest-health target hit.
- New Effect: Grants 67.5% bonus movement speed for the first 1.5 seconds.
- Bug Fix: Now works properly with alternate HUD schemes (Flipped Minimap, Team Frames on Left, etc.).
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where abilities that cost health to cast will cause its bonus healing amount in the rune panel to decrease.
- Resolve secondary:
- Bonus attack damage reduced to 5.4 from 10.8.
- Ability power reduced to 9 from 18.
- New Effect: Grants 65 health.
- Resolve secondary:
- Bonus attack speed reduced to 9% from 18%.
- New Effect: Grants 65 health.
- Precision secondary:
- Bonus health reduced to 65 from 130.
- New Effect: Grants 9% bonus attack speed.
- Domination secondary:
- Bonus health reduced to 65 from 130.
- New Effect: Grants 5.4 attack damage or 9 ability power (Adaptive).
- Sorcery secondary:
- Bonus health reduced to 65 from 130.
- New Effect: Grants 6 attack damage or 10 ability power (Adaptive).
- Resolve secondary:
- New Effect: Grants 65 health.
- Bonus attack damage reduced to 6 from 12.
- Ability power reduced to 10 from 20.
- Bug Fix: Gold and healing are now properly granted to units in stasis when a takedown is earned.
- Bug Fix: Now properly updates its user's summoner spell icons in spectator mode.