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League of Legends Wiki

New Cosmetics[]

The following Champion skins have been added to the store:

The following Chromas packs have been added to the store:

The following Summoner Icons have been added to store:

The following Ward skins have been added to the store:


  • Game mode is coming back from 3/10/17 (12:00 PT) to 3/14/17 (04:00 PT) and 3/17/17 (12:00 PT) to 3/21/17 (04:00 PT).

League of Legends V7.5[]


Ability tooltip
  • In-game ability tooltips updated.
League Client Update
  • Notable fixes:
    • Animated profile backgrounds are back (disabled on Low-Spec mode).
    • We've fixed the black screen bug that some players have been experiencing when transitioning to champ select.
    • The client will now warn you if your game settings need to be reset to default value (ie: The game was unable to retrieve your settings from the server).
Recall Animation
  • 74 champions (and 351 skins) now have a simple recall animation, using idles and emotes.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed tutorial bugs regarding weird stuff happening when leveling up skills at the wrong time.
VFX Cleanup
  • Cleaning up some of the more distracting visuals in spectator mode and in game. For the most part, we're simply reducing visual noise, such as the lightning particles on Jayce's Jayce's Lightning Field Lightning Field. Toning these effects down makes it easier to track other information at the same time.


Aatrox Aatrox
  • Blood Well Blood Well
    • Rework: Aatrox fills his Blood Well through his abilities, and it empties while out of combat. When the Blood Well is filled, Aatrox gains Blood Rush for 4 seconds as the Blood Well drains. During Blood Rush, dealing or taking damage against enemy champions will completely fill the Blood Well and refresh Blood Rush duration.
      • Blood Rush: Aatrox gains 25% increased base AD and 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% (based on level) bonus attack speed. Upon taking fatal damage Aatrox will revive over 3 seconds, recovering 30% of maximum health over the duration. Aatrox cannot revive more than once every 180 / 160 / 140 / 120 (based on level) seconds.
    • Blood Well reduced to 100 at all levels from 105 − 870 (based on level).
    • Revive effect cooldown reduced to 180 / 160 / 140 / 120 (based on level) from 225 / 200 / 175 / 150 (based on level).
    • Old Effect: Whenever Aatrox consumes health, he stores it into his Blood Well, which can hold up to 105 − 870 (based on level) health. The Blood Well depletes by 2% per second if Aatrox hasn't dealt or received damage in the last 5 seconds. Aatrox gains 0.3 − 0.55 (based on level)% bonus attack speed for every 1% in his Blood Well, up to a maximum of 30 − 55 (based on level)% bonus attack speed. Upon taking fatal damage, Aatrox is cleansed of all debuffs, enters Stasis icon stasis and drains his Blood Well, healing himself over the next 3 seconds for 36.75 − 304.5 (based on level) health (+ 100% of Blood Well's stored health) up to a maximum of 141.75 − 1174.5 (based on level) health.
  • Dark Flight Dark Flight
    • Removed: 10% current health cost.
    • Base damage reduced to 10 / 35 / 60 / 95 / 120 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.
    • AD ratio changed to 110% AD from 60% bonus AD.
    • New Effect: Now fills 20% of Blood Well Blood Well on cast.
  • Blood Thirst Blood Thirst
    • Base heal increased to 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40.
    • New Effect: Heal now scales with 5% missing health.
    • Removed: Heal scaling with 25% bonus AD.
    • Removed: Healing triples while below 50% health.
  • Blood Price Blood Price
    • Removed: 15 / 23.75 / 32.5 / 41.25 / 50 (+ 25% bonus AD) health cost.
    • Base bonus damage reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.
    • AD ratio reduced to 75% bonus AD from 100% bonus AD.
    • New Effect: Now fills 20% of Blood Well Blood Well on-hit.
  • Blades of Torment Blades of Torment
    • Health cost changed to 30 health from 5% current health.
    • Base damage changed to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 from 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215.
    • AD ratio increased to 70% bonus AD from 60% bonus AD.
    • Removed: Damage scaling with 60% AP.
    • Damage type changed to physical from magic.
    • Slow changed to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 40% at all ranks.
    • Slow duration changed to 2 seconds at all ranks from 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75.
    • New Effect: Now fills 20% of Blood Well Blood Well on cast.
Anivia Anivia
Ashe Ashe
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the particles for killing enemy units with basic attacks and critical strikes weren't displaying correctly.
Brand Brand
  • Zombie Brand Zombie Brand
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where moving the camera away and back during his death animation would make his gravestone and earth particles to disappear.
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
  • Twin Fang Twin Fang
    • Bug Fix: Casting it now respects stop and hold commands for her movement queueing.
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
  • Feral Scream Feral Scream
    • New Effect: Adjusted particle to match actual cone size.
Fizz Fizz
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Intermediate bot now has a keystone mastery.
  • Urchin Strike Urchin Strike
    • AP ratio increased to 55% AP from 35% AP.
  • Seastone Trident Seastone Trident
    • Bleed duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
    • Mark duration increased to 6 seconds from 4.
  • Chum the Waters Chum the Waters
    • When fishes reach their target location without attaching to anything, the check for a nearby target to attach to is now less generous.
    • Removed: Whiffed fishes are no longer picked up by enemies that walk over them.
Jax Jax
  • General
    • New Effect: Altered cast frames on Jax's basic attacks to be more visually consistent.
  • Empower Empower
    • New Effect: Attack now always uses crit animation.
  • Counter Strike Counter Strike
    • New Effect: Resized Counterstrike hit particle and did some rotation/swirl editing to more accurately convey the range and shape of effect.
  • Grandmaster's Might Grandmaster's Might
    • New Effect: Once he levels his ultimate, Jax cycles consistently through his different basic attack animations.
Jhin Jhin
  • High Noon Jhin High Noon Jhin
    • Curtain Call Curtain Call
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the range indicator was too large.
  • Dancing Grenade Dancing Grenade
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where casting it from fog of war / brush would not reveal Jhin to enemy champions.
Katarina Katarina
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Intermediate bot now has a keystone mastery.
Kindred Kindred
Kled Kled
  • Violent Tendencies Violent Tendencies
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where if Kled leveled up Violent Tendencies while auto attacking an enemy, his 4th hit would not deal bonus damage.
  • Chaaaaaaaarge!!! Chaaaaaaaarge!!!
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where using Chilling Chilling or Challenging Smite Challenging Smite would cause Chaaaaaaaarge!!! to re-route and extend the range of his charge.
LeBlanc LeBlanc
  • Shatter Orb Shatter Orb
    • Bounce bonus damage against minions increased to 80% from 40%.
      • Bounce base damage against minions increased to 44 / 72 / 100 / 128 / 156 from 22 / 36 / 50 / 64 / 78.
      • Bounce AP ratio against minions increased to 40% AP from 20% AP.
  • Distortion Distortion
    • Base damage reduced to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 from 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 / 225.
    • AP ratio reduced to 20% AP from 60% AP.
  • Mimic Distortion Mimic Distortion
    • Base damage reduced to 60 / 120 / 180 from 125 / 225 / 325.
    • AP ratio reduced to 30% AP from 50% AP.
Lucian Lucian
  • Piercing Light Piercing Light
    • Cast time changed to 0.4 − 0.25 (based on level) from 0.35.
    • Bug Fix: More reliably responds to commands issued immediately after Piercing Light's cast time.
  • Ardent Blaze Ardent Blaze
    • Cast time reduced to 0.25 from 0.3.
    • Bug Fix: More reliably responds to commands issued immediately after Ardent Blaze's cast time.
Master Yi Master Yi
  • Double Strike Double Strike
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where if it killed a champion, the second hit could hit nearby invisible champions.
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Second shot base damage reduced to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.
    • Second shot AD ratio reduced to 85% AD from 100% AD.
    • Second shot AP ratio reduced to 35% AP from 50% AP.
    • Removed: Second shot dealing 50% increased damage if the first one kills its target.
    • New Effect: The second shot can now Critical strike icon critically strike, dealing 100% increased damage, based on critical strike chance.
    • New Effect: If the second shot is a Critical strike icon critical strike, its bonus damage scales with bonus critical damage.
    • New Effect: The second shot, after the first successfully kills its target, is a guaranteed Critical strike icon critical strike.
Nocturne Nocturne
  • Unspeakable Horror Unspeakable Horror
    • New Effect: Added indicator (visible to Nocturne only) to show tether range.
  • Paranoia Paranoia
    • New Effect: Added pre and on-hit animations which sync with Paranoia's damage.
Orianna Orianna
  • Winter Wonder Orianna Winter Wonder Orianna
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where poros wouldn't have shadows during her recall animation.
Rengar Rengar
  • Stats
    • Base armor reduced to 22 from 25.88.
  • Battle Roar Battle Roar
    • Damage taken stored as Grey Health against monsters reduced to 75% from 100%.
Ryze Ryze
  • Rune Prison Rune Prison
    • Root duration reduced to 0.75 seconds from 1. Fluxed Fluxed target still rooted for 2 seconds.
  • Spell Flux Spell Flux
    • Cooldown increased to 3.25 / 3 / 2.75 / 2.5 / 2.25 seconds from 2.25 at all ranks.
Sion Sion
  • Decimating Smash Decimating Smash
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where casting it could remove spell shield effects from enemies behind him.
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where casting it right before an basic attack against a turret would cancel the basic attack.
Shyvana Shyvana
Sivir Sivir
  • Boomerang Blade Boomerang Blade
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it disappeared into the ground if thrown at a higher-elevation location.
Sona Sona
  • DJ Sona DJ Sona
    • Bug Fix: No longer stops moving after switching tracks.
Udyr Udyr
Varus Varus
  • Piercing Arrow Piercing Arrow
    • Maximum AD ratio reduced to 150% AD from 165% AD.
    • Cooldown increased to 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 seconds from 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8.
    • New Effect: Cooldown is now reduced by 4 − 1.75 (based on cooldown reduction) seconds if the arrow detonates Blight Blight stacks from at least one enemy champion.
  • Blighted Quiver Blighted Quiver
    • Undocumented: Tooltip now indicates maximum damage per stack against monsters.
Veigar Veigar
Yorick Yorick
Zac Zac
  • Pool Party Zac Pool Party Zac
    • Cell Division Cell Division
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where moving the camera away and back would cause a chunk of Cell Division to disappear.
Zyra Zyra
  • General
    • New Effect: New death animation.
  • Haunted Zyra Haunted Zyra
    • General
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where she wasn't able to use the champion mastery emote during death.
    • Thorn Spitter Thorn Spitter
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where enrage was barely visible on Thorn Spitters.
  • SKT T1 Zyra SKT T1 Zyra
    • Stranglethorns Stranglethorns
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where no on-ground particles would appear beneath Zyra when using Stranglethorns.


Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
  • Total cost reduced to 3300 Gold 3300 from 3400 Gold 3400.
    • Combine cost reduced to 800 Gold 800 from 900 Gold 900.
  • Attack damage increased to 40 from 25.
  • Attack speed reduced to 25% from 40%.
  • Life steal increased to 15% from 10%.
  • Active damage changed to 100 from 10% of target's maximum health.
  • Active damage type changed to magic from physical.
  • Removed: Active healing for 10% of target's maximum health.
  • On-hit minimum damage increased to 15 from 10.
Edge of Night Edge of Night
  • Active duration reduced to 5 seconds from 10.


Stoneborn Pact mastery 2017 Stoneborn Pact - Rework
  • Renamed to Stoneborn Pact from Bond of Stone.
  • New Effect: Grants 5% maximum health as bonus health.
  • New Effect: Your crowd control effects brand enemy champions with an Earthen Rune for 4 seconds. Other allied champions who attack branded enemies heal for 5 (+ 2.5% of your maximum health) over 2 seconds (halved to 2.5 (+ 1.25% of your maximum health) if you are ranged).
    • Earthen Rune can be applied by any source of movement impairing crowd control and has no internal cooldown.
    • 「 40% of the amount is healed 」「 Heals for 2 (+ 1% of your maximum health) 」 on-hit and 「 60% 」「 3 (+ 1.5% of your maximum health) 」 over 2 seconds. The on-hit component stacks and the heal over time's duration refreshes on-hit.[1]
  • Removed: Grants 4% reduced damage. In addition to that, 6% of the damage that allied champions would take from enemy champions is dealt to you instead (cafnnot reduce you below 5% health).
Deathfire Touch mastery 2016 Deathfire Touch
  • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 45% bonus AD from 60% bonus AD.
Warlord's Bloodlust mastery 2016 Warlord's Bloodlust - Rework
  • New Effect: Moving or attacking makes an attack Energized (like Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv). Energized attacks grant 1% − 50% (based on level) lifesteal and 30% movement speed for 0.75 seconds.
  • Removed: Basic attacks on enemy champions gain increasingly more life steal based on your missing health, granting up to 15% bonus life steal. The life steal against minions is 50% as effective for melee champions and 25% as effective for ranged champions, granting up to 7.5% and up to 3.75% bonus life steal respectively.

Summoner spells[]

Exhaust Exhaust
  • Removed: Reducing target's attack speed by 30%.
  • Removed: Reducing target's resistances by 10.

March 10th Hotfix[]

Aatrox Aatrox
  • Stats
    • Base health increased to 580 from 537.8.
  • Dark Flight Dark Flight
    • Cooldown reduced to 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11 seconds from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.
  • Blood Price Blood Price
    • Base damage increased to 45 / 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 from 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150.
Lucian Lucian
  • Piercing Light Piercing Light
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing the cooldown to be refunded if its primary target died during the cast time.
Sion Sion
  • Decimating Smash Decimating Smash
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused Sion to stand still for a brief moment after casting Decimating Smash.
Taliyah Taliyah
  • Threaded Volley Threaded Volley
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing Worked Ground visual indicator to last past the duration of the effect for enemies.
Varus Varus
  • Piercing Arrow Piercing Arrow
    • Bug Fix: Cooldown refund against Blighted Blighted targets now properly applies at Piercing Arrow's max distance.

