New Skins in the Store[]
The following skins have been added for April Fools:
- ( )
- ( )
- ( )
- ( )
- ( )
The following Summoner Icons have been added:
The following Ward Skins have been added:[]
- Post-Beta Updates
- Lobby members will now see Player Tooltips when hovering over Suggested Players
- New champion select music has been added for Summoner's Rift queues!
- Adjusted terrain detail in a number of locations.
- "Beta" has been removed from the Summoner's Rift map name in various queue/lobby locations.
- The animated victory/defeat screens have been deactivated while performance issue is resolved.
(Assets released in this patch, but aren't fully implemented on live servers except BR server)
- Each game you will be graded based on your performance versus all other players in your region that played based on the champion-position combination (i.e. supports will only be compared to other supports).
- The current grading system is D, C, B, A and S, with S being the best, with a - and + in each (e.g. B+ or A-).
- These grades are not persistent - it is possible to score A+ in one game and D in a subsequent game.
(Assets released in this patch, but aren't fully implemented on live servers except BR server)
- Your mastery of each champion is displayed beneath each champion portrait on your profile.
- Each game you finish of League of Legends will earn you mastery points on your played champion - earn enough points and your tier improves. Higher grades are worth more points, but the amount of mastery points is also based on team performance and party size (premade bonus).
- You require Summoner level 5 to start earning points.
- Rewards (per champion):
- 1 - Nothing
- 2 - Nothing
- 3 - Nothing
- 4 - Loading Screen Badge, Custom In-Game Emote, Customized In-Game Kill Announcements and Profile Banner.
- 5 - Loading Screen Badge, Custom In-Game Emote, Customized In-Game Kill Announcements and Profile Banner.
- There are assets for a tier 6 and tier 7, but they are not yet implemented.
- The in-game emote causes the champion to produce a mastery badge. Unlike other emotes it doesn't seem to interrupt anything. Default key binding: Ctrl + 6.
League of Legends V5.6[]
Ultra Rapid Fire[]
- Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing
A number of stats have been buffed significantly, and standard caps for some bonuses have been raised, including:
- Abilities: Mana and Energy costs are removed; , Fury and Flow generation doubled from all sources; and Health costs are reduced by 50%.
- Cooldown reduction: Automatically set at 80% for abilities, activated items, and summoner spells.
- Abilities with static cooldowns, such as
- The only exception to this are the revive passives of , and , which are set to a 60 seconds cooldown.
, , and the global cooldown on abilities, will not benefit from the 80% cooldown reduction bonus.
- Abilities with static cooldowns, such as
- Attack speed: Bonus attack speed is doubled ( × 1.5 for melee champions).
- Movement speed: +60 for all champions
- Tenacity: +25% for all champions
- Critical strike damage : +25% for all champions.
- Gold income: × 5 gain for all champions
- Also:
- This unit does tons of damage.
- No poros were harmed in the making of this game mode.
- It's Over 9000!
- All health pools and damage dealt are multiplied by 1000. In the HUD this will be shortened to K form.
- Removed Level Cap
Champions will continue to level-up beyond level 18.
- Level cap is now 30.
- The amount of experience required to level up continues to increase at the same rate.
- A champion's base stats will continue to increase at the same rate, but no other scaling is affected.
- No additional skill points are awarded.
- The exception of this is , who is able to take advantage of this and add skill points to giving it five skill points.
- Heal Embargo
In order to overcome the lustful thirst of blood greedy players, healing is tuned down from the beginning, but scales up to be nullified as the game progresses.
- All direct healing effects are 50% less effective at the beginning of the game, increasing by 1% every 30 second, up to 100% effective at 25 minutes.
- Shield Overload
In order to make more just at the eye of our Lord
, shields are tuned down to compensate the now spammable spell to which they belong.- Non-ultimate shield scaling ratios reduced by 50% (Except
- Undocumented exceptions
- A new model of Urf has appeared in the game files, along with several animations. It's worth noting that it's listed as a "particle Effect".
- Charge rate reduced to 30 seconds from 75 seconds.
- Cooldown between charges reduced to 10 seconds from 15 seconds.
- Texture Rebalance Part 9
- - Classic, Silver, Viridian, Unmasked, Battleborn and Judgement.
- - Classic, Traditional, Acolyte, Dragon Fist and Muay Thai.
- - Classic, Myrmidon, Ruthless, Perseus and Full Metal.
- - Classic, Rumble in the Jungle and Bilgerat.
- - Classic, Human, Tribal, Uncle, Triumphant, Professor, Zombie, Dark Crystal and Pirate.
- New Effect: Each enemy hit fills Blood Well by 20%
- Fixed a bug where Despair would not toggle off when Amumu ran out of mana.
- Passive AoE's magic damage changed to 20 / 30 / 40 from 35 at all ranks.
- General
- Recommended items updated.
- Base damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215.
- Cosmic Binding can no longer tether to unusual units such as , , , and Wards.
- Cooldown reduced to 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds from 26 / 24 / 22 / 20 / 18.
- Clicking on a Magical Journey's portal is now more forgiving.
- New Effect: Allies that go on a Magical Journey will grant Bard an assist on their kills for a short time afterwards.
- New Effect: Clones (such as those created by , , and ) can now be commanded to take a Magical Journey.
- Neutral Monsters will no longer have their health reset while under stasis.
- and now stack additively. Factoring this change, now grants ~12% less ability power late game.
- Stats
- Base movement speed reduced to 330 from 335.
- Projectile's speed increased to 1600 from 1450.
- New Effect: Elise can now right click while in the air to descend on a target in addition to pressing E again
- Spider Form's bonus movement speed increased to 25 from 10.
- Total movement speed increased to 355 from 345.
- Re-stealth time reduced to 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 (based on level) seconds from 6 at all ranks.
- New Passive: Dark Frenzy's cooldown reduced by 1 second per each spell Evelynn hits on an enemy champion, from granting movement speed for 3 seconds on-spell hit.
- Cooldown changed to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 12 at all ranks.
- Base damage reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.
- Stats
- Base health reduced to 510 from 560.
- Health growth increased to 83 from 80.
- Base health regen per 5 seconds reduced to 4.5 from 7.87.
- General.
- Autoattack frame improved.
- AP ratio reduced to (+ 60% AP) from (+ 65% AP).
- AP ratio reduced to (+ 90% AP) from (+ 97.5% AP).
- AP ratio reduced to (+ 60% AP) from (+ 65% AP).
- Fixed a bug where triggering with Final Spark didn't add AP ratio to the detonation.
- Cooldown reduced to 150 / 125 / 100 seconds from 180 / 140 / 100.
- New Effect: Now resets Quinn's autoattack timer upon landing.
- Fixed a bug where was occasionally not applied by Vault.
- Fixed an issue where Vault could sometimes move Quinn out of her attack range when casted on close-range targets.
- Vaulting off of an enemy to pass through terrain is now easier.
- Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.
- Base damage increased to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120.
- On-hit effect's base damage reduced to (+ 4 / 5.5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10% of target's max. health) from (+ 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% of target's max. health).
- Slow percentage reduced to 30% from 90%.
- Base damage reduced to 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.
- Now deals bonus damage equal to (+ 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target's max. health) (Max. 300 bonus damage against minions and monsters).
- Damage to monsters reduced to 80% from 90%.
- Bonus damage dealt by the projectile unit reduced to 30% from 50%.
- Total damage dealt to secondary targets reduced to 91 / 136.5 / 182 / 227.5 / 273 (+ 52% AP) from 105 / 157.5 / 210 / 262.5 / 315 (+ 60% AP).
- Bonus damage dealt by the projectile unit reduced to 30% from 50%.
- General
- New ability icons.
- Easter Egg
- Using while being affected by or will grant Twisted Fate the cosmetic debuff "Destiny, Interrupted: Betting blind. Literally".
- Damage per second changed to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (based on level) from 1 − 6 (based on level).
- Bonus mana regen increased to +1.5% per 1% of mana missing from +1%.
- Range increased to 950 from 900.
- New Effect: Will now knockdown enemies who attempt to dash through the wall. This did not make it last patch due to a bug.
- Vel'Koz can now cancel his ultimate by taking .
- Empowered basic attack now uses Yorick's critical strike animation.
- New Effect: The empowered autoattack gains 50 bonus attack range (Total range 175).
- Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
- Stats
- Health growth increased to 77 from 71.
- Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
- AP ratio increased to (+ 90% AP) from (+ 80% AP).
- Mana cost changed to 35 from 50 at all ranks.
- Cooldown reduced to 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 seconds from 18 / 15 / 12 / 9 / 6.
- Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.
- Mana regen increased to 100% from 50%.
- Unique Passive now restores 30% of maximum mana on kill/assist from 15%.
- Removed from the Crystal Scar and the Twisted Treeline.
- Combined cost increased to 990 from 850.
- Total cost reduced to 2200 from 2210.
- Recipe changed to + + .
- Fixed a bug where the user wouldn't get the active movement speed running towards turrets and capture points.
Summoner's Rift[]
- Base Gate
- New Effect: You can now summon pets, structures, and minions in your team's Base Gates (i.e. , , ).
- Jungle Experience
- New Effect: Experience earned increases by 0 / 3 / 6 / 10 (based on level)%.
- Vision radius reduced to 525 from 1350.