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League of Legends Wiki

New Cosmetics in the Store[]

The follow Champion skins have been added to the store:

The following Summoner icons have been added to the store:

League of Legends V5.19[]


Championship Emblems
  • There are in-game emblems for the Championship 2015 teams, visually similar to the Mastery Emotes. These currently cannot be triggered.
  • There is now an option to mirror the left half of the scoreboard (i.e. all portraits in the middle).
  • There is now an option to put allied champion frames on the left of the screen, instead of over the minimap.
  • There is now an option to show/hide summoner names on the scoreboard.


Summoner's Rift
  • Jungle Patience (previously "Leashing") - Rift Scuttler, who is non-aggressive, and epic monsters are excluded from the following changes.
    • A monster's "patience" is now displayed as a bar above their health bar that depletes as you perform an abusive action, so long as you continue to perform it. If a monster's patience is reduced to 0, it will hard reset - which causes the monster to return to its idle location and ignore attempts to re-aggro until it has healed to at least 90% of its maximum health (testing value).
    • Abusive Actions:
      • If the monster's current target is far out of the monster's camp and there are no other valid targets around.
      • If the monster has to switch targets.
      • If the monster is too far away from its camp - which is now determined by walking distance as well as a radius from their spawn.
  • Gromp Gromp
    • Attack range reduced to 250 from 550.
  • Greater Murk Wolf Greater Murk Wolf
    • Attack range reduced to 125 from 175.


New Short Bio
Azir Azir
  • Slight texture upgrade to Sun Discs.
Kindred Kindred
  • New champion.
Garen Garen
  • Judgment Judgment / Demacian Justice Demacian Justice
    • Fixed a bug where Judgment was dealing 1% of Garen's maximum health instead of his villainous target's maximum health.
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
Shen Shen
  • Shadow Dash Shadow Dash
    • Fixed a bug that caused taunted enemies to not deal reduced damage to Shen.
Zac Zac


Sated Devourer Sated Devourer
  • Ranged champions now trigger the effect on every fourth attack, instead of every 2nd.
  • Fixed a bug where the Phantom Hit passive was retained even if the item was sold.


  • Greater Mark of Attack Damage cost reduced to 102 IP 102 from 205 IP 205.
  • Greater Mark of Magic Penetration cost reduced to 205 IP 205 from 410 IP 410.
  • Greater Seal of Armor cost reduced to 102 IP 102 from 205 IP 205.
  • Greater Glyph of Magic Resist cost reduced to 102 IP 102 from 205 IP 205.
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage cost reduced to 512 IP 512 from 1025 IP 1025.
  • Greater Quintessence of Ability Power cost reduced to 512 IP 512 from 1025 IP 1025.

